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CORRELATIONS: EU carbon moves continue to mimic power while oil, stocks links dissipate

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2020-10-22 05:39
EU carbon prices have maintained their close correlation to German power in recent weeks, while weakening the somewhat tight relationship to crude oil and US stocks observed earlier this year.
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Secrets of the 'uncrushable' beetle revealed

BBC - Thu, 2020-10-22 04:55
How a tiny insect with super-tough body armour can survive being stamped on or run over by a car.
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US needs more besides carbon pricing to spur GHG cuts -report

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2020-10-22 04:11
The US will need complementary policies to drive long term deep decarbonisation because a federal carbon tax over the next decade would concentrate near-term emissions cuts within the electricity sector, according to a report published Tuesday.
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Electric cars 'as cheap to manufacture' as regular models by 2024

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-10-22 04:04

Analysis by UBS suggests shift away from fossil fuel vehicles may be imminent

Electric cars will cost the same to make as conventional cars, with internal combustion engines, by 2024 and an acceleration in the shift away from fossil fuel vehicles may be imminent, according to new research.

The extra cost of manufacturing battery electric cars versus their fossil fuel equivalents will diminish to just $1,900 (£1,470) per car by 2022, and disappear completely by 2024, according to research by the investment bank UBS. The research is based on detailed analysis of batteries from the seven largest manufacturers.

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BP's greener vision has failed to excite shareholders

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-10-22 03:56

The oil firm’s tumbling share price shows investors need more than a loose assertion of confidence

Here’s a sight that hasn’t been seen since 1994: shares in BP priced at less than 200p. The stock, 480p at the start of this year before the Covid recession hammered the oil price, closed on Wednesday at 199.96p.

Even as recently as August, a sub-£2 moment seemed unlikely. That was when the new-ish chief executive, Bernard Looney, pitched to investors his plan to make BP a net zero carbon company by 2050. The rejig seemed to go down well. Despite the inevitable cut in the dividend, BP’s shares were briefly steady at 300p. There was talk about the company acting just in time to save itself from oblivion.

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Climate change: 'Cooling paint' could cut emissions from buildings

BBC - Thu, 2020-10-22 01:11
Researchers have developed a white paint that reflects sunlight and helps cool buildings.
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Queensland farmers to be paid “reef credits” to reduce coral-killing pollutants

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2020-10-22 01:01

Beautiful Heart Reef in the Great Barrier Reef Australia - optimisedHSBC and the Queensland Government become the first buyers of 'reef credits', under a new scheme to limit pollution flowing into the Great Barrier Reef.

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Scientists reveal how diabolical ironclad beetle can bear huge weights

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-10-22 01:00

Interlocking exoskeleton could provide inspiration for new methods of joining materials

It can survive being run over by a car, pecked by predators and crushed underfoot. Now researchers have revealed the secrets behind the near-indestructibility of the diabolical ironclad beetle.

Found in wooded areas of the US west coast, the beetle is about 2cm in length. Like some other species of flightless beetle, its wing covers, known as elytra, are not only hardened, but fused together. The upshot is a gnarly black armour that protects it from being crushed.

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Greta Thunberg accuses MEPs of 'surrender on climate and environment'

The Guardian - Thu, 2020-10-22 00:19

European parliament votes to continue payments to farmers with no green conditions attached

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish school strike pioneer and environmental activist, has accused MEPs of surrendering on the climate and environment by voting in favour of a watered-down reform of the EU’s common agricultural policy.

The European parliament voted late on Wednesday in favour of proposals put forward by the main political groups that will continue 60% of the current direct payments to farmers with weak or non-existent green conditions attached.

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Anglo American sued over alleged mass lead poisoning of children in Zambia

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-10-21 23:24

Lawsuit claims mining firm failed to prevent pollution in Kabwe, affecting multiple generations

A class action lawsuit has been filed against the mining company Anglo American over its alleged failure to prevent widespread toxic lead pollution in the Zambian town of Kabwe. The town hosted one of the world’s biggest lead mines for many decades and scientists have reported “alarming” levels of lead in people’s blood.

“The public environmental health disaster left behind by Anglo means there are more than 100,000 children and women of childbearing age in Kabwe who are likely to have suffered lead poisoning as a result of pollution caused by Anglo,” according to the filed legal documents.

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Battery storage revenues fall as Hornsdale takes time off to expand

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-10-21 23:10

Battery storage revenue falls to its lowest levels in nearly two years as Hornsdale takes a break to boost its capacity, and FCAS and energy arbitrage earnings fall.

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Negative prices: South Australia solar farms had to pay to produce in September

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-10-21 23:04

Bungala solar farmSouth Australia's solar farms paid to produce in September with an average price of nearly minus $10/MWh, while grid constraints also hit hard in Queensland.

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Solar and Covid lead change as grid demand, prices and emissions tumble to record lows

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2020-10-21 23:03

rooftop solarRooftop solar, Covid and more large scale renewables push Australia's main grid to record low levels of demand and emissions intensity, and the lowest prices in years.

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Satellites picture methane across the globe

BBC - Wed, 2020-10-21 22:30
The GHGSat company releases a tool to show how methane varies in the atmosphere across the world.
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EU Midday Market Update

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2020-10-21 21:50
EUAs tumbled more than a euro on Wednesday as a weak clearance in Poland’s bumper auction followed by technical selling pushed carbon below another key support to continue this week's sell-off.
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Plans for £3.5bn theme park on Kent marsh dismay conservationists

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-10-21 20:27

London Resort planned for Swanscombe Peninsula despite site being home to rare species such as distinguished jumping spider

It is the unlikeliest of planning battles: a fight between the distinguished jumping spider and a rollercoaster judged to be “nationally significant infrastructure”.

Ambitious £3.5bn plans for the biggest theme park in Britain beside the Thames threaten what conservationists say is the best site in the country for rare invertebrates.

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London the worst city in Europe for health costs from air pollution

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-10-21 16:00

Study measured financial impact of car emissions on deaths, health and lost working days in 432 urban areas

The health costs of air pollution from roads are higher in London than any other city in Europe, a study has found.

Two other urban areas in the UK, Manchester and the West Midlands, have the 15th and 19th highest costs respectively among the 432 European cities analysed.

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Sir David Attenborough polar research ship set to begin sea trials

BBC - Wed, 2020-10-21 15:49
Four years in the making, Britain's new £200m polar ship is leaving the builder's yard for testing.
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Australian outback cattle station to house world's largest solar farm, powering Singapore

The Guardian - Wed, 2020-10-21 15:21

Electricity from $20bn farm on 10,000 sq km property in Newcastle Waters also planned to feed Northern Territory’s power grid

A cattle station halfway between Alice Springs and Darwin is set to house the world’s largest solar farm, with energy generated from the project to ultimately power Singapore.

Newcastle Waters, where casino mogul James Packer worked as a jackaroo for a year when his father, Kerry, owned the 10,000 sq km property, has been earmarked for the $20bn solar farm, according to the company responsible for the project, Sun Cable.

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Long Covid: Who is more likely to get it?

BBC - Wed, 2020-10-21 14:30
A study suggests old age increases the risk, as does asthma, excess weight, and being female.
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