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COP26: What do the poorest countries want from climate summit?

BBC - Thu, 2021-11-04 02:30
Rich countries will get most of the attention, but developing countries are on climate change's front line.
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Twenty countries pledge end to finance for overseas fossil fuel projects

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-11-04 02:18

UK among countries at Cop26 vowing to divert funds to low-carbon energy from 2022

More than 20 countries and financial institutions will halt all financing for fossil fuel development overseas and divert the spending to green energy instead from next year.

The move marks a significant boost for the transition to clean fuels. The Guardian understands the countries involved include the US, UK, Denmark and some developing countries that would receive such finance, including Costa Rica. The European Investment Bank is one of the financial institutions involved.

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Activists interrupt Rishi Sunak's Cop26 speech with fossil fuel questions – video

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-11-04 02:14

Climate activists were removed from a Rishi Sunak photo opportunity after questioning the chancellor on government deals with fossil fuel companies.

Fatima Ibrahim, the co-founder of the UK's Green New Deal movement, posted the moment on Twitter. 'Is he that scared of young people asking him questions?', she wrote

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Galapagos marine reserve: Conservationists hail expansion

BBC - Thu, 2021-11-04 01:17
Conservationists say the move will protect migration routes for many endangered species.
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COP26: What's the climate impact of private jets?

BBC - Thu, 2021-11-04 01:06
World leaders' use of private jets to attend the climate summit has been called into question.
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COP26 climate change summit: So far, so good-ish

BBC - Thu, 2021-11-04 00:36
Three days into the COP26 global climate summit, and the mood is positive.
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Over half of CERs from Indian wind projects non-additional, report finds

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-11-04 00:21
As many as 52% of the carbon credits generated by Indian wind farms under the Kyoto Protocol came from projects that would likely have gone ahead even without carbon finance, said a study released Wednesday.
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RGGI prices boomerang after Virginia elects GOP governor, House

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-11-04 00:16
RGGI Allowance (RGA) prices see-sawed wildly on Wednesday morning after Virginia Republicans were projected to take control of both the governor’s office and House of Delegates in Tuesday’s election, though it remains uncertain whether the GOP could try to exit the regional cap-and-trade programme without Senate control.
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COP26: Vulnerable countries criticise net zero plans for moving goalposts, emphasising undeveloped tech

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-11-04 00:06
Several developing countries have taken aim at the plethora of public and private net zero plans that rely on new technologies in the future to produce negative emissions while continuing to emit today.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-11-03 23:49
EUAs climbed on Wednesday to test a major price level for the fifth time in the last fortnight, while energy prices also built on Tuesday's recovery.
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Cop26: Sharma’s claim bankers are ‘new Swampys’ is appropriation, says activist

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-11-03 23:37

Summit president’s comments on finance day accused of trying to commercialise climate activism

Alok Sharma, the UK cabinet minister and president of the Cop26 summit, has been accused of appropriating the climate activism movement after he told conference delegates “you are the new Swampys”.

Opening the summit’s finance day, which aims to channel cash towards transitioning global economies to net zero carbon emissions, Sharma recalled climate protests of the 1990s.

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COP26 Roundup: Day 3 – Nov. 3

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-11-03 23:35
With heads of state now largely gone, day 3 of COP26 in Glasgow turns its attention to finance while officials get busy in closed-session technical negotiations.
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Cop26 emission pledges could limit global heating to less than 2C

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-11-03 23:35

University of Melbourne research suggests India’s plans could make sizeable difference to projections

The pledges on greenhouse gas emissions on the tablet at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow would limit global temperature rises to below 2C, the first time the world has been on such a trajectory, according to research.

Plans by India, the world’s third biggest emitter, have made a sizeable difference to the global temperature estimate, research by the University of Melbourne has found.

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Biden plays up positives but frustrations apparent after Cop26 talks

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-11-03 22:07

Trip to Glasgow was heavy on dire warnings but light on deep emissions cuts – and ended with him blaming China and Russia

Joe Biden returned to the US in the pre-dawn gloom on Wednesday to a climate agenda still held in frustrating limbo by Congress, following his high-profile cameo at crunch UN climate talks in Scotland that was heavy on dire warnings but light on deep cuts to planet-heating emissions.

The US president had aimed to arrive in Glasgow for the Cop26 summit with historic climate legislation in hand, which he could use to brandish at world leaders who still harbor resentments over four turbulent years of Donald Trump, where the climate crisis was variously ignored and mocked.

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Ireland would need to cull up to 1.3 million cattle to reach climate targets

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-11-03 22:05

With more than a third of the country’s greenhouse gases coming from farming, Dublin faces huge pressure over reduction aims

Up to 1.3 million cattle would have to be culled in Ireland to reach anticipated government targets for reducing greenhouse gases in the agriculture sector, a new report has concluded.

Irish farmers are expecting the worst after taoiseach Micheál Martin described the report by KPMG, commissioned by weekly newspaper the Irish Farmers Journal, as “scaremongering”.

The debate over agriculture’s role in reducing carbon emissions is a hugely controversial topic in Ireland, pitting Dublin against rural communities.

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COP26: Voluntary carbon market prospects over-hyped, analysts say

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-11-03 22:05
Estimates that the global voluntary carbon market could be worth $100-180 billion in 2030 are overly optimistic, with actual volumes and prices likely to stay well below the forecasts made by the private-sector Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM), a report said on Wednesday.
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COP26: ADB launches initiative for Indonesia, Philippines to begin transition from coal

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-11-03 21:43
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) launched at COP26 in Glasgow on Wednesday a partnership with Indonesia and the Philippines to help wean the two key Southeast Asian economies from their reliance on coal-fired power.
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World’s biggest solar and storage project proposed for South Australia

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-11-03 21:37

Photon and RayGen set sights on what they claim will be world's biggest solar and storage facility, to be built in South Australia.

The post World’s biggest solar and storage project proposed for South Australia appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Cop26: Sunak pledges to 'rewire' global finance system for net zero – video

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-11-03 21:32

The UK chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has said he hopes to ‘rewire the entire financial system’ to put it to use to protect the climate. Outlining Britain's strategy over the next five years to the Cop26 climate summit, he said the UK would become the world’s first ever net-zero-aligned financial centre. This means companies will have a mandatory duty to set out their pathway to net zero, he has said

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Your fast food is wrapped in grease-proof ortho-phthalates. Why is that allowed? | Norah MacKendrick

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-11-03 21:00

Fast food boxes and wrappers contain toxic chemicals known to interfere with our reproductive systems and contribute to attention and learning disorders

It’s no surprise that fast food is generally bad for your health. But now there’s a new reason to worry: according to a new study out of George Washington University, fast-food containers (such as wrappers used for burgers and burritos) contain toxic chemicals known to interfere with our reproductive systems and contribute to attention and learning disorders. Put simply, our hamburgers and burritos are wrapped in toxic waste.

Many convenience foods come with an ingredient list showing consumers what went into the product they’re eating or drinking. Of course, this list doesn’t include the chemicals used to make the box, bag or wrapper encasing the food, or other materials that come into contact with our meal – like the plastic gloves used to handle the sandwich toppings. But these compounds make their way into our food and we ingest them.

Norah MacKendrick is an associate professor of sociology at Rutgers University and the author of Better Safe Than Sorry: How Consumers Navigate Everyday Toxics

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