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50 years, 25 Cops: the slow-motion movement to save the planet

The Guardian - Sun, 2021-10-31 02:00

How Guardian journalists reported on the long, twisting road to global action on the climate crisis

From the earliest global environment conference in the 1970s, through the Rio Earth Summit and 25 subsequent Cops, Guardian journalists have reported on every twist and turn of these gargantuan gatherings, which have attracted hundreds of thousands of delegates over the years.

One of the success stories of the conference [is] the little blue and white bicycles parked outside the main buildings used by the UN delegates, UN staff and the press, who have particularly taken to them, sign out a key which fits a lock of any machine. By lunchtime yesterday every key was taken.

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Hertz’s supercharged Tesla deal could haul us into the electric vehicle age | John Naughton

The Guardian - Sun, 2021-10-31 01:00

The firm’s agreement to buy 100,000 cars from Elon Musk’s company could change people’s minds about EVs for good

On Tuesday, Hertz, the car-rental firm that recently emerged from bankruptcy, announced that it had made a deal to buy 100,000 cars from Tesla for what knowledgeable sources estimate to be worth $4bn. On learning this, my first thought was that if this is what insolvency is like, please direct me to the nearest bankruptcy court. My second thought, though, was that this could be a significant moment on the road to wider adoption of electric vehicles (EVs).

The reason is, as anyone who has rented conventional cars will know, is that the best way of having a realistic test drive of a vehicle is to rent one for a week or two on holiday. As Teslas become available via Hertz, many more people will have a chance to experience what an EV is like. This is important because, generally, only geeks and masochists (like this columnist) are early adopters of novel technology and normal cautious consumers regard EVs as rather exotic and peculiar, not something you’d rely on for commuting or the school run.

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Don’t put climate activists on trial, CPS urged

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 23:00

Questions raised over purpose of prosecuting peaceful protestors after activists are found guilty of calling climate-change sceptics ‘liars’

Prosecutors are under growing pressure to drop cases against environmental protestors after activists were found guilty of calling the UK’s most prominent climate-change sceptics “liars”.

Three campaigners were found guilty of criminal damage after spraying graffiti on the Westminster office of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. The organisation, which was once chaired by the former chancellor Nigel Lawson, has been criticised by the Charity Commission for breaking rules on impartiality, with critics accusing it of being the UK’s most prominent source of climate-change scepticism.

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Cop26 failure could mean mass migration and food shortages, says Boris Johnson

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 20:00

Ahead of G20 meeting, PM warns of ‘difficult geopolitical events’ echoing those that ended Roman empire

A failure by world leaders to commit to tackling the climate emergency at the Cop26 summit in Glasgow could prompt “very difficult geopolitical events” including mass migration and global competition for food and water, Boris Johnson has said.

Speaking before the start of a gathering of leaders from the G20 industrialised nations in Rome, where he will push for countries to arrive in Glasgow with fixed plans to cut emissions, Johnson said the chances of success hung in the balance.

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Afghans have Cop26 delegate applications rejected days before event

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 19:00

Five men and one woman who have fled Taliban are given no reason for rejection

Six environmental experts from Afghanistan who were due to attend Cop26 as their country’s delegates to the global conference have had their applications rejected just days before the event begins.

The six – five men and one woman who cannot be named because it could jeopardise their safety – were looking forward to travelling to the event to help make the concerns of Afghans about the climate emergency heard at the summit.

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Our climate demands we change the world right now. The good news? We can | Rebecca Solnit

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 19:00

Glasgow has to be a turning point. There is no other option

Nothing and everything and not nearly enough has changed in the six years since the Paris climate summit and agreement. The four players in our climate future – climate chaos, climate activism, climate solutions and climate finance – are still on a playing field filled with floods, flames and false solutions. Two of them are racing away from catastrophe, one is rushing toward it, and the fourth is undecided.

Runaway climate change itself has gotten far worse: we’re seeing chaos and destruction, ice melt and early signs of systemic collapse of ocean currents, ice sheets and much else. Both the climate movement and the practical solutions have gotten far stronger, more ambitious, more capable, more diverse. Climate finance has run in both directions: far too much money is still pumped into the fossil fuel industry, but there have been significant successes getting governments, development banks, and private investors to cut financing and reframe the industry as fundamentally criminal.

Rebecca Solnit is a Guardian US columnist. Her most recent books are Recollections of My Nonexistence and Orwell’s Roses

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Cop26 will be whitest and most privileged ever, warn campaigners

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 19:00

Thousands from frontline communities in global south have been excluded, activists claim

The global climate summit in Glasgow will be the whitest and most privileged ever, according to campaigners, who warn that thousands of people from frontline communities in the global south have been excluded.

World leaders and delegates are expected to be joined by celebrities, corporate chief executives and royals at the critical two-week event.

an underlying “hostile attitude” from the UK Home Office towards those travelling from countries in the global south, particularly Africa, which has led to many visas being refused;

a failure to honour a pledge to offer Covid vaccines to all delegates, leaving many to search for vaccines in countries with little or no access;

constantly changing Covid restrictions for those entering the UK, with travel banned from countries on the UK’s red list, which, until this month, included many of the countries worst hit by the climate crisis. This has left many to seek costly and complicated routes to Glasgow via third countries;

an accommodation crisis in the city that has made finding a safe place to stay difficult and expensive. Campaigners have set up a “homestay network” to try to link people up with spare rooms, but say they have thousands on their waiting list

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UK’s top climate adviser launches scathing attack on Australia on eve of Cop26

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 17:34

Lord Deben says there is ‘no indication’ Scott Morrison has a plan to deliver the net zero commitment ‘we’ve squeezed out of him’

The UK government’s climate change adviser has launched a scathing attack on Australia’s net zero commitment on the eve of critical talks in Glasgow.

Lord Deben, the Climate Change Committee chair, told the BBC on Saturday there was “no indication” that the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, had a plan to deliver on the commitment to net zero that was “squeezed out of him”.

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G20 must say goodbye to fossil fuel and recommit to Paris 1.5C goal | The Secret Negotiator

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 17:00

G20 countries are way off track on delivering on 1.5C. Acknowledging this would be a good start ahead of Cop26

The Glasgow Cop26 talks could fail before the conference even begins. This weekend, just as Cop26 starts, the G20 are meeting in Rome. This is a moment of maximum trepidation, as those 20 developed and emerging economies account for 78% of global greenhouse gas emissions. They meet outside the scrutiny and inclusivity of the UN process in Glasgow. What they agree to, or not, could affirm the Paris agreement goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C, or put it firmly out of reach for ever.

First, the bad news. The G20 communique is a consensus document, a minimum agreement. If one country says no, for example, to specifying a phase-out date for coal, it won’t be in the final communique, so a vaguer formulation may be used.

Every week we’ll hear from negotiators from a developing country that is involved in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations and will be attending the Cop26 climate conference.

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CP Daily: Friday October 29, 2021

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2021-10-30 16:37
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Climate experts warn world leaders 1.5C is ‘real science’, not just talking point

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 16:00

Scientists say keeping temperature rises to 1.5C is vital physical threshold for planet that cannot be negotiated

The 1.5C temperature limit to be discussed by world leaders at critical meetings this weekend is a vital physical threshold for the planet’s climate, and not an arbitrary political construct that can be haggled over, leading climate scientists have warned.

World leaders are meeting in Rome and Glasgow over the next four days to thrash out a common approach aimed at holding global temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, the lower of two limits set out in the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

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Cop26: the time for prevarication is over | Katharine Viner

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 16:00

Glasgow 2021 must be the moment when the promise of Paris 2015 becomes real – history will not forgive us otherwise

Summits do not always live up to the name. They can get bogged down in detail and disagreement, never really reaching altitude.

That is often the case with the annual UN climate summits known simply as the Cop, which have earned a reputation since the first was held 26 years ago for being bewildering marathons that overrun and underdeliver.

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Electric blue: bioluminescence on Sydney’s northern beaches – in pictures

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 13:03

Jamen Percy was taking photos of surfers at Freshwater beach on the northern beaches of Sydney last week when he noticed the water turning blue – he was witnessing a rare bioluminescence bloom

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Death of key Article 6 negotiator to weigh heavily at COP26

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2021-10-30 09:13
As delegates descend on Glasgow next week to attempt to finalise the Paris Agreement’s Article 6, the absence of one long-time carbon markets negotiator who died tragically earlier this year from COVID-19 will weigh heavily on their work.
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WCI emitters massively unravel net short position, speculators boost net long

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2021-10-30 09:05
Regulated entities saw their California Carbon Allowance (CCA) net short position nearly halve this week amid reported exchange-for-physical deals, while financial entities saw their net length jump close to an all-time high, according to US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) data published Friday.
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Developer strikes VCM deal that includes corresponding adjustments

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2021-10-30 08:25
A project developer has secured a deal with a host country government to make corresponding adjustments (CA) to its national GHG inventory when a carbon outcome is sold on the voluntary carbon market (VCM).
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US Supreme Court accepts appeal to hamstring power sector CO2 regulations

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2021-10-30 08:11
The conservative-dominated US Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear a legal challenge that would kneecap the EPA in regulating CO2 emissions or allow Congress to delegate such authority to the agency, in a potentially ominous sign for the country’s already minimal climate policy future.
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‘If we don’t act now it will be too late’, warns Johnson ahead of Cop26

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 07:30

Prime minister says ‘too many countries doing too little’ amid last-minute talks before summit

World leaders have been warned that Cop26 must “mark the beginning of the end of climate change” amid last-minute talks that could help determine the future of the planet.

With the long-awaited environmental summit due to start on Monday, Boris Johnson issued his plea while saying “too many countries are still doing too little”.

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California LCFS registers surprise surplus in Q2 as multiple credit generators post records

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2021-10-30 06:05
California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) posted a credit surplus during the second quarter of 2021, according to state data posted Friday, bucking traders’ expectations of a deficit as renewable diesel (RD), renewable natural gas (RNG), and electricity volumes shot up.
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Scott Morrison’s nerves showed as he squibbed net zero target and staged a climate farce | Katharine Murphy

The Guardian - Sat, 2021-10-30 05:00

The PM should be taking a higher 2030 emissions reduction target to Cop26. No ifs, buts or maybes. Yet he squibbed it

When Scott Morrison strode into his press conference room on Tuesday to confirm Australia would be taking a net zero emissions target to the Cop26 in Glasgow, the prime minister was running on high revs.

Possibly this was an excess of adrenalin. Big parliamentary day and all that. But he looked nervous. Morrison rarely looks nervous, so this presentation was memorable.

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