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EU foreign ministers tout carbon markets in new climate diplomacy push

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-01-26 04:05
EU foreign ministers on Monday adopted a new climate diplomacy agenda for the 27-nation bloc which acknowledged the role of national and international carbon markets.
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Australia at risk of losing billions of dollars in revenue without cultural shift to re-use

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-01-26 02:30

An increase of 5% in Australia’s recycling rate would add an estimated $1bn to the country’s GDP, the CSIRO says

Australia could see billions of dollars in revenue lost without a profound cultural shift to a circular and zero-waste economy that re-uses plastic, glass and paper instead of burying it in landfill or exporting it.

The national science agency, CSIRO, released a detailed circular economy roadmap identifying major challenges including inconsistencies across states, a lack of reprocessing capacity and the continued loss of materials to landfill and dumping.

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Bringing my family back to the UK was a bad decision – but home has its comforts | Emma Beddington

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-01-26 00:41

I felt guilty for dragging my family away from lovely Brussels. Here in York though, murky floodwater and all, I’ve found a new sense of home

‘Have you been out?” I ask my 16-year-old, who rolls his eyes. I’m committed to providing my sons with continuity in a world in crisis and that means asking this idiotic question daily. (I alternate this with my other greatest hits: “How was your day” and “Have you drunk enough water?”)

“Yeah,” he says.

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EU gas-fired power resilient in COVID era as coal displaced by renewables -report

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2021-01-25 23:50
EU gas-fired power generation slipped 4% year-on-year in 2020 while coal power output fell 20% as renewables eclipsed ETS-covered fossil generation for the first time, a report showed on Monday.
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Satellites beat balloons in race for flying internet

BBC - Mon, 2021-01-25 23:00
Google's Loon bows out - but thousands of satellites are taking to the skies to beam down the internet.
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Baby tyrannosaurs dinosaurs were the 'size of a Border Collie'

BBC - Mon, 2021-01-25 22:28
Scans of fossilised dinosaur remains reveal they were about 3ft long when they took their first steps.
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Bank of England must do more to secure green recovery from Covid, say MPs

The Guardian - Mon, 2021-01-25 21:30

Committee urges governor to ‘show leadership’ on climate change and forge new path to net zero goal

The Bank of England must do more to ensure a green recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, as current emergency finance measures have not carried conditions relating to greenhouse gas emissions, an influential committee of MPs has said.

The environmental audit committee has written to Andrew Bailey, the governor of the Bank of England, urging him to force large companies receiving millions of pounds in taxpayer money to publish information on their exposure to climate-related risks. Such disclosures are not yet mandatory but have been recommended by the former Bank governor Mark Carney.

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China takes step towards carbon futures exchange

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2021-01-25 21:27
China has approved the setting up of a futures exchange in Guangzhou, moving closer to a carbon futures market as provincial officials in Guangdong are keen for the bourse to establish itself as an emissions trading hub spanning Hong Kong and Macao.
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Bank of England criticised for financing carbon-intensive firms

BBC - Mon, 2021-01-25 19:19
MPs criticise the Bank of England for providing financial help without attaching environmental strings.
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Global ice loss accelerating at record rate, study finds

The Guardian - Mon, 2021-01-25 19:00

Rate of loss now in line with worst-case scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The melting of ice across the planet is accelerating at a record rate, with the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets speeding up the fastest, research has found.

The rate of loss is now in line with the worst-case scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world’s leading authority on the climate, according to a paper published on Monday in the journal The Cryosphere.

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How a cannabis farm cured my fear of nature | Zoe Williams

The Guardian - Mon, 2021-01-25 17:00

A factory with more than 800 plants has been discovered in a building beside the Bank of England – and the news had an unexpected effect on me

There’s always a detail in apocalypse fiction that looms horrifically in your subconscious from your first encounter with the genre, when you were a bit too young for it. Mine is plants bursting through concrete, that stark reminder that mankind is evanescent and nature is stronger. As a child, it was the most terrible thing I could imagine: grass growing through pavement, creepers tendrilling out of defunct offices. I think I got this phobia from The Day of the Triffids, possibly the only book in the British canon where the plants are the bad guy.

It’s easy to imagine it happening in the City of London, which is deader than every other dead place, eerie and full of foreboding. What happened instead was that someone established a cannabis factory of “significant size” (according to the police) right next to the Bank of England. It wasn’t the gigantic tent with the 826 plants that gave it away, but rather the strong smell commonly associated with the class B drug. Can you call a smell a smell when there’s nobody around to smell it? Philosophically, maybe not, but yes, in the eyes of the law.

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French tech firm Schneider Electric tops global league of green firms

The Guardian - Mon, 2021-01-25 16:01

Paris-based company worth €70bn now seen as world’s most sustainable company on Global 100 index

A Paris-based tech company has seen off competition from the world’s best-known green businesses to be named the most sustainable corporation on the planet.

Schneider Electric has climbed the annual Global 100 index, from a ranking of 29 last year, offering the technology and energy solutions needed by the likes of retailer Walmart, hotel group Marriott and steel business ArcelorMittal to meet their climate targets.

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Officials hail 'encouraging' number of north Atlantic right whale births

The Guardian - Mon, 2021-01-25 16:00
  • At least 14 new calves seen off south-eastern US this season
  • Advocacy group warns of ongoing ‘unusual mortality event’

Wildlife officials in Florida have reported an “encouraging” number of sightings of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales off the south-eastern US, including at least 14 new calves, three born to first-time mothers.

Related: Left stranded: US military sonar linked to whale beachings in Pacific, say scientists

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Green shoots: Spanish firm tackles plastic waste from shotgun cartridges

The Guardian - Mon, 2021-01-25 15:00

BioAmmo aims to make 50m of its plastic-free, biodegradable cartridges this year

One day a little over 12 years ago a Spanish entrepreneur, Enrique López-Pozas, was playing Airsoft when he was struck not by an opponent’s shot but by an equally uncomfortable realisation.

What, he wondered, would become of all the little plastic pellets being fired? And, come to that, what about all the shotgun cartridges discarded by hunters and sports shooters around the world?

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Morrison and Taylor continue to stack government bodies with fossil fuel allies

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2021-01-25 14:38

Another key federal government body, in this case responsible for overseeing emissions reduction projects, is stacked with Morrison government allies.

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Home hydrogen storage start-up lands equity investor – and major battery order

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2021-01-25 14:35

Gowing Bros takes equity stake in UNSW spin-off Lavo and orders 200-plus of its 40kWh hydrogen storage systems to install across its property portfolio.

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Something old, something blue: Electric Kombi conversion hits the spot

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2021-01-25 14:08

A neat combination of new technology, repurposed batteries and old school looks and feels give the impression that this Kombi's fate was always to be reborn as an electric vehicle.

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Germany’s youngest coal plant shuttered, considered for hydrogen transformation

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2021-01-25 13:13

Vattenfall announces plans to convert Moorburg coal plant, shuttered just five years after being commissioned, into a green hydrogen hub powered by wind and solar.

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Changes to Western Australia’s energy sector governance

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2021-01-25 13:11

Perth regulator Western Australia AEMO WEM capacity market rules breach - optimisedThe McGowan Government has made a suite of regulatory changes to improve governance arrangements for Western Australia's energy sector.

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Trina Solar Releases TrinaTracker Vanguard 600+ Series increasing efficiency by 8%

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2021-01-25 13:07

Trina Solar has released the TrinaTracker Vanguard 600+ series in China, a product series that has passed TÜV and UL certifications, increasing energy efficiency by 2%-8%.

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