Around The Web

How to weigh a whale without a scale

BBC - Wed, 2019-10-02 09:06
Drones can be used to work out the body mass of the largest animals on the planet, helping in their conservation.
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The Himalayan village that confiscates single-use plastics

BBC - Wed, 2019-10-02 09:01
This tiny Himalayan village has shunned single-use plastics – the impact is too serious for them.
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Tsunamis linked to spread of deadly fungal disease

BBC - Wed, 2019-10-02 09:00
A huge earthquake off Alaska in the 1960s caused tsunamis that scientists say washed a tropical fungus ashore.
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California sets November meeting to adopt LCFS price cap, borrowed credits mechanism

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 08:57
California regulator ARB will hold a meeting on Nov. 21 to consider amendments to install a price cap and a borrowed credits mechanism in the state’s low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) in response to concerns about cost containment.
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Scientists estimate Earth's total carbon store

BBC - Wed, 2019-10-02 07:50
There are 1.85 billion, billion tonnes of carbon on Earth, nearly all of it held beneath the surface.
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EZ does it: Declining CO2 price trajectory necessary to counter climate uncertainty -study

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 07:47
Carbon prices should start high and decline over time to combat the environmental and economic cost of long-term inaction, a change in approach from conventional approaches, according to research published Tuesday.
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Brussels prepares to take fresh look at carbon border measures

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 07:42
EU lawmakers are prepared to examine with fresh eyes whether to deploy the carbon border measures they once rejected, as the bloc’s higher carbon prices and the ongoing global trade conflict raise the stakes.
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Mexico makes few changes in final regulation for pilot carbon market

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 07:06
The Mexican environment ministry (SEMARNAT) published a largely unchanged final regulation for its pilot cap-and-trade programme on Tuesday, with the agency yet to determine the market’s annual CO2 caps and free allowance totals for the Jan. 2020 start date.
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Feeling flight shame? Try quitting air travel and catch a sail boat

The Conversation - Wed, 2019-10-02 06:03
Carbon emissions from international air travel show no sign of abating. In the absence of a tax on jet fuel, are sail boats the best way to travel the world sustainably? Christiaan De Beukelaer, Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Climate explained: what each of us can do to reduce our carbon footprint

The Conversation - Wed, 2019-10-02 06:03
Individual actions to reduce emissions are important in two ways. First, they have an immediate impact, and secondly, adopting low-carbon life choices sends a clear message to political leaders. Nick Golledge, Associate Professor of Glaciology, Victoria University of Wellington Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Emitter interest in German EUA auctions remains high in August

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 04:48
German emitters maintained solid interest in the country's EUA auctions in August, buying up three quarters of the supply on offer, a government report shows.
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TCI jurisdictions targeting spring 2020 cut-off for ETS participation

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 04:43
The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is aiming for member jurisdictions to commit by spring 2020 to develop a regional cap-and-invest programme for the US Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region, while planning to auction off nearly all carbon allowances in the future ETS.
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How worried should we be about microplastics?

The Guardian - Wed, 2019-10-02 04:00

Plastic is everywhere – in our food, air, water and oceans. But do we know enough to determine how harmful it is to our health?

If you enjoy a spot of food, like to breathe air and partake in the occasional drink of water (tap or bottled), then you’re almost certainly an unwitting consumer of microplastics.

People who use triangular nylon tea bags are the latest group to be shocked at their exposure to plastics. According to one study, they could be getting about 11bn or so particles of plastic with their Earl Grey or breakfast tea.

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NSW considers laws to stop courts and planners blocking coalmines on climate grounds

The Guardian - Wed, 2019-10-02 04:00

Move comes after Minerals Council attacked planning decisions that cited carbon emissions as a reason for rejecting or imposing conditions on a mine

The New South Wales government is considering legislation that could limit the ability for planning authorities to rule out coalmines projects based on the climate change impact of emissions from the coal once it is burned.

It comes after a campaign from the NSW Minerals Council over decisions that have referenced the impact of “scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions” as a reason for either rejecting a mining project entirely or for imposing conditions on it.

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World's largest wind turbines to be built off Yorkshire coast

The Guardian - Wed, 2019-10-02 02:51

Biggest offshore windfarm in North Sea will generate electricity for 4.5m homes

The largest offshore wind turbines ever built will begin powering millions of British homes using blades more than 100 metres long by the early 2020s.

Each of the new mega-turbines planned for the world’s biggest offshore windfarm at Dogger Bank in the North Sea will reach 220 metres high and generate enough electricity for 16,000 homes.

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Air France to offset all domestic flight emissions from 2020

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 01:59
Air France will from next year offset the emissions from all of its nearly 500 daily domestic flights, the airline’s CEO announced late Monday.
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ANALYSIS: California offset demand weakens as allowance prices dip

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2019-10-02 01:21
California Carbon Offset (CCO) demand has retraced on the secondary market following the slide in WCI allowance prices after the May auction, removing some incentives for compliance entities to procure credits early.
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EU Midday Market Brief

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2019-10-01 22:55
European carbon prices dropped to a new four-month low early on Tuesday on carry-through selling, though buyers helped prevent further losses by pushing EUAs back up to the technical levels breached yesterday.
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Island reveals rising tide of plastic waste

BBC - Tue, 2019-10-01 22:43
A remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean reveals the scale of the problem of plastic waste facing our seas.
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China flags tough coal power standards in draft ETS allocation plan

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2019-10-01 22:20
China has released a draft allocation plan for its power sector emissions trading scheme trial run, proposing strict efficiency levels for coal-fired power plants that analysts say would force changes at old, inefficient plants despite the lack of an overall CO2 cap for the market.
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