Around The Web

RFS Market: RIN prices climb amid missed EPA deadline, few sellers

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2020-12-03 01:59
US biofuel credit (RIN) values rose this week as the EPA missed a statutory cut-off date to finalise next year’s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) quotas, while a lack of sellers also pushed biodiesel-based credit prices to a three-year high.
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Britons urged not to spurn large Christmas turkeys amid Covid slump

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-12-03 01:42

Campaign demonstrates butchery skills amid fears glut will go to waste due to smaller gatherings

Consumers are being urged to buy large turkeys – suffering a slump in demand due to smaller festive gatherings – in order to avoid a glut of Christmas birds going to waste.

Research from the Too Good to Go national food waste app reveals 30% of Britons are planning to buy a smaller turkey than normal, with two-thirds opting for compact and easy-to-carve turkey crowns for their Christmas table. Only 17% of shoppers are planning to buy larger birds, the research found, raising fears that many fresh ones could remain unsold or be needlessly wasted.

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China's Chang'e-5 Moon mission returns colour pictures

BBC - Thu, 2020-12-03 01:16
The robotic Chang'e-5 probe starts work to gather lunar samples it can send to Earth for study.
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UN secretary general: humanity faces climate 'suicide' without US rejoining Paris agreement

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-12-03 01:00

Joining China and other big polluters, Biden’s pledge of ‘net zero’ emissions by 2050 brings the Paris agreement goals ‘within reach’

This article originally appeared in the Nation and is republished here as part of Covering Climate Now, a global consortium of news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story. The Guardian is the lead partner in CCN.

“The way we are moving is a suicide,” United Nations secretary general António Guterres said in an interview on Monday, and humanity’s survival will be “impossible” without the United States rejoining the Paris agreement and achieving “net zero” carbon emissions by 2050, as the incoming Biden administration has pledged.

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Humanity is waging war on nature, says UN secretary general

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-12-03 00:24

António Guterres lists human-inflicted wounds on natural world in stark message

Humanity is facing a new war, unprecedented in history, the secretary general of the UN has warned, which is in danger of destroying our future before we have fully understood the risk.

The stark message from António Guterres follows a year of global upheaval, with the coronavirus pandemic causing governments to shut down whole countries for months at a time, while wildfires, hurricanes and powerful storms have scarred the globe.

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World is ‘doubling down’ on fossil fuels despite climate crisis – UN report

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-12-03 00:00

Production must fall by 6% a year to avoid ‘severe climate disruption’ but Covid-19 funding is supporting increases

The world’s governments are “doubling down” on fossil fuels despite the urgent need for cuts in carbon emissions to tackle the climate crisis, a report by the UN and partners has found.

The researchers say production of coal, oil and gas must fall by 6% a year until 2030 to keep global heating under the 1.5C target agreed in the Paris accord and avoid “severe climate disruption”. But nations are planning production increases of 2% a year and G20 countries are giving 50% more coronavirus recovery funding to fossil fuels than to clean energy.

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DeepMind co-founder: Gaming inspired AI breakthrough

BBC - Wed, 2020-12-02 23:26
The discovery is expected to advance medical research in treating disease.
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Green hydrogen or green-wash? Industry-led scheme to guarantee origin of supply

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-12-02 23:03

Industry bodies seek scheme to guarantee provenance of green hydrogen produced in Australia and prevent "green-washing" in the booming new industry.

The post Green hydrogen or green-wash? Industry-led scheme to guarantee origin of supply appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Great Barrier Reef outlook 'critical' as climate change called number one threat to world heritage

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-12-02 23:01

The outlook for Australian sites including the Blue Mountains and the Gondwana rainforests has deteriorated, report says

The outlook for five Australian world heritage sites including the Great Barrier Reef, the Blue Mountains and the Gondwana rainforests, has deteriorated, according to a global report that finds climate change is now the number one threat to the planet’s natural world heritage.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature, the official advisory body on nature to the Unesco world heritage committee, has found in its world heritage outlook that climate change threatens a third of the world’s natural heritage sites. The outlook has been published every three years since 2014.

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Climate change: 2020 set to be one of the three warmest years on record

BBC - Wed, 2020-12-02 23:00
Provisional figures indicate that 2020 will be one of the hottest in a record dating back to 1850.
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China’s Hubei to auction 3 mln CO2 permits

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-12-02 22:13
Hubei province will auction off 3 million carbon allowances over two sales on Dec. 9 and 11, with the biggest restricted to ETS-regulated entities that have emitted more than their annual free allocation.
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A68a: World's biggest iceberg is fraying at the edges

BBC - Wed, 2020-12-02 22:04
High resolution imagery shows ocean waves are taking their toll on the giant ice block called A68a.
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Sales Managers, International Carbon Market, Enking International – New York/London/Sydney

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-12-02 21:55
EKI (Enking International) Energy Services Ltd is looking for 3 Sales Managers for the International Carbon Market, located in New York (USA), London (UK), and Sydney (Australia).
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‘Not a good time’ for carbon pricing mechanism in Japan -MP

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-12-02 20:58
Japan is considering a carbon pricing mechanism, but will not propose one ahead of the general election next October, a ruling party lawmaker said Wednesday.
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NZ Market: NZUs hit NZ$36 as market continues slow march into unchartered territory

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-12-02 18:47
New Zealand carbon allowances rose to a fresh record high on Wednesday after a two-week pause as the market remains bullish on long-term trends.
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Wanted: UK site for prototype nuclear fusion power plant

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-12-02 17:00

Communities are being asked to bid to host the plant, which a state-backed project plans to build by 2040

Communities in the UK are being asked to bid to host a prototype nuclear fusion power plant, which a government-backed programme plans to build by 2040.

The site does not need to be near existing nuclear power stations but will need 100 hectares of land and a plentiful water supply. Ministers say the project would bring thousands of skilled jobs and be part of its planned “green industrial revolution” to tackle the climate crisis.

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“I spent more than that, and I’m not BP”: Cannon-Brookes challenges oil major to do more

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-12-02 16:52

Mike Cannon Brookes - Smart Energy Summit - optimisedCannon-Brookes issues challenge to BP to invest more in clean energy, saying he was personally investing more than the oil and gas giant.

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Australian researchers find 81-year-old snapper, oldest known tropical reef fish

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-12-02 16:23

The midnight snapper caught at Rowley Shoals off Western Australia is 20 years older than the previous record holder

When it was born, the second world war was several years away, none of the Beatles were alive and there were about five billion fewer people above the waves than today.

An unnamed 81-year-old midnight snapper, caught by the Australian Institute of Marine Science in 2016, has been revealed as the oldest tropical reef fish known to science.

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Humans waging 'suicidal war' on nature - UN chief Antonio Guterres

BBC - Wed, 2020-12-02 15:05
Secretary General Antonio Guterres says our "war" on the natural world will come back to haunt us.
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Global sustainable fishing initiative agreed by 14 countries

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-12-02 15:01

Governments to reduce pollution in oceans and end subsidies that contribute to overfishing

Governments responsible for 40% of the world’s coastlines have pledged to end overfishing, restore dwindling fish populations and stop the flow of plastic pollution into the seas in the next 10 years.

The leaders of the 14 countries set out a series of commitments on Wednesday that mark the world’s biggest ocean sustainability initiative, in the absence of a fully fledged UN treaty on marine life.

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