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EU Market: EUAs tumble a further 6% to enter bear market territory

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2019-02-15 06:18
European carbon prices continued their downward march on Thursday, falling by 6% to hit a new two-month low and officially enter bear market territory.
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Cambridge anglers win fish loss compensation

BBC - Fri, 2019-02-15 06:12
Anglian Water admits ammonia discharge from a recycling unit killed big bream in the River Cam.
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Meal kits cut food waste but packaging is a problem, study finds

The Guardian - Fri, 2019-02-15 06:00

Deliveries ‘almost always’ use more energy than buying ingredients from supermarket

Home delivery meal kits can slash food waste by more than two-thirds, but suppliers need to switch to reusable packaging to make them environmentally friendly, researchers say.

Tailor-made meal kits save waste by providing people with precise amounts of fresh ingredients for chosen recipes, meaning leftovers are minimised and less food goes off before people have a chance to use it.

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Electronic waste is recycled in appalling conditions in India

The Conversation - Fri, 2019-02-15 05:08
For as little as $4 a day Indian workers process dangerous, toxic waste by hand. This unregulated, highly polluting industry is hidden away from police eyes. Miles Park, Senior Lecturer, Industrial Design, UNSW Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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EU wrong to include Solvay’s captured emissions in ETS, court rules

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2019-02-15 04:57
The EU’s highest court ruled that Brussels wrongly included emissions captured from a Belgium chemical firm's German unit under the scope of the EU ETS, a move that could slightly curb the company’s carbon costs.
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NA Markets: RGGI prices fall sharply as WCI trade continues to languish

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2019-02-15 04:09
RGGI prices fell by almost 20 cents this week as traders took a more bearish near-term view, while California CCA prices continued to stagnate ahead of the WCI market's February auction.
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Chernobyl: The end of a three-decade experiment

BBC - Fri, 2019-02-15 03:49
The abandoned Chernobyl exclusion zone could be about to change for the first time since the world's worst nuclear disaster.
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Trump administration condemned over delaying action on toxic drinking water

The Guardian - Fri, 2019-02-15 02:49

EPA to spend at least another year considering whether to restrict toxic chemicals found in drinking water

Environment advocates have condemned Trump administration plans to spend at least another year considering whether to restrict toxic chemicals increasingly found in drinking water across the country.

The chemicals – known as PFOS and PFOA – are found in nonstick pots and pans, food packaging, and firefighting foam sprayed in drills on military bases. They seep into soil and groundwater in areas where they are manufactured and used.

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Chemicals 'repair damaged neurons in mice'

BBC - Fri, 2019-02-15 02:30
Some early studies in mice suggest drugs can be developed to halt mental decline, say scientists.
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Oil firm aims to extend Dorset coast drilling despite marine life risk

The Guardian - Fri, 2019-02-15 00:22

Environment groups oppose licence for Corallian Energy extractions along protected coastline running to March

An oil company drilling off the Dorset coastline is attempting to extend its licence into the spring, challenging the conditions imposed to protect the sea’s many sensitive wildlife species.

Corallian Energy has set up a rig visible from the protected coastline and in close proximity to 58 marine and coastal protected areas. Sensitive and protected species offshore include bottlenose dolphins, seahorses, rays and breeding populations of seabirds including sandwich terns and little terns.

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Search for Shackleton's lost Endurance ship called off

BBC - Thu, 2019-02-14 22:15
Thick ice and a lost sub bring an end to the search for the famous Antarctic explorer's sunken polar yacht.
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Headteachers in a bind as pupils prepare to go on UK climate strike

The Guardian - Thu, 2019-02-14 21:31

Unions urge pupils not to walk out of class but some schools may adopt relaxed attitude

School leaders are having to wrestle with their consciences over pupils joining the nationwide climate strike to be held on Friday afternoon, caught between their duties as teachers and instincts as educators.

Thousands of the more than 8 million school pupils in the UK are expected to walk out of lessons to show their concern about the threat of escalating climate change.

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Paying tribute to the nation's forests

BBC - Thu, 2019-02-14 19:27
Britons are being urged to write a poem, letter or story to celebrate the woodlands of the UK.
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Government shelves energy "big stick"

ABC Environment - Thu, 2019-02-14 18:06
Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce says the Coalition remains determined to pass legislation to lower power prices.
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'Highly irresponsible': Senate calls for Great Barrier Reef Foundation to return money

The Guardian - Thu, 2019-02-14 16:11

A Senate inquiry into the $443m grant to private foundation calls for termination of partnership

A committee examining the government’s decision to award $443.3m to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation has recommended unspent funds from the controversial grant be returned to the commonwealth and reserved for future reef projects.

The final report, tabled in the Senate on Thursday, calls the awarding of the grant last year “a highly irresponsible decision, hastily concocted by relevant ministers” and calls for a fresh review of the structure of all government funding meant to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

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SK Market: KAUs rise to 8-mth highs on strong auction

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2019-02-14 16:02
South Korean carbon permits traded up to their highest prices since last June on Thursday on the back of a strong auction that cleared 5.9% above the secondary market.
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Black coal plants push Australian wholesale energy prices to record highs

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2019-02-14 14:57

Latest quarterly report from AEMO shows black coal generators pushing up electricity prices as demand falls and more cheap renewables come into the system.

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Coalition “ditches” big stick energy bill, confusion over underwriting deal

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2019-02-14 14:28

The Coalition has been forced to ditch its controversial "big stick" divestiture bill after deciding it no longer has the numbers in the House of Representatives following the landmark defeat over the so-called "medevic" bill earlier this week.

The post Coalition “ditches” big stick energy bill, confusion over underwriting deal appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Solar continues to re-shape the grid, AEMO report reveals

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2019-02-14 14:15

AEMO report highlights how solar continues to reshape the grid, adding more capacity than any other source, causing record low demands in South Australia and W.A.

The post Solar continues to re-shape the grid, AEMO report reveals appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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New Indigenous Protected Areas Program Competitive Grants Round open

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2019-02-14 13:19
The Competitive Grant Round is open until 2pm Canberra time (AEST) 30 April 2019. Grant guidelines and further information on how to apply is available on the Government’s GrantConnect website at: www.grants.gov.au.
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