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NZ commission to recommend ETS for fertilisers, CO2 tax for livestock

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2019-04-09 20:48
New Zealand’s government-appointed interim Climate Change Commission will recommend bringing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilisers into the country's ETS while imposing a carbon levy on farming emissions from other sources, its chairman said Tuesday.
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UK parliament pension fund takes first step towards fossil fuel divestment

The Guardian - Tue, 2019-04-09 20:25

Exclusive: trustees reconsidering rules of investments to take account of climate change risk

Parliament’s pension fund trustees are to reconsider the rules of their investments to take account of the risk of climate change, in a first for MPs’ finances.

While stopping short of a promise to fully divest from fossil fuels, the pledge by the trustees marks an important first step towards assessing and reducing the effect of the pension fund’s investments – which are ultimately paid for by the taxpayer – on climate change.

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Labor's 50% electric car goal: too ambitious or not ambitious enough?

ABC Environment - Tue, 2019-04-09 18:43
Wiebe Wakker, who drove from Amsterdam to Sydney, in an electric car says it's the latter.
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Environment Minister approves Adani groundwater management plan

ABC Environment - Tue, 2019-04-09 18:15
The decision was always going to be controversial, but the very public pressure placed on her by National Party MPs has Labor and the Greens asking if she was bullied.
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Climate change: European team to drill for 'oldest ice' in Antarctica

BBC - Tue, 2019-04-09 17:03
The near-3km-long Antarctic ice core should reveal the cause of a key shift in Earth's climate past.
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From Australia to Africa, fences are stopping Earth's great animal migrations

The Conversation - Tue, 2019-04-09 16:53
When people build fences across semi-arid landscapes we cut off vital paths to seasonal food and water. Bill Laurance, Distinguished Research Professor and Australian Laureate, James Cook University Penny van Oosterzee, Adjunct Associate Professor James Cook University and University Fellow Charles Darwin University, James Cook University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Hawaii aims for more cheap solar and battery storage to replace coal and gas

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2019-04-09 15:11

Hawaii utility to call another tender seeking cheap solar and battery storage to replace coal and gas plants about to close down.

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Adani coal mine clears another hurdle, with water approval from Price

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2019-04-09 15:01

adani carmichaelCoalition, for first time in memory, says it "accepts the science" - but only a little bit, so it can advance the biggest ever coal mine in the country.

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Seasons of the witch: as women we nurture the riches of earth, food and health

The Guardian - Tue, 2019-04-09 13:42

The correlation of the feminine to nature, repressive for so long, can be a source of power

In the past few months I have started putting down roots. It’s a cliche but it’s literally what I’m doing. I spend my weekends transforming the tired old lawn into garden beds, layering woodchips, straw and horse shit I’ve shovelled from the paddocks next door into rich soil to grow my lettuces and kale. I have always loved gardening but now, more than ever, working with the earth has taken on an element of the spiritual.

As a teenager, like many suburban white girls, I got way into Wicca, that gentle, nature-centred neo-pagan religion beloved by would-be witches everywhere. Much later, in my early 20s, I revisited witchcraft, finding an unstructured feminine spirituality that helped me make sense of the world.

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Coalition tips funds into battery electic vehicle – to cut pollution at coal mines

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2019-04-09 12:05

Federal Coalition announces funding for a battery electric vehicle to transport people in underground coal mines, to reduce fumes and pollution.

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Snowy 2.0 construction costs blow out to more than $5 billion

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2019-04-09 11:34

SCOTT MORRISON SNOWY HYDROSnowy 2.0 construction costs now put at least $5.1 billion, and its timeline stretches out to 2027.

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Introducing the latest carbon neutral certified building

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2019-04-09 11:13
Frasers Property has another carbon neutral certified building.
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Introducing the latest carbon neutral certified organisation

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2019-04-09 11:11
Medibank Private is certified carbon neutral for its business operations.
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Introducing the latest carbon neutral certified organisation

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2019-04-09 11:08
Randwick City Council is carbon neutral.
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Introducing the latest carbon neutral certified business

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2019-04-09 11:06
Intrepid Group is certified for its business operations and tours.
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Introducing the latest carbon neutral certified business

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2019-04-09 11:04
Keith Tulloch Wine is certified for its wine and winery operations.
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Snowy 2.0 construction costs blow out to more than $5 billion

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2019-04-09 10:36

SCOTT MORRISON SNOWY HYDROSnowy 2.0 is shaping up to be a more than $5 billion-plus project. Almost as much as the price, it’s the eight years to completion that caught this analyst by surprise.

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Categories: Around The Web

Electric cars: separating the facts from the propaganda

The Guardian - Tue, 2019-04-09 10:08

Electric vehicles have been subject to some wild claims in the Australian election campaign, even before it is called. Here’s the reality

A more pertinent question might be: why weren’t we talking about them earlier? The treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, tried to start a discussion in January 2018, when he was responsible for environment and energy, comparing the expected trajectory of EVs to that of the iPhone. He said changes in battery technology and recharging infrastructure were gaining momentum in Europe, Asia and North America that would inevitably be replicated in Australia, and predicted people that who mocked EVs would one day be driving them.

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Aphantasia: Ex-Pixar chief Ed Catmull says 'my mind's eye is blind'

BBC - Tue, 2019-04-09 09:52
Ed Catmull has aphantasia, as do some of the world's best animators at Pixar.
Categories: Around The Web

Mega merger of fossil fuel car dealers plays down electric vehicles, automation

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2019-04-09 09:41

The proposed "mega-merger" of AP Eagers and Automotive Holdings Group to create by far the biggest car dealership in Australia is big news. But so far, EVs don't rate a mention.

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