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'Death sentence': butterfly sanctuary to be bulldozed for Trump's border wall
More than 200 species make their homes at America’s most diverse sanctuary, but construction through the reserve could begin in February
On any given day at the National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas, visitors can to see more than 60 varieties of butterflies. In the spring and fall, monarchs and other species can blanket the center’s 100 acres of subtropical bushlands that extend from the visitor center to to the banks of the Rio Grande river, where their property, and US sovereignty, end.
“It’s like something from Fantasia,” said the center’s director, Marianna Wright. “When you walk you have to cover your mouth so you don’t suck in a butterfly.”
Continue reading...Climate change: Failure to tackle warming 'suicidal'
The suburbs are the spiritual home of overconsumption. But they also hold the key to a better future
Australia Defence taps solar, battery storage for NT base, in push away from fossil fuels
Department of Defence tenders for 1-1.5MW solar plus battery storage for Jindalee Transmitting Site north-east of Alice Springs, to "reduce reliance on fossil fuels."
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Network news: How Texas got its transmission needs right for wind and solar
There are a lot of similarities between the Texas and Australian grids, except for the fact that Texas did its network preparation properly, and Australia did not.
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Investor Group on Climate Change announces new Chair and Deputy Chair
The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Chair and Deputy Chair.
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Snowy board gives a tick to Snowy 2.0, as NSW and Tasmania turn focus on pumped hydro
Snowy board gives tick of approval to Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro scheme, but final call remains with government owner, and Coalition not saying if the project stacks up.
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CP Daily: Wednesday December 12, 2018
Coalition frames underwriting tender to choose what it wants, including coal
Coalition underwriting documents allow government to pick and choose its favoured projects and adjust the criteria to suit. Even emissions intensity may not be a factor.
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Managing Director and CEO Mick McCormack to retire in 2019
APA Group Chairman Michael Fraser has today announced that APA’s long serving CEO and Managing Director Mick McCormack has advised the Board of his intention to retire from the role no later than 31 December 2019.
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Labor won't rule out using 'accounting tricks' to meet emissions reduction targets
Mark Butler says party will make decision on using carryover credits from the Kyoto protocol after Paris ‘rule book’ established
The shadow climate minister Mark Butler has not ruled out using carryover carbon credits from the Kyoto protocol to help Labor meet its more ambitious emissions reduction targets in the event it wins the next election.
Butler expressed reluctance about using accounting tricks as part of Labor’s climate policy arsenal, but told the ABC he would not make a decision about whether carryover credits were in or out until after the Paris rule book was established.
Continue reading...Tasmanian Richey Fishing Company – Australian Salmon - Application 2018
Tasmanian Richey Fishing Company – Australian Salmon - Application 2018
Why the energy regulator’s report into wholesale market prices is a joke
Energy regulator waves away claims of market abuse by the big energy companies, but as it admits itself, it doesn't know what's going on because it is not allowed to look.
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Parker Solar Probe: Sun-skimming mission starts calling home
Australia turns back on allies as it refuses to cut emissions above Paris pledge
EU and 27 countries vow to toughen commitments as environment minister’s address at COP24 UN climate change summit accused of flying in face of reality
Australia will not commit to larger carbon emissions reductions above its Paris agreement target, despite a coalition of former allies and Pacific neighbours urging greater cuts.
In Paris in 2015 Australia was a part of a bloc of countries called the “High Ambition Coalition”, which includes the UK, the EU, New Zealand, the Marshall Islands and Fiji. Australia is outside that bloc now.
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