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Two-thirds of EU ETS New Entrants’ Reserve for Phase 3 remains unallocated
Juliet and friends found for Romeo the lonely water frog
Five frogs found on Bolivian expedition funded through lonely hearts profile
For 10 years, Romeo, the last known Sehuencas water frog on the planet, led a solitary life in a conservation centre in Bolivia. Now scientists have found him a Juliet.
The adult female was among five frogs found on an expedition into Bolivia’s cloud forest. The $25,000 search was funded by donations gathered after Romeo’s keepers posted a lonely hearts profile on the dating website Match.com on Valentine’s Day last year.
Continue reading...The primacy of climate change | Letter
The Guardian is the only newspaper to recognise the seriousness of the threat we face from accelerating climate breakdown. Yet you, like Labour, still treat it as an “add-on” – as a separate subject, not something that, in Naomi Klein’s words, changes everything. Thus Jonathan Haidt and Pamela Paresky (Opinion, 10 January) write about the mental effects of childhood stress, never mentioning how terrifying it is for children to live in an environment of existential threat coupled with denial. Thus Owen Jones (Opinion, 10 January) discusses Labour’s Brexit choices and the need to reverse austerity, with no recognition that redistribution must now be within an economy focused on reducing emissions to net zero by 2030, not on “good” growth. All discussion of Brexit or any other policy issue should now be in the context of the need for central and local government to enter emergency mode.
Caro New
Green party of England and Wales campaigns coordinator (jobshare)
• Join the debate – email guardian.letters@theguardian.com
Continue reading...EU glyphosate approval was based on plagiarised Monsanto text, report finds
Study for European parliament ‘explains why EU assessors brushed off warnings of pesticide’s dangers’, says MEP
EU regulators based a decision to relicense the controversial weedkiller glyphosate on an assessment plagiarised from industry reports, according to a report for the European parliament.
A crossparty group of MEPs commissioned an investigation into claims, revealed by the Guardian, that Germany’s Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) copy-and-pasted tracts from Monsanto studies.
Continue reading...New Hampshire legislature releases RGGI bill
RGGI to offer 12.9 mln allowances on Mar. 13
Offset project developer ALLCOT hires in Colombia as director leaves for ministry
Immediate fossil fuel phaseout could arrest climate change – study
Scientists say it may still technically be possible to limit warming to 1.5C if drastic action is taken now
Climate change could be kept in check if a phaseout of all fossil fuel infrastructure were to begin immediately, according to research.
It shows that meeting the internationally agreed aspiration of keeping global warming to less than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels is still possible. The scientists say it is therefore the choices being made by global society, not physics, which is the obstacle to meeting the goal.
Continue reading...Quebec allocates 14.1 mln allowances for 2019 in partial distribution
World's loneliest frog finds a possible mate
World's 'loneliest' frog gets a date
Cern plans even larger hadron collider for physics search
China's Moon mission sees first seeds sprout
'One fish at a time': Indonesia lands remarkable victory
Tuna fishery gains first MSC gold standard after nation’s huge push to boost stocks, protect livelihoods and ban foreign vessels
Indonesia, the world’s largest tuna fishing nation, has pulled out all the stops in recent years to transform the health of an industry blighted by depleted stocks and illegal poaching.
Measures by the government – which have even included the bombing of foreign vessels fishing illegally in Indonesian waters – have helped fish stocks more than double in the last five years.
But now the industry has reached another important milestone: one of Indonesia’s tuna fisheries has become the first in the country – and second in south-east Asia – to achieve the gold standard for sustainable practices.
Continue reading...UK's first contact lens recycling scheme launches
Wearers of any brand of soft lens can now have them collected or drop them off at recycling bins
The UK’s first free national recycling scheme for plastic contact lenses – worn by an estimated 3.7 million people – is being rolled out this week.
Wearers of any brand of soft lens will have the option of either having their discarded items and packaging collected or dropping them off at a network of recycling bins at Boots Opticians and selected independent stores.
Continue reading...Australia's first tufted duck sighting creates a 'mega-twitch' at sewage pond
Bird-watchers flock to Werribee treatment plant, near Melbourne, to see Eurasia native
The Werribee sewage ponds are one of the most popular bird-watching locations in Australia. On a good day, says Birdlife Australia’s Sean Dooley, you may see as many as five or six other cars there.
That was before the tufted duck arrived.
Continue reading...Insect collapse: ‘We are destroying our life support systems’
Scientist Brad Lister returned to Puerto Rican rainforest after 35 years to find 98% of ground insects had vanished
“We knew that something was amiss in the first couple days,” said Brad Lister. “We were driving into the forest and at the same time both Andres and I said: ‘Where are all the birds?’ There was nothing.”
His return to the Luquillo rainforest in Puerto Rico after 35 years was to reveal an appalling discovery. The insect population that once provided plentiful food for birds throughout the mountainous national park had collapsed. On the ground, 98% had gone. Up in the leafy canopy, 80% had vanished. The most likely culprit by far is global warming.
Continue reading...Trump plans to relax Obama rules for oil companies put in place after BP disaster
Proposed revised rules include a change that would allow oil companies to select third party companies to evaluate the safety of their equipment
The Trump administration is expected to give BP and other big oil companies more power to self-regulate their offshore drilling operations, years after investigators found that lax regulatory oversight was one of the leading culprits behind the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, the worst environmental catastrophe in US history.
The move to relax new rules that were put in place by the Obama administration after the BP disaster, which killed 11 workers, spewed 4m barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and cost BP $65bn, comes as the White House is seeking to open offshore oil and gas drilling to the vast majority of US coastal waters, including in the Arctic.
Continue reading...Duck! Solar charge puts energy market transition on the fast-track
Australia's record-breaking solar uptake, and the "duck curve" effect it is having on the NEM, will cause the “next major inflection” in the energy market, Morgan Stanley warns, and likely sooner than investors and industry players are expecting.
The post Duck! Solar charge puts energy market transition on the fast-track appeared first on RenewEconomy.