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EU Market: Carbon adds 5%, nears €22 in supply-starved session
UK summer 'wind drought' puts green revolution into reverse
Windfarms fall short in heatwave, but 2018 was still UK’s second greenest summer
Britain’s long heatwave threw the country’s green energy revolution into reverse and pushed up carbon emissions this summer, leading experts to stress the need for a diverse energy mix.
The summer of 2017 was lauded as the “greenest ever” for electricity generation, thanks to a growing number of windfarms and solar installations edging out coal and gas power stations.
Continue reading...Australia seeks to breathe life into dormant aviation offset programme
Trump’s Dirty Power Plan is much worse for kids’ health than for climate change | Dana Nuccitelli
Some of the reporting of the climate impacts of the Dirty Power Plan has been inaccurate
Last October, then-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced that the agency would repeal the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. But because the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that carbon dioxide is an air pollutant and the Obama EPA correctly concluded that it poses a threat to public welfare via climate change, the EPA is legally obligated to do something to address that threat. That meant they needed a replacement plan.
Last week, the Trump EPA unveiled that plan and inaccurately named it the ‘Affordable Clean Energy Rule.’ The rule basically just extends the life of some dirty coal power plants and encourages them to run a bit more efficiently. The rule’s costs in worsening public health far exceed its monetary benefits. It would more accurately be named the ‘Expensive Dirty Power Plan.’
Continue reading...Australia’s Cabinet appointments confirm business-as-usual on climate policy
The Rio Grande Valley runs out of water
Why buy what comes for free?
Prime Minister Scott Morrison pledges focus on drought
Uprooted: old tree transplants for China's new cities – in pictures
China is reconstructing nature alongside rapid urbanisation. Yan Wang Preston photographed the uprooted trees that have been moved to new cities
Continue reading...Carbon and Energy Auditor, Pangolin Associates – Sydney
Senior Policy Analyst – Climate Change, NZ Ministry for the Environment – Wellington
Amid blackout scare stories, remember that a grid without power cuts is impossible... and expensive
Infigen signs PPA with Kiata wind farm in play for Victoria C&I market
ASX-listed Infigen Energy signs power purchase agreement to buy output of 31MW Kiata wind farm, in push into Victoria's commercial and industrial market.
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On first day as PM, Morrison learns difference between Big Battery and Big Banana
Scott Morrison gets lesson when major transmission fault causes outages in NSW. Tesla big battery helped keep lights on in SA, Big Banana didn't lift a finger for NSW.
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‘The rocks remember’: the fight to protect Burrup peninsula's rock art
As the WA government pushes for world heritage listing of the sacred site, traditional owners warn of the threat of heavy industry, acid rain and graffiti
There is a Tasmanian devil on the northwest coast of Western Australia. He sits on a ridge looking back to the Dampier port, where the towers at the nearby liquid natural gas plant flare at dusk.
Another devil sits below him, also looking toward the port. On another ridge made of heaped volcanic rock sits a thylacine, the extinct Tasmanian tiger, the lines difficult to see in the harsh afternoon light. Both species have been extinct on the Australian mainland for more than 2,000 years, but the rocks remember.
Continue reading...Know your NEM: Coalition lurches to right, away from consensus, science and economics
The splitting of the federal government energy and environment policies marks the end of the best chance for bipartisan approach to climate change.
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A “middle finger” to climate and renewables: Morrison draws fire – and dismay
Politicians and industry insiders respond to new PM's appointment of anti-wind Conservative as energy minister, coal company lawyer as environment minister.
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Moorabool wind farm begins construction in Victoria
Construction officially underway on the first stage of the 321MW Moorabool wind farm being built in central-western Victoria.
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Energy Insiders Podcast: What Angus Taylor means for energy
Angus Taylor - who has spent years fighting renewable energy targets and attacking wind farm developments - is now energy minister. We assess.
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