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Failure to act on climate will cost trillions, trash global economies
Three new reports say governments can either act now on climate, and reap trillions of dollars in benefits - or miss the window and put a wrecking-ball to their GDPs.
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Coal does not have an economic future in Australia
The plastic smokers leave behind
CP Daily: Wednesday September 5, 2018
Australia signs declaration saying climate change 'single greatest threat' to Pacific
All 18 nations at Pacific Islands Forum commit to urgent action, calling for the US to return to Paris agreement
Climate change is the single greatest security threat to the Pacific, and all countries must meet their commitments under the Paris climate agreement, the 18 countries of the Pacific Islands Forum said on Wednesday.
The first assertion of the strongly worded Boe Declaration says all Pacific nations, including Australia, “reaffirm that climate change remains the single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of the peoples of the Pacific, and our commitment to progress the implementation of the Paris agreement.
Continue reading...Australia could cut electricity emissions by 68 per cent by 2030
Australia will likely meet its Paris targets, but it has potential to meet a 70 per cent renewables share and a 68 per cut in electricity sector emissions by 2030.
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RGGI urging incoming member New Jersey to set tighter CO2 cap
Mercedes-Benz debuts its first fully electric SUV
German automaker unveils its very first 100% electric SUV, making a move to win a market share from Tesla in the booming segment of high-end models running on battery.
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Australia is not on track to reach 2030 Paris target (but the potential is there)
Climate change will reshape the world’s agricultural trade
CDM board celebrates centennial meeting, makes scheme tweaks ahead of key summit
EU Market: EUAs resume gains in jumpy trade amid rising energy complex
Climate action could add $26 trillion to world economy if governments act -report
California EIM purchases will hold carbon obligations from Apr. 2019
Program Officer, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation – Los Altos, California
ISS: Spacecraft hole could be 'deliberate'
Honda EV to bypass Australia, due to “very, very low” demand
Honda says there are no plans to bring Urban EV to Australia, because the Japanese car maker is “not willing to risk” the lagging, Down Under market.
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Monster iceberg's pivot and turn
Tell us: are you taking part in a Rise for Climate event?
Wherever in the world you are, we’d like to hear your stories and see your pictures if you are participating this weekend
Tens of thousands of people around the world will mobilise over the weekend of 8-9 September under the banner of Rise for Climate, a grassroots movement seeking a fossil fuel free world.
More than 600 events are planned in at least 80 countries, with one of the key aims to challenge the decision-makers attending the Global Climate Summit in California on 12 September to escalate decarbonisation efforts and targets.
Continue reading...Earth Photo 2018 shortlist – in pictures
The inaugural Earth Photo exhibition presents 50 stunning images and films that document the Earth in all its diversity, from remote tribes to our changing climate
- Earth Photo is free and runs at the Royal Geographical Society in London until 21 September.