Around The Web

EU Market: EUAs soar to two-month high on auction delay news

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2020-11-19 00:43
EUAs leapt more than 5% to a two-month high on Wednesday on news that the start of the 2021 auctions would be delayed.
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What does Boris Johnson's Green plan mean for Scotland?

BBC - Thu, 2020-11-19 00:03
The PM's plan will need to look heavily to Scotland for both the natural and the technical fixes.
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South Georgia whaling: Antarctic art marks a dark past

BBC - Wed, 2020-11-18 23:47
Michael Visocchi's work memorialises the many animals killed by the whale hunters of South Georgia.
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Switzerland signs second carbon offset deal with Ghana

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-18 23:41
Switzerland has agreed a bilateral deal with Ghana to purchase carbon offsets under the Paris Agreement’s Article 6, in the second such agreement announced by the European nation in as many months.
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ARENA backs mini wind turbines to power off-grid communications

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-18 23:01

Australian designed mini wind turbines set to deliver power to off-grid telecommunications systems, receives ARENA backing.

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How electric cars are charged and how far they go: your questions answered

BBC - Wed, 2020-11-18 22:04
We answer your top questions on electric cars - on charging, on range and on battery life.
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Laugh if you want, but the 'McPlant' burger is a step to a greener world | Adrienne Matei

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-18 21:29

McDonald’s sells 75 burgers every second. Its embrace of plant-based meat alternatives could make a real difference

When McDonald’s announced its plan to launch a plant-based burger earlier this month, Twitter users were quick to mock the product’s unimaginative name: the … McPlant.

But no matter what you think of the fast food chain’s marketing department, the McPlant actually represents a meaningful milestone for plant-based protein products. This is a real step toward a greener world. While other chains, such as Burger King and Dunkin’ Donuts, have already launched plant-based meat items, the impact of the planet’s most popular fast food chain – which sells a dizzying 75 burgers every second – could be decisive in allowing plant-based meat alternatives to catch on in the mainstream.

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CO2 removals will not be included in EU carbon market -senior official

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-11-18 21:10
The EU is not planning to include carbon removals certificates in the EU ETS, a European Commission senior official clarified on Wednesday as its climate department works on designing its first system to certify removals.
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UK climate plan: What do the terms mean?

BBC - Wed, 2020-11-18 21:10
Ahead of a UK plan to reach "net zero", we guide you through some of the key terms in climate change.
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'Dire outlook': scientists say Florida reefs have lost nearly 98% of coral

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-18 20:00

While overall US coral reefs are in fair condition, along the coast of Florida as little as 2% of original coral cover remains

The United States’ coral reefs are in fair condition, according to a recent reef condition status report, but vulnerable to decline. Scientists estimate that along the coast of Florida, where degradation is most severe, perhaps as little as 2% of original coral cover remains.

The report, released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (Noaa) and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science last week, assesses reefs along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, from the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico to Guam, Hawaii and American Samoa. It is the first of its kind to do so using standardized monitoring data on a national scale. Analyzing records from 2012 to 2018, researchers identify ocean warming and acidification, coral disease and fishing as ongoing threats to coral reefs, indicating a “dire outlook” for these ecosystems.

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Meeting agrees plan to make shipping greener

BBC - Wed, 2020-11-18 18:26
Delegates agree on guidelines to align the industry with the Paris climate change treaty.
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UK ban on new fossil fuel vehicles by 2030 'not enough' to hit climate targets

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-18 18:00

Thinktank says deadline of 2026 is needed for government to meet its own carbon budget

The prime minister’s plan to bring forward a ban on the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles by 10 years to 2030 will still not go far enough to meet the government’s own legally binding climate targets, according to new research.

Boris Johnson is expected to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles by setting out a new deadline for the sales of polluting passenger cars as part of a 10-point plan to tackle the climate crisis due to be revealed this week.

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Invitation to comment on the listing assessments for three frog species (Booroolong Frog, Spotted Tree Frog, Giant Burrowing Frog)

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2020-11-18 16:46
The Threatened Species Scientific Committee is seeking comments on a proposal to list 3 species of frogs. Consultation closes on 22 January 2021.
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Predator-proof fence: 10km barrier to be built across Wilsons Promontory to protect native wildlife

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-11-18 16:35

Foxes deer and cats to be blocked from 50,000ha park in Victoria, turning it into a ‘wildlife haven’

A 10km fence to keep out foxes, deers and cats will be built across the Yanakie isthmus on Victoria’s Wilsons Promontory to create a 50,000-hectare native wildlife sanctuary.

The $6m fence is designed to protect vulnerable species including ground parrots, the southern brown bandicoot and long-nosed potoroo in the national park, south-east of Melbourne.

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Snippets from the scientists

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2020-11-18 15:39
Science improves our understanding of how plants and animals respond to water for the environment and informs how we deliver flows to best support them. Recent highlights from Flow-MER scientists are now available.
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Snowy could burn through taxpayer funds to build gas generator, IEEFA says

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-18 14:23

New IEEFA analysis says Snowy Hydro would need an injection of extra taxpayer funds to build Morrison's gas generator, or face falling into 'junk' status.

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We found a huge flaw in Australia’s environment laws. Wetlands and woodlands will pay the price

The Conversation - Wed, 2020-11-18 13:58
There are 85 'threatened ecological communities' listed under Australian environment law. But unrealistic criteria means they're not adequately protected. Manu Saunders, Lecturer, University of New England Deborah Bower, Lecturer in Ecosystem Rehabilitation, University of New England John Thomas Hunter, Adjunct Associate Professor in Landscape Ecology, University of New England Sarah Mika, Senior research fellow, University of New England Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Energy Insiders Podcast: Matt Kean and the NSW energy transition

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-18 13:49

investors matt matthew kean NSW energy minister clean energy summit IGCC investors - optimisedNSW energy minister Matt Kean explains why the state is fast-tracking plans to transition from coal to renewables. Plus: Australia’s newest big battery, and very big green hydrogen plans.

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Decmil lands contract for 218MW Ryan Corner wind farm in Victoria

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-18 13:31

crookwell stage 3 wind Countryside landscape and wind farm - optimisedGPG's 218MW Ryan Corner wind farm set for construction in Victoria after contract for the job awarded to a joint venture between Decmil and RJE Global.

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ACT drivers to access free rego and zero interest loans for electric cars

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-11-18 12:55

 IkeaACT drivers can soon access zero interest loans and free registration for buying an EV, a stark contrast to approaches being considered by other states.

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