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Scientists design contraceptives to limit grey squirrels

BBC - Mon, 2022-07-11 11:17
The project's aim is to help protect ecosystems and native red squirrel populations.
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Slow, expensive and no good for 1.5° target: CSIRO crushes Coalition nuclear fantasy

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2022-07-11 09:25

nuclear power plantCSIRO says nuclear is too slow, too expensive, and its best prospects for a significant share of global generation are in weak climate targets.

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Why Australia does not need so much storage in a wind and solar grid

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2022-07-11 06:32

CSIRO says a grid dominated by wind and solar will only require one fifth or one third of the storage needs commonly suggested.

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Integrated wind and solar still cheapest, and green hydrogen costs falling fast: CSIRO

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2022-07-11 06:30

Wind and solar are still clearly cheapest form of new energy, even with storage and transmission, latest CSIRO report says. Cutting emissions goes hand in hand with lower costs.

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Labor faces decisions on approval of up to 27 coal developments including greenfield mines, analysis shows

The Guardian - Mon, 2022-07-11 03:30

Environment minister Tanya Plibersek says she would be ‘carefully considering’ projects referred under EPBC Act

The Albanese government could face decisions on whether to approve up to 27 coal mining developments, based on applications lodged under national environment laws.

An analysis by the Sunrise Project, a climate activist group, found 13 greenfield coalmines and 14 extensions of existing mines had been referred to the federal government for assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act.

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Edify lands ARENA and NSW funds for advanced battery inverter project in NSW

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2022-07-11 00:01

An artist's render of the Edify Energy Darlington Point Energy Storage project. (Supplied)Edify lands ARENA and NSW government funds for part of the big 150MW/300MWh Darlington Point advanced battery project in south west NSW.

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‘Extinct’ parrots make a flying comeback in Brazil

The Guardian - Sun, 2022-07-10 19:00

The Spix macaw, a bird that had once vanished in the wild, is now thriving in its South American homeland after a successful breeding programme

Twenty years ago, the future of the Spix’s macaw could not have looked bleaker. The last member of this distinctive parrot species disappeared from the wild, leaving only a few dozen birds in collectors’ cages across the globe. The prospects for Cyanopsitta spixii were grim, to say the least.

But thanks to a remarkable international rescue project, Spix’s macaws – with their grey heads and vivid blue plumage – have made a stunning comeback. A flock now soars freely over its old homeland in Brazil after being released there a month ago. Later this year, conservationists plan to release more birds, and hope the parrots will start breeding in the wild next spring.

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Fears environment bills could be sidelined amid Tory leadership race

The Guardian - Sat, 2022-07-09 16:00

Campaigners warn crucial legislation must not be abandoned while the UK government is distracted

Crucial environment legislation must not be allowed to be sidelined or abandoned amid the distraction of a Tory leadership race, campaigners have warned.

Ministers openly admit they do not know what is going on with much of the legislation, but those who remain in government are working with skeleton teams to get bills in shape to be passed.

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CP Daily: Friday July 8, 2022

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 09:39
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Financial entities’ CCA holdings bounce back, while compliance entities give up ground

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 08:57
Speculators saw their California Carbon Allowance (CCA) rebound slightly this week as the third quarter began, while compliance entities’ position decreased for the first time in five weeks, according to US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) data published Friday.
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COP hosts Egypt release beefed-up Paris Agreement pledge

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 08:54
This year’s COP UN climate talks host Egypt has unveiled an updated NDC, setting an emissions goal that would still see its GHG output rise by 2030, a move that still represents a scale-up on its initial target-free pledge.
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EU adjustments to CO2 border measure risk further erosion of government aid

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 05:45
EU industries have another thing to worry about when it comes to the EU's proposed carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), and have moved on from campaigning against the removal of free allowances, to opposing the policy's scope expansion, because of its knock-on effect for government handouts.
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Poacher who took £60k of salmon and trout from Welsh river avoids prison

The Guardian - Sat, 2022-07-09 03:51

Emlyn Rees fined £1,600 as judge says he is unable to imprison him for seven-year operation that ‘significantly’ impacted fish stocks

The ringleader of a fish-poaching operation that caused “staggering damage” to salmon and sea trout populations in a Welsh river has avoided prison after a judge expressed regret that he did not have the power to give him a custodial sentence.

Bricklayer Emlyn Rees, 35, from the village of Cenarth in Carmarthenshire, headed an operation that caught 989 sea trout and 302 salmon over seven years.

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UPDATE – Pennsylvania judge blocks RGGI regulation after seven-day linkage

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 03:01
A Pennsylvania judge on Friday afternoon blocked the state from implementing its RGGI-linked cap-and-trade regulation just one week after the state entered the power sector carbon market, with further court hearings on the legality of the programme scheduled for this fall. 
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*Carbon Trading Analyst, Asset Management, Altana Wealth – London

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 01:38
*PREMIUM LISTING - Altana Wealth is looking to recruit a talented and ambitious carbon analyst ideally with trading experience to join a success-based company culture and to play a key role in the evolution of the company by further supporting the business and company's market profile across a broad range of clients.
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EUA price of $300 in 2030 required for 1.5C warming and to avoid billions in financial losses -ECB

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 01:27
A European carbon price of around $300 per tonne in 2030 is required to remain on an 'orderly' pathway to a Paris Agreement-aligned warming target, according to modelling in the European Central Bank's first climate stress test published Friday that said stringent policy measures were urgently required to avoid billions of financial losses across euro zone banks.
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UPL launches European leg of ag-focused gigatonne carbon goal

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 01:18
Sustainable agriculture firm UPL on Friday announced the European leg of its plan to sequester 1 bln tonnes of CO2 through the generation of carbon offsets.
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EU carbon the weakest H1 performer amid conflicting influences of reviving coal use and macro worries

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 01:16
EU ETS prices ended H1 2022 nearly 12% higher than where they ended 2021, as soaring energy costs have raised the spectre of carbon demand destruction despite a steady bullish drumbeat coming from the revival in coal-fired power generation as Europe accelerates its switch away from Russian fossil fuels.
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France leads in latest 2022 EU carbon allowance allocations

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 00:41
Countries including France made a tad more progress in June handing out this year’s free carbon permit allocations under the EU ETS, according to data from the European Commission.
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Crypto carbon outfit promises 916,000% returns, targets EU ETS

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2022-07-09 00:20
A new blockchain-based carbon venture that raised some $2.4 million in crypto coins in a recent launch will initially offer trade in tokenised EUAs and other compliance carbon units while promising a 916,474% first-year return for those investing in its governance token.
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