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Strange purple sea creatures found in deep ocean trenches

BBC - Fri, 2016-10-21 00:40
Scores of spectacular and rare undersea species have been found on expeditions to some of the deepest trenches in the Pacific Ocean.
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Kumbuka the London zoo gorilla's story – video report

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-10-20 23:59

Kumbuka, an endangered lowland gorilla, escaped from his enclosure in London zoo on 13 October. It was later discovered he drank five litres of undiluted blackcurrant squash before being returned to his space. The zoo says Kumbuka was never a threat to visitors

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Palm oil in Liberia: hope and anger in one of Africa's poorest countries – video

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-10-20 21:32

Bacchus Wilson Panyonnoh, a 35-year-old palm oil worker, and Lee Sworh, a community activist, live in the remote forests of south-east Liberia. Both have been affected by the arrival of Golden Veroleum Liberia to build one of the country’s largest palm oil plantations. For Panyonnoh, it offers the chance of a better life but Sworh wants it off the land

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Schiaparelli Mars probe's parachute 'jettisoned too early'

BBC - Thu, 2016-10-20 19:24
Europe's Schiaparelli lander did not behave as expected as it headed down to the surface of Mars on Wednesday, data shows.
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How our brains become 'disembodied'

BBC - Thu, 2016-10-20 19:10
Scientists in Italy have discovered how our brains can be tricked into feeling disembodied from our own limbs.
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Japan to face criticism at international summit for flouting whaling ban

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-10-20 16:00

Japanese fleets have killed more than 300 minke whales in the Southern Ocean despite a court ruling and three-decade-old ban

Japan is likely to face international criticism at a whaling summit this week for killing whales in the Southern Ocean in defiance of a court ruling and a three-decade-old ban.

Japanese fleets killed more than 300 minke whales, many of them pregnant, when they resumed so-called scientific whaling in 2015-16 after a hiatus the year before because the international court of justice decided the hunts were not scientific and should cease.

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Delayed review of Europe's pioneering nature laws divides EU leaders

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-10-20 16:00

In a letter seen by the Guardian, European parliament president, Martin Schulz, warns EU chief, Jean Claude-Juncker, that inaction over a stalled review of the EU’s nature directives is jeopardising EU biodiversity targets

An impasse in Brussels over changes to the EU’s pioneering nature laws has pitted the president of the European parliament, Martin Schulz, against the bloc’s chief, Jean Claude-Juncker, in private correspondence seen by the Guardian.

More than a thousand animal and plant species – and 500 types of wild bird – are protected by the EU’s nature laws.

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Onshore windfarms more popular than thought, UK poll finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-10-20 16:00

Some 73% of the British public polled by ComRes support onshore windfarms in contrast with government decisions to block them

Public support for onshore windfarms is far higher than widely believed, according to a new opinion poll, even in rural areas.

Wind turbines are also far more popular than fracking or nuclear power, contrasting with the UK government’s decision to block onshore windfarms but back shale gas exploration and new nuclear power plants.

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ExoMars Mission: What's happened to the Schiaparelli lander?

ABC Science - Thu, 2016-10-20 15:50
ROUGH LANDING: Although fears grow for the ExoMars lander, scientists say the mission has been a success. Here's what we know so far.
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Great Barrier Reef scores D for health for fifth year in a row

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-10-20 15:07

Results of annual report card based on data collected before bleaching killed a fifth of the reef’s coral, suggesting next year’s results will be even worse

The Great Barrier Reef has been given a D on a report card for its overall health by the federal and Queensland governments for the fifth year in a row.

The results of the annual report card were based on data collected before this year’s climate change-induced bleaching event that killed about a fifth of the reef’s coral, suggesting next year’s results will be even worse.

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Eight big questions arising from AEMO report into SA blackout

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 14:44
The market operator seems happy to let the blame for the South Australia blackout fall on wind energy, but questions about its own role are warranted, particularly because it seems to have totally ignored a report prepared a decade ago that envisaged a similar scenario.
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Listening for the shovels, hooves and curses of long-dead miners

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-10-20 14:30

Frosterley, Weardale The footpaths were silent and deserted, but, at every turn, there were signs of the days when they echoed with the sounds of human labour

On a windless morning, when the sun had barely reached sufficient elevation to skim the dew on the grass, the footpaths around the old quarries were silent and deserted. And yet, at every turn, there were signs of days when this valley echoed with the sound of human voices and people’s labour.

I stood among the ruins of Harehope Gill lead mine, where only a single wall still stands, and tried to imagine it two centuries ago, when it was at its productive peak: the clop of hooves as ponies dragged squeaky-wheeled wagons laden with lead ore from the mine level tunnel; the thud of picks on rock; clanging shovels; rattle of broken stone tipped on to spoil heaps; and the shouts and curses of labouring miners. Now, just silence, except for the trickling of water.

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Queensland’s 50% renewable energy plan: More work required

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 14:28
Queensland's 50% renewable target is a great idea and achievable, but its current plans will need radical change.
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NSW govt sells Ausgrid stake to Australian super funds for $16bn

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 14:13
NSW says it has accepted an unsolicited offer from Australian Super and IFM investors to buy 50.4% of utility Ausgrid for just over $16bn.
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It's complicated: Australia's relationship with eating meat

The Conversation - Thu, 2016-10-20 13:32
Australians are becoming more aware of where their meat comes from, but it's still and ethical minefield. Vicki/Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND

Australia has a long-standing history as a country that loves its meat. Meat production and processing in Australia occupies over half of the land mass, makes an important contribution to the Australian economy and employs over 53,000 people.

Meat also has deep cultural and social significance, as seen through Meat and Livestock Australia’s most recent campaigns.

Debates around eating meat are not new. But a new SBS documentary starting tonight, For the Love of Meat, examining where Australia’s beef, chicken and pork comes from, will spark more questions about if and how we should eat meat.

For the Love of Meat host Matthew Evans takes viewers on a tour of his pig farm. Ethical, or just a label?

In most cultures, including Australia, omnivory (eating a combination of meat and other foods) is the norm. Although it’s clear our preferences for different types of meat have changed over time, we are still one of the biggest meat-consuming countries in the world. But some recent statistics suggest Australians are choosing to eat less meat, particularly red meat.

One factor linked to this decline is increased concern about farm animal welfare. Our research group is interested in how consumers and producers think about farm animal welfare and how it relates to broader ideas of ethical food production.

Research tells us that people care about farm animal welfare, and a number of consumers are willing to pay more for meat that is produced in a “more humane” way. But much of this research assumes that there is a clear and shared understanding of what “good” animal welfare is.

We know a lot about how animal production scientists think about animal welfare: health, pain relief and how production animals are affected by interactions with people and their environment.

We know less about how livestock producers think about animal welfare: they generally care about the welfare of their animals because welfare is closely linked to productivity and their livelihoods, in addition to wanting to treat their animals well.

However for most consumers, price and taste are key drivers for purchases. Our ongoing research suggests consumers think about animal welfare in a much broader way than scientists and producers.

For the general public, high animal welfare standards are closely linked to ideas of food quality – taste, nutritional value and food safety. Recent research by others showed that the “humane” label alone was enough for people to rate one sample of meat as “tastier” than another, when in fact the two had been produced in exactly the same way.

For those who wish to purchase and consume meat and other animal products produced in ways that align with their values, current labelling and regulations present a minefield. “Humane” and “ethical” are very broad terms that can be interpreted in a myriad of ways, and are not explicitly regulated; various private certification regimes exist but rely on diverse measures.

Standards were recently adopted for “free-range” eggs, but several groups argue that this does not go far enough and thus does not reflect what the community expects free-range to be.

Other terms in widespread use which potentially confuse consumers include sow stall free (which refers to the housing for pregnant sows before they have piglets, not the housing system for piglets and sows together), grass-fed, grain-fed, green, and sustainable, to name just a few.

Many types of ‘ethical’ meat choices

Sustainability and the impact of meat production on the environment have also become key reasons to reduce meat consumption. We have met people who call themselves “kangatarians”; eating kangaroo meat because they feel that its consumption has less negative impact on the environment. Others only consume wild-caught meat, mainly from feral species such as deer and goat.

We have also had other participants in our research who view hunting for their own meat as “ethical” consumption in order to have direct connection with the source of their meat and to know that it has been killed “humanely”.

Even when an animal has a good life, meat-eaters obviously must accept the idea of animal death in order for them to eat meat. For some, the dissonance this creates leads them to reduce or cease eating meat. Omnivores use a number of strategies to reduce this discomfort. For some, the idea of only consuming meat from an animal that, in their view, had a good life and a good death may also be a way of reducing their own discomfort.

We need more open discussion

We encourage more open conversations about meat production and consumption, and hope that the new documentary can contribute to this.

But it is also important to recognise that most conventional producers argue that they already produce safe, nutritious and affordable meat and other animal products in humane and sustainable ways.

We need more reflection and discussion about our shared values surrounding animal consumption and production practices, and to resist simple, and potentially elitist, solutions that ignore the complexities of this debate.

For the Love of Meat begins Thursday October 20 on SBS.

The Conversation

Heather Bray's salary is partly funded (50%) by an Australian Research Council Linkage Project (LP130100419) which includes contributions from industry partners Coles Group Ltd, Elders Limited, Richard Gunner’s Fine Meats Pty Ltd, and the South Australian Research and Development Institute. She received scholarships from the Pig Research and Development Corporation (now Australian Pork Limited) between 1991 and 1997. The University of Adelaide is a partner in the Animal Welfare Science Centre.

Rachel A. Ankeny receives funding from the Australian Research Council for grants relating to food consumption and production, including a Linkage Project (LP130100419) which includes contributions from industry partners Coles Group Ltd, Elders Limited, Richard Gunner's Fine Meats Pty Ltd, and the South Australian Research and Development Institute.

Categories: Around The Web

Tesla says all new EVs to have “self drive” that is safer than humans

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 12:30
Tesla announces new self-driving software and hardware suite that it says will deliver a safety level "substantially greater than that of a human driver."
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Stunning price falls could spark another gold rush for US solar PV market

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 12:28
Desutsche Bank says falling solar PV module prices in US – down potentially 40% in just two quarters – could spark 2017 "gold rush."
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Are we understating the potential for wind energy cost reductions?

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 12:26
Berkeley Lab study shows greater potential than many other recent assessments.
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Thermal coal in Asia: Why China and India will break carbon budget

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 12:25
Stopping the thermal coal juggernaut in time is one of the keys to keeping the world to its Paris targets.
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11.4 million EVs are expected on America’s roads by 2025. Will the grid be ready?

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-10-20 12:23
Big growth in EV adoption will create complexity for grid operators and other electricity market stakeholders.
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