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Snake catchers find 102 red-bellied black snakes found in a single mulch pile in Sydney – video
Dylan Cooper and Cory Kerewaro from Reptile Relocation Sydney have removed 102 red-bellied black snakes from a single mulch pile on a property in western Sydney. Upon arrival they had expected to remove only four red-bellies which had been seen by the owner of the Horsley Park home. But during summer it can be common for some female snakes to congregate and share the same birthing site
Continue reading...Dog treat made from lab-grown meat on sale in UK as retailer claims a ‘world first’
Chicken used in dog treat was cultivated from single sample of cells taken from one egg, says manufacturer Meatly
A dog treat made from lab-grown meat has gone on sale at Pets at Home in a move the retailer claims is a world first.
Chick Bites are made from plant-based ingredients combined with cultivated meat, which is produced by growing cells and does not require the raising or slaughter of animals.
Continue reading...“Golden age of gas” has not paid off for Australian consumers, manufacturers
The post “Golden age of gas” has not paid off for Australian consumers, manufacturers appeared first on RenewEconomy.
It’s official: Australia’s ocean surface was the hottest on record in 2024
Pro-nuclear lobby group ramps up social media ad spend by nearly 150 pct
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World clocks warmest January on record despite La Niña
The post World clocks warmest January on record despite La Niña appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Massive Neoen wind farm joins race to become Australia’s first in a commercial pine plantation
The post Massive Neoen wind farm joins race to become Australia’s first in a commercial pine plantation appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Korea industrial giant plans solar and two battery projects in south west NSW
The post Korea industrial giant plans solar and two battery projects in south west NSW appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Record January warmth puzzles climate scientists
Unexpectedly warm January puzzles climate scientists
North American Clean Fuels Markets: Federal policy uncertainty looms over programmes
Australian carbon project developer acquires soil company in preparation for future method
Unambitious and undermined: why NZ’s latest climate pledge lacks the crucial ‘good faith’ factor
Judges question standing in case challenging Louisiana’s CO2 well permitting programme
US pipeline developer promises 670,000 tCO2 per year to electrofuels producer
UK to make it easier to build nuclear reactors
Renewable energy land rush needs fewer cowboys, more sheriffs
The post Renewable energy land rush needs fewer cowboys, more sheriffs appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Australia tops ranks in VPP readiness, but lags on smart meters
The post Australia tops ranks in VPP readiness, but lags on smart meters appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Solar plus sheep plus massive battery: Agrivoltaic project seeks green tick for New England
The post Solar plus sheep plus massive battery: Agrivoltaic project seeks green tick for New England appeared first on RenewEconomy.