Around The Web
Program Officers/Senior Program Officers, Verra – Washington, DC
Manager, Program Operations, Verra – Washington, DC
Program Officer, Verra – Washington, DC
Project Manager, Climate Strategies – London
Charity calls for court to livestream Heathrow third runway challenge
Streaming case online will raise awareness of climate change, barrister argues
A high court challenge to the government’s controversial plan for a third runway at Heathrow could be opened up to a mass audience through livestreaming for the first time if judges accept a legal argument.
Although the supreme court has transmitted its hearings since 2009, photography and recording of court proceedings elsewhere are strictly controlled by the Crime and Courts Act 2013, which only permits cases in the court of appeal to be broadcast.
Continue reading...Managing Director, Forest & Finance Transparency, Climate Advisers – Washington, DC
Chief Economist, Global Natural Resources, Climate Advisers – Washington, DC
Grants and Development Manager, Climate Advisers – Washington, DC
Director, Capital Markets and Sustainability Analysis, Climate Advisers – Washington, DC
Animals and birds under increasing threat from plastic waste
Water birds and marine animals particularly at risk, according to new RSPCA findings
Wildlife and pets are under increasing threat from plastic waste and litter, according to new data from the RSPCA, which shows the number of incidents of animals hurt by plastic litter has risen sharply on previous years.
Plastic litter led to 579 cases of damage to wildlife or pets that were reported to the animal charity in England and Wales in 2018, up from 473 in 2015. That rise came against a background of falling damage to animals from other forms of litter, down from 4,968 reported incidents in 2015 to 4,579 last year.
Continue reading...Murray-Darling report shows public authorities must take climate change risk seriously
Tesla Model Y could see double demand of Model 3: Musk
Elon Musk predicts Tesla's upcoming all-electric SUV, the Model Y, could be twice as popular as its current best-selling electric sedan.
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Solar powered batteries on wheels will change the grid forever
Tritium co-founder says the mobile battery storage in electric vehicles will have a major impact on the way consumers use electricity, and the grid.
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Indonesia’s Terregra to build another 5MW solar farm in South Australia
Indonesia's Terregra Renewables has announced plans to build a second 5MW solar farm in South Australia.
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Energy efficient homes could save households $1,000-plus a year on bills
Government mandated energy efficiency standards could deliver more than $1000 a year in electricity bill savings for average Australian households, a new report has found.
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State by state – solar records fell across Australia in 2018
There has never been a sustained boom of this magnitude occurring concurrently in every major state.
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Know your NEM: Gas and hydro creamed the market as brown coal failed
Gas and hydro plants were the big beneficiaries as the unreliability of brown coal generation hit home in the January heatwave.
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W.A. unveils plan to lead global lithium-ion battery boom
Western Australia government launches plan to unlock lithium-ion battery value chain, including vast reserves of lithium and other high value metals.
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South Australia’s second big solar farm gets generation licence, to start production
Vena gets generation licence for the second big solar farm in South Australia, with commissioning to begin in a few weeks.
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