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The ever-shrinking role of gas in Australia’s power system

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2021-03-05 09:26

gas flare fracking victoria moratorium 2 - optimisedAustralia has no climate policy - that leaves a void for fossil industry groups to plead ignorance on emissions impacts.

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Sydney company wins deal to install solar on 2,600 Aboriginal Housing rooftops

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2021-03-05 09:19

Sydney-based company Solar Juice contracted to supply 8.5MW of rooftop PV systems to up to 2,600 AHO properties across NSW, starting this month.

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US carrier Delta to purchase 13 mln carbon offsets for 2020 emissions

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-03-05 09:05
Delta Air Lines announced plans on Thursday to spend more than $30 million on voluntary emissions reductions (VERs) to offset its GHG output last year, with the company slated to include forestry projects that reduce, avoid, and remove emissions in its portfolio.
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Verra sets out emissions baseline changes for multi-level REDD frameworks

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-03-05 08:55
Offset standard developer and manager Verra announced plans on Thursday to revise the methods for setting reference levels under its VCS project-level and Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (JNR) programmes, aiming to streamline emissions accounting and incorporate scientific best practices.
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NA Markets: RGGI inches up before auction results, as CCAs edge down

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-03-05 08:48
RGGI allowance (RGA) prices rose slightly on the secondary market this week ahead of the publication of the scheme's first 2021 auction results, while California Carbon Allowance (CCA) values dipped after its own quarterly sale sold out slightly above the floor price.
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UK investor hit by more big losses from Australia solar farms, sales delayed

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2021-03-05 06:59

UK infrastructure investor John Laing hit by more losses from its two solar farms in Australia, which will now not be offered for sale until 2022.

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Solar farms in NSW hit by new downgrades from marginal loss factors

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2021-03-05 06:38

Solar farms in NSW look set to bear the brunt of changes to AEMO's marginal loss factor figures, while north Queensland and Victoria are looking at a boost.

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Dig this: a tiny echidna moves 8 trailer-loads of soil a year, helping tackle climate change

The Conversation - Fri, 2021-03-05 05:28
Excavator, farmer, matchmaker: echidnas provide a host of benefits to nature. So let's harness the potential. David John Eldridge, Professor of Dryland Ecology, UNSW Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Butterfly numbers plummeting in US west as climate crisis takes toll

The Guardian - Fri, 2021-03-05 05:00

The total number of butterflies west of the Rockies has fallen 1.6% a year since 1977, a study finds – ‘You extrapolate it and it’s crazy’

The varied, and beautiful, butterfly species that dot the US west are being cut down by the climate crisis, new research has found, with rising temperatures helping cause a steep decline in butterfly numbers over the past 40 years.

There has been a 1.6% reduction in the total number of butterflies observed west of the Rocky Mountain range each year since 1977, researchers calculated, which amounts to a staggering loss of butterflies over the timespan of the study period.

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One year on, EU decision-makers struggle to conclude climate law talks

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-03-05 04:56
One year after it was proposed, the European Climate Law is still far from being concluded, as mainly leftist and liberal MEPs insist on increasing the EU’s level of ambition and won't budge on key demands including a carbon budget and an independent scientific council.
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Uniper’s European power output got dirtier in 2020, as coal plants stage comeback

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-03-05 04:44
Utility Uniper saw its European carbon intensity increase in 2020 as a new coal plant came online and another came back into service, it said in results on Thursday, marking a sharp contrast to deep decarbonisation among its rivals.
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The Guardian view on climate and the budget: Sunak fails the green test | Editorial

The Guardian - Fri, 2021-03-05 04:37

By failing to plan for a low-carbon recovery, the chancellor has revealed his lack of vision

The absence of green measures was not the only sense in which this week’s budget was a missed opportunity. The failure to address social care was another sign that the government is far more interested in short-term point-scoring than forward planning. But it is hugely disappointing that the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, did not choose to make the environment a big theme of this pandemic budget, all the more so in light of the UK’s crucial role as host of the upcoming Cop26 climate talks in November.

The UK is far from alone in failing to deliver the green recovery that climate experts are united in believing is necessary, if the world is to avoid catastrophic global heating. Research on 30 countries shows that the proportion of stimulus spending on green initiatives is even lower now than after the 2008 financial crash. But having previously been a global leader on climate policy, the UK under Boris Johnson now risks sabotaging itself. Mr Sunak’s failure to prioritise green measures, which did not even merit a mention in his glossy pre-budget video, is the worst possible sequel to the government’s shambolic recent record.

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Lab-grown wood could be future of furniture

BBC - Fri, 2021-03-05 03:59
American scientists are working on a plan to "grow" wood in a laboratory without sunlight or soil.
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Food waste: Amount thrown away totals 900 million tonnes

BBC - Fri, 2021-03-05 01:14
Every year, 23 million truckloads of food go straight into the waste bin, according to the UN.
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UK found guilty of dirty air breach by EU court

BBC - Fri, 2021-03-05 00:33
The UK is found guilty of “systematically and persistently” breaching air pollution limits.
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People wasting almost 1bn tonnes of food a year, UN report reveals

The Guardian - Fri, 2021-03-05 00:30

Food discarded in homes is 74kg per person each year, with problem affecting rich and poor countries

People waste almost a billion tonnes of food a year, a UN report has revealed. It is the most comprehensive assessment to date and found waste was about double the previous best estimate.

The food discarded in homes alone was 74kg per person each year on average around the world, the UN found. In the UK, which has some of the best data, the edible waste represents about eight meals per household each week.

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EU Midday Market Brief

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-03-05 00:05
European carbon prices sank to an eight-day low on Thursday, pulled lower by wider risk-off sentiment in energy and financial markets.
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International climate scientists join call to halt Leeds Bradford airport expansion

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-03-04 23:47

Academics write to Robert Jenrick predicting dire consequences for climate crisis if plans go ahead

Leading international climate scientists are among more than 200 academics who have written to the government calling on it to halt what they say would be an ecologically destructive expansion of Leeds Bradford airport.

Almost 250 professors, academics and researchers from Leeds University, including two of the lead authors of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, have written to Robert Jenrick, the minister for housing, communities and local government, predicting dire consequences for the climate crisis if the plans go ahead.

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Former top Commission officials downplay prospects of EU carbon market intervention

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-03-04 23:04
Introducing position limits into the EU’s carbon market will not be “as simple nor as effective as it sounds” and could take years to negotiate before being introduced, two former top European Commission officials said in a report released Thursday.
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UK has broken air pollution limits for a decade, EU court finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-03-04 21:51

Levels of nitrogen dioxide, mostly from diesel vehicles, remain illegally high in 75% of urban areas

The UK has “systematically and persistently” broken legal limits on toxic air pollution for a decade, the court of justice of the EU (CJEU) has ruled.

Levels of nitrogen dioxide, mostly from diesel vehicles, remain illegally high in 75% of urban areas and on Thursday the court said the UK had failed to tackle the problem in the shortest possible time, as required by law.

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