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SSEE Qld events in October 2011

Newsletters QLD - Fri, 2011-10-21 07:47
SSEE Qld events in October 2011
Categories: Newsletters QLD

BBC Frozen Planet – in pictures

The Guardian - Wed, 2011-10-19 22:58
The BBC will show a major new nature documentary next week, which it describes as the ultimate portrait of Earth's polar regions: the last great wilderness on the planet Continue reading...
Categories: Around The Web

China angry over Burma's decision to suspend work on £2.3bn dam

The Guardian - Wed, 2011-10-05 04:46
Beijing threatens legal action as Burma halts dam because it is 'against the will of the people'

Burma's decision to suspend the country's biggest hydroelectric project has shocked and enraged China, the government's most influential backer on the international stage.

Senior officials in Beijing have castigated their south-east Asian ally and threatened legal action. It emerged that they were not consulted before President Thein Sien of Burma announced last Friday a halt to building the $3.6bn (£2.3bn) hydropower dam on the Irawaddy – known as the Myitsone project – because it was "against the will of the people".

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Scottish nuclear leak 'will never be completely cleaned up'

The Guardian - Wed, 2011-09-21 21:48
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has abandoned its aim to remove all traces of contamination from the north coast seabed

Radioactive contamination that leaked for more than two decades from the Dounreay nuclear plant on the north coast of Scotland will never be completely cleaned up, a Scottish government agency has admitted.

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) has decided to give up on its aim of returning the seabed near the plant to a "pristine condition". To do so, it said, could cause "more harm than good".

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Want to know more about the Carbon Tax? Come to the SSEE September techical session.

Newsletters QLD - Tue, 2011-09-20 05:04
Want to know more about the Carbon Tax? Come to the SSEE September techical session.
Categories: Newsletters QLD

SSEE 2011 International Conference - Don't miss out on Early Bird registration

Newsletters National - Fri, 2011-09-16 06:09
SSEE 2011 International Conference - Don't miss out on Early Bird registration
Categories: Newsletters National

West Bank villagers' daily battle with Israel over water

The Guardian - Thu, 2011-09-15 02:51
Al-Amniyr villagers in the West Bank face a catch-22: if they obey the law they cannot collect water. But if they fail to water the land, they lose it anyway

The South Hebron Hills, sweltering in 34C heat and in its second consecutive year of drought, is a landscape of brutal contrasts. There is enough water here to support lush greenhouses, big cattle sheds, even ornamental plants. It arrives in large, high-pressure lines. And there appears to be no limit to the bounty it can bring.

Cheek by jowl with the water towers and red roofs of the Israeli settlers in this area of the West Bank is a landscape of stone boulders, tents and caves. The Palestinian village of al-Amniyr looks from afar like a rubbish tip until you realise that the rubbish is people's dwellings, which have been destroyed in attacks targeting their water cisterns.

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Pollutionwatch: Riots caused air pollution peaks

The Guardian - Wed, 2011-09-14 08:05

One of London's longest running air pollution monitoring sites was at the heart of the rioting that began on Tottenham High Road on Saturday 6 August. The intensity of the fires meant that much of the smoke was lofted away from the immediate area; however, the monitoring site measured two hours of pollution that was around 10 times greater than average. Interestingly the air pollution was not just the small particles typical of smoke but it also contained many larger particles, presumably owing to dust from falling debris as fire damaged buildings began to crumble.

The fire at Reeves furniture store in West Croydon on the evening of Monday 8 August was shown live on news programmes. Flames leapt into the sky and could be clearly seen over 8kms away. Once again the heat from the fire lifted the smoke high. A gentle westerly wind carried smoke before it came to ground around 600 metres away in East Croydon at around 9pm. Here air pollution reaching around 20 times average levels was measured until early the following day. Although the fires caused large air pollution peaks the UK health guidelines, based on exposure averaged over the whole day, were not exceeded.

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Beijing set to become world's busiest aviation hub with new mega-airport

The Guardian - Fri, 2011-09-09 03:57
Proposals for giant third airport could mean 120 million passengers pass through Chinese capital a year

Beijing is moving to overtake London as the world's busiest aviation hub with the construction of a third airport that could have as many as nine runways.

The new mega-project – part of a huge expansion of China's airline industry – has alarmed environmental groups, who warn aircraft will increasingly contribute to the country's already dire pollution problems and high greenhouse gas emissions.

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Underground river 'Rio Hamza' discovered 4km beneath the Amazon

The Guardian - Fri, 2011-08-26 19:44
Scientists estimate the subterranean river may be 6,000km long and hundreds of times wider than the Amazon

Covering more than 7 million square kilometres in South America, the Amazon basin is one of the biggest and most impressive river systems in the world. But it turns out we have only known half the story until now.

Brazilian scientists have found a new river in the Amazon basin – around 4km underneath the Amazon river. The Rio Hamza, named after the head of the team of researchers who found the groundwater flow, appears to be as long as the Amazon river but up to hundreds of times wider.

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Planet Earth is home to 8.7 million species, scientists estimate

The Guardian - Wed, 2011-08-24 07:00
Latest bid to count and catalogue the living world is billed as the most accurate yet, but only a tiny proportion is known to science

Damian Carrington: Counting the Earth's living riches is a landmark moment

Humans share the planet with as many as 8.7 million different forms of life, according to what is being billed as the most accurate estimate yet of life on Earth.

Researchers who have analysed the hierarchical categorisation of life on Earth to estimate how many undiscovered species exist say the diversity of life is not equally divided between land and ocean. Three-quarters of the 8.7m species – the majority of which are insects – are on land; only one-quarter, 2.2m, are in the deep, even though 70% of the Earth's surface is water.

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North sea oil spill 'worst for a decade'

The Guardian - Tue, 2011-08-16 00:47
The government estimates oil leak could involve more than 1,300 barrels but claims it has been greatly reduced

The flow of oil from the worst spill in UK waters in the past decade, at one of Shell's North Sea platforms, has been "greatly reduced" but not yet stopped completely, the government said on Monday.

Conservationists warned that the leak could harm bird life in the area, at a delicate time in their development, as the oil company worked to minimise the damage.

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Categories: Around The Web

19th century cyclists paved the way for modern motorists' roads | Carlton Reid

The Guardian - Mon, 2011-08-15 16:00
Car drivers assume the roads were built for them, but it was cyclists who first lobbied for flat roads more than 100 years ago

Wooden hobbyhorses evolved into velocipedes; velocipedes evolved into safety bicycles; safety bicycles evolved into automobiles.

It's well known that the automotive industry grew from seeds planted in the fertile soil that was the late 19th century bicycle market. And to many motorists it's back in the 19th century that bicycles belong. Cars are deemed to be modern; bicycles are Victorian.

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Categories: Around The Web

Aung San Suu Kyi: China's dam project in Burma is dangerous and divisive

The Guardian - Fri, 2011-08-12 20:56
The leader of Burma's pro-democracy opposition joins chorus of alarm over China's plan to build dams on Irrawaddy river

Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Burma's pro-democracy opposition, has called for a halt to a massive Chinese hydropower project on the Irrawaddy river that has alarmed environmentalists and added to a long-running conflict between tribal militias and the government in Rangoon.

The Nobel laureate stepped into the fray on Thursday with a personal statement calling for greater protection for Burma's most important river, which is threatened by logging, pollution and the construction of a cascade of at least seven dams, a project managed by China Power Investment.

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Categories: Around The Web

Is it a cyclist's right to 'take the lane'? | Laura Laker

The Guardian - Mon, 2011-08-01 22:43
Riding in an assertive position in the middle of the lane is recommended as safe practice in certain situations – but it can provoke hostile reactions from other road users

Ask any urban cyclist about "taking the lane", and even if they haven't heard of the term, they have probably done it. Although widely regarded as safe practice, this often gets negative responses from other road users. So who is right?

"Taking the lane" or taking "primary position" is essentially riding in the centre of the lane. Cyclists do it a) when passing parked cars whose doors may suddenly open; b) to prevent traffic overtaking dangerously in narrow roads and c) when manoeuvring or turning.

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Categories: Around The Web

Escaping Silos – Paul Gilding Secured as Key Note speaker for SSEE 2011 Conference

Newsletters National - Mon, 2011-07-11 08:27
Escaping Silos – Paul Gilding Secured as Key Note speaker for SSEE 2011 Conference
Categories: Newsletters National

Britain's richest man to build giant Arctic iron ore mine

The Guardian - Tue, 2011-07-05 03:13
Lakshmi Mittal's 'mega-mine' is believed to be the largest mineral extraction project in the region but threatens unique wildlife

Britain's richest man is planning a giant new opencast mine 300 miles inside the Arctic Circle in a bid to extract a potential $23bn (£14bn) worth of iron ore.

The "mega-mine" – which includes a 150km railway line and two new ports – is believed to be the largest mineral extraction project in the Arctic and highlights the huge commercial potential of the far north as global warming makes industrial development in the region easier.

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Categories: Around The Web

Green groups bitterly divided over future of Chagos islanders | Fred Pearce

The Guardian - Sat, 2011-05-21 03:00
Email correspondence seen by the Guardian reveals prominent groups vehemently oppose returning Chagossians home

An American environment group with strong links to the US government is privately opposing proposals by leading British environmental scientists for some of the exiled inhabitants of the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean to be allowed to return home.

The islanders were ejected by Britain 40 years ago to make way for the giant US base at the Diego Garcia atoll. Last year, the British government announced the creation of the world's largest marine protected area round most of the Chagos islands – with the likely exception of Diego Garcia.

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Categories: Around The Web

SSEE invites members to comment on Strategic Plan

Newsletters National - Thu, 2011-05-19 08:08
SSEE invites members to comment on Strategic Plan
Categories: Newsletters National

Let's talk dolphin!

The Guardian - Tue, 2011-05-17 05:00
It started out as the dream of a maverick 60s scientist, but new experiments mean we may soon be able to converse with dolphins

The vision was set out in Life magazine in 1961 by Dr John C Lilly, an American physiologist, who was pictured at his laboratory in white shirt-sleeves with a microphone pressed against the blowhole of a young dolphin called Elvar.

Lilly was partial to hallucinogenic drugs and championed the recreational use of isolation chambers meant for sensory deprivation studies, but he also held a rare passion for dolphins. He devoted much of his life – and no fewer than five books – to the animals and dreamed one day of creating a common language we might use to converse with them. He even sketched designs for an aquatic lounge, where pods and people could meet for a natter.

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