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Virginia’s Dominion to shutter 10 mostly coal and gas plants
EU Market: EUAs rise nearly 3% as coal rebound lifts energy complex
Are more Aussie trees dying of drought? Scientists need your help spotting dead trees
How a kingfisher helped reshape Japan's bullet train
Bees: Many British pollinating insects in decline, study shows
Widespread losses of pollinating insects revealed across Britain
Wild bees and hoverflies lost from a quarter of the places they were found in 1980, study shows
A widespread loss of pollinating insects in recent decades has been revealed by the first national survey in Britain, which scientists say “highlights a fundamental deterioration” in nature.
The analysis of 353 wild bee and hoverfly species found the insects have been lost from a quarter of the places they were found in 1980. A third of the species now occupy smaller ranges, with just one in 10 expanding their extent, and the average number of species found in a square kilometre fell by 11.
Continue reading...Climate change petition: Oxford students campaign for better teaching on subject
Australia shortlists lower-carbon projects for support amid calls for stable climate, energy policy
NZ minister dismisses proposal to restrict forestry NZU use in ETS
Nasa's first all-female spacewalk scrapped over spacesuit sizes
‘It devours everything’: the crab that hitched a ride to Spain | Stephen Burgen
Only the octopus is a match for the deadly pincers of a creature that has found its way from the US to the Ebro Delta
Voracious and almost without predators, the blue crab was first sighted in the Ebro Delta on Spain’s Mediterranean coast in 2012, and since then the population has expanded exponentially, wiping out native species and forcing the fishing industry to adapt and find new markets.
The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) is a native of the east coast of the United States. It probably found its way into the Mediterranean via ships’ ballast tanks, says Carmen Barberá, a researcher at the Marine Research Centre at the University of Alicante, who is a specialist in invasive species.
Continue reading...Climate change denial is evil, says Mary Robinson
Exclusive: chair of Elders group also says fossil fuel firms have lost their social licence
The denial of climate change is not just ignorant, but “malign and evil”, according to Mary Robinson, because it denies the human rights of the most vulnerable people on the planet.
The former UN high commissioner for human rights and special envoy for climate change also says fossil fuel companies have lost their social licence to explore for more coal, oil and gas and must switch to become part of the transition to clean energy.
Continue reading...No new coal in Coalition generation shortlist, just an upgrade, gas and storage
No new coal plant made the Coalition's shortlist for new generation, although Morrison has bowed to the far right and agreed to a feasibility study for Queensland coal plant.
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Coalition climate scare campaign continues, in desperate pitch to farmers
Federal agriculture minister claims 1% emissions reduction could slash national herd and flock by 10% – "more than 2.5m cattle and six million sheep.” Says Labor being "tricky."
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The lies being told by coal lobby to push for Queensland coal plant
The campaign for a new coal generator in Queensland has been underpinned by lies and misinformation. A feasibility study should confirm the stupidity of the idea.
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Australia gets bottom of class on energy transition, as government clings to coal
Australia singled out as one of least prepared of world’s advanced economies to transition to low-carbon energy, according to a new report from the World Economic Forum.
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It’s cheaper to replace most US coal plants with renewables than keep them open
New research finds that replacing 74 per cent of existing coal plants with renewables would immediately reduce costs.
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