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Cattle stranded at sea 'face immediate slaughter' if ship docks in Spain, says manager

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-02-25 22:28

Livestock company still hopes to find a buyer for animals on board ship for two months, after rejection by Turkey and Libya

The manager of a ship that has spent months at sea with hundreds of cattle on board has accused Spanish officials of failing to answer his call for help and of threatening to kill all the livestock if the ship enters port.

The Karim Allah is one of two vessels that left from different ports in Spain before Christmas to deliver cargoes of young bulls, but were refused entry by various countries including Turkey and Libya, owing to suspected outbreaks of the bovine disease bluetongue onboard both ships.

The vessel is owned by Khalifeh Livestock Trading and managed by Talia Shipping Line, both based in Lebanon, while the cattle are owned by a third party. The ship took 895 male calves on board at the Spanish port of Cartagena in mid-December and sailed for Turkey.

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Petrified tree up to 20m years old found intact in Lesbos – video

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-02-25 21:25

Scientists on the volcanic Greek island of Lesbos say they have found a rare fossilised tree.

Produced by successive volcanic eruptions, its vividly coloured fossilised trunks are witness to the explosions that buried much of Lesbos under lava and ash between 17 and 20 million years ago.

Stretching across almost all of the Greek island’s western peninsula, the petrified forest, a Unesco global geopark, is among the largest in the world.

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Australia’s biggest emitters see slight drop in GHG output

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-02-25 21:22
Facilities covered by Australia’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme saw a 3% year-on-year drop in their GHG output for FY2019-20, with utility AGL remaining the nation’s biggest emitter by far at more than twice the amount than the next on the list.
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Biden urged to back water bill amid worst US crisis in decades

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-02-25 20:00

Water Act proposes massive injection of federal dollars as millions of people go without access to clean, safe, affordable water

Democratic lawmakers and advocates are urging Joe Biden to back legislation proposing unprecedented investment in America’s ailing water infrastructure amid the country’s worst crisis in decades that has left millions of people without access to clean, safe, affordable water.

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Why Bitcoin is so bad for the planet – video explainer

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-02-25 18:22

In a year, bitcoin uses around the same about of electricity as the entire country of Norway.

The digital currency is one that allows people to bypass banks and traditional payment methods. It is the most prominent among thousands of so-called cryptocurrencies and has been repeatedly reaching new records - but is it sustainable?

The Guardian’s UK technology editor Alex Hern examines how exactly bitcoin uses electricity and if the environmental cost is too high

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Mary Anning: Fossil hunter celebrated with Jurassic 50p coins

BBC - Thu, 2021-02-25 18:03
The 19th Century fossil hunter's achievements were often overlooked during her own lifetime.
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Black-browed babbler found in Borneo 180 years after last sighting

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-02-25 16:00

Exclusive: Stuffed specimen was only proof of bird’s existence until discovery in rainforest last year

In the 1840s, a mystery bird was caught on an expedition to the East Indies. Charles Lucien Bonaparte, the nephew of Napoleon, described it to science and named it the black-browed babbler (Malacocincla perspicillata).

The species was never seen in the wild again, and a stuffed specimen featuring a bright yellow glass eye was the only proof of its existence. But now the black-browed babbler has been rediscovered in the rainforests of Borneo.

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Coal giant AGL again tops list of Australia’s biggest emitters

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 14:54

loy yang power station - optimisedCoal generators and oil and gas producers dominate latest list of Australia's largest emitters.

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Categories: Around The Web

Iberdrola to spend €150bn trebling its growing wind and solar empire

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 14:19

Spanish energy giant Iberdrola says it will have 95GW of wind and solar capacity by the end of the decade, and another 900MW in Australia by 2025.

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Categories: Around The Web

Against the odds, South Australia is a renewable energy powerhouse. How on Earth did they do it?

The Conversation - Thu, 2021-02-25 14:12
Last year, renewables provided a whopping 60% of South Australia's electricity supplies. The remarkable progress came as national climate policy was gripped by paralysis – so how did it happen? Michael McGreevy, Research Associate, Flinders University Fran Baum, Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor, Foundation Director, Southgate Institute for Health, Society & Equity, Flinders University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Video: Blackouts on the grid, and in the media

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 14:01

The reporting over the Texas blackout gives a hint at what might be in store from Australia’s new media code, and the boost it could give to fake climate and energy news.

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Categories: Around The Web

Legislation banning nuclear power in Australia should be retained

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 13:59

Murdoch papers and Murdoch's Sky News have ramped up their campaign to have nuclear laws repealed, and far-right Coalition MPs and former MPs are along for the ride.

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Categories: Around The Web

Indigenous expertise is reducing bushfires in northern Australia. It's time to consider similar approaches for other disasters

The Conversation - Thu, 2021-02-25 13:49
By collaborating with Indigenous ranger groups, we can make strategic fire and land management practices economically sustainable for traditional landowners. Kamaljit K Sangha, Senior Ecological Economist, Charles Darwin University Andrew Edwards, Research Fellow Bushfires, Charles Darwin University Willie Rioli Sr, Fire Coordinator for the Tiwi Islands, Indigenous Knowledge Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

New Energy Solar optimistic despite wild weather, bushfires and Covid-19 impacts

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 13:42

 New Energy Solar)Bad weather, Covid and a surging Australian dollar leads New Energy Solar to report $74m loss for 2020 - but the ASX-listed remains optimistic.

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Categories: Around The Web

Trina Solar launches battery storage business

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 13:29

Trina Solar launches new business unit focused on providing solar and storage solutions, grid services, and microgrids.

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Categories: Around The Web

Morrison’s media code could be catastrophic for climate and energy news

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 13:24

social media networks advertising facebook twitter Instagram - optimisedGoogle's decision to snub RenewEconomy - apparently because it does not do "public interest" journalism - and include Sky News and a celebrity gossip site on its "showcase, bodes ill for Australian media.

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CP Daily: Wednesday February 24, 2021

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-02-25 10:58
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web

How 30,000 elephant 'selfies' will help in conservation

BBC - Thu, 2021-02-25 10:53
Researchers are developing new technology to help reduce human-elephant conflicts.
Categories: Around The Web

How the clean energy revolution can tackle the human rights challenge

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 10:22

pilbara minerals lithium mine cefc - optimisedA clean powered world will be better than a fossil fuelled one, but there's still room for improvement in the human rights space.

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Categories: Around The Web

Chart of the day – Every US state with more wind power than Texas

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-02-25 10:20

Did you know that Texas isn't even that great a performer in terms of proportion of wind power? Here's every state that's better!

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