Around The Web

Joy Adamson murder: 24 years on

The Guardian - Sun, 2004-02-08 11:35
Was Joy Adamson an angel of mercy... or a tyrant? The man who killed her 24 years ago now speaks out. Jeevan Vasagar reports from Nairobi

In an extraordinary prison cell interview, his first since he was jailed for Adamson's killing 22 years ago, Paul Nakware Ekai claimed that the naturalist and author, who awakened millions to the plight of Africa's big cats, was a 'very hot-tempered' boss, and that he killed her after she shot him for complaining about not being paid.

'When she blew her top she would draw a pistol. Sometimes she shot some of her workers,' Ekai said yesterday, speaking for the first time about a murder that shocked the world. 'She would shoot people who annoyed her and then pay for their treatment. After that, she would pay to hush up the matter.'

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Portugal calls in Briton's fat water invention to halt fires

The Guardian - Sat, 2003-08-09 11:09

It may be what firefighters dream about. Water that does not run away down the nearest drain - but can swell and stick to what is burning, so extinguishing the fire.

But fat water, which glues itself to vertical surfaces like trees and buildings, keeping them wet, is not wishful thinking or science fiction, it is a great British invention.

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50 easy ways to save the planet

The Guardian - Thu, 2002-08-22 19:16
You don't have to share the bath water to make a difference You don't have to share the bath water to make a difference

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1 Wrap gifts in fabric and tie with ribbon; both are reusable and prettier than paper and sticky-tape.

2 Start a compost heap to reduce the waste you send to landfill sites.

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UK makes toxic gift to the Balkans

The Guardian - Mon, 2001-05-21 10:27

Waste incinerator for Macedonia breaches EU regulations

The UK government has provided Macedonia with an incinerator to burn hospital waste that would be illegal under British law because of its toxic emissions.

The British-made incinerator was given as humanitarian aid, and is in use near the Macedonian capital of Skopje. If the country joins the EU, as it hopes to do, the incinerator would have to close as it is a danger to local people and breaches EU emission standards.

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