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Government offset announcement stuns China’s carbon market

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-10-27 22:55
China’s carbon market was paralysed on Wednesday as traders stepped back to digest news that the government will allow all CCER types to be used for compliance in the national emissions trading scheme.
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Insulate Britain protests: 49 arrests as group defies injunctions

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 22:53

Members stage roadblock protests near M25 Dartford Crossing in Kent and on A40 in west London

Forty-nine members of Insulate Britain have been arrested after the climate activist group blocked three major junctions in defiance of a series of injunctions banning them from protesting anywhere on England’s strategic road network.

In their 15th day of action since starting their campaign in mid-September, members of the group staged roadblock protests near the M25 Dartford crossing in Kent and another on the A40 in West London.

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Cutting sewage spills may be far cheaper than UK ministers predict, say experts

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 22:39

Figure of £150-660bn to cut raw sewage discharges into rivers was quoted by Tory MPs and environment minister

Government claims that cutting the millions of hours a year of raw sewage being discharged into rivers by water companies would cost up to £660bn have been challenged by experts.

On Tuesday night, peers kept the pressure on the government to enshrine a duty in law on water companies to reduce the dumping of raw sewage into rivers and seas.

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Insulate Britain won’t be stopped by people who think you can grow concrete | Cameron Ford

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 22:13

Despite the government’s injunction against us, we’re pressing on with our campaign to insulate all UK homes by 2030

  • Cameron Ford is an Insulate Britain campaigner

I was lost for words when a radio presenter, someone responsible for informing the public, recently told me that you can grow concrete. I had been invited on to talkRadio to speak about being a part of Insulate Britain, and was instead asked about my job (I’m a carpenter), and whether cutting down trees is “sustainable” (I pointed out that, unlike concrete, trees grow back). The internet has erupted in laughter at the one-minute clip, but what’s not funny is the government’s pitiful support for home insulation.

Insulating homes is an essential part of our transition to net zero. This is why Insulate Britain is going ahead with protests despite the government’s nationwide injunction against our campaign. Today, campaigners blocked major roads connecting the M25. We have a simple demand: insulate all UK homes by 2030 to cut carbon emissions and end fuel poverty.

Cameron Ford is a carpenter and Insulate Britain campaigner

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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-10-27 21:59
Carbon prices lost touch with their recent highs on Wednesday morning, drifting in concert with energy markets amid a slowdown in trading activity.
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What the world can learn from Rachel Carson as we fight for our planet | Kim Heacox

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 20:00

With her brave book Silent Spring, Carson changed the course of US environmental history. We would do well to study her example

“Glasgow is our last chance” has become a climate crisis mantra.

World leaders scheduled to meet soon at the United Nations Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow to discuss – and act upon – our global climate crisis face a huge task, as do those here in the US as they fine-tune the climate measures in the Biden administration’s Build Back Better plan. All political measures up to now have been insufficient. The latest UN report on climate change issued a “code red for humanity”. And it’s only going to get worse and probably irreversible – larger fires, extended droughts, more intense storms, and more environmental refugees, destabilized regimes and unlivable parts of our planet – if our carbon-based economy continues unabated.

A frequent contributor to the Guardian, Kim Heacox is the author of many books, including The Only Kayak, a memoir, and Jimmy Bluefeather, a novel, both winners of the National Outdoor Book Award. He lives in Alaska

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Global investors call for accelerated climate policy action as COP26 nears

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-10-27 19:01
Over 700 institutional investors representing $52 trillion in managed assets have called for governments to take ambitious policy action to avoid a “catastrophic” rise in global temperatures and to manage climate risk, according to a statement from the combined group of financial heavyweights released on Wednesday.
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Carbon-backed crypto initiative buys nearly 7 mln offsets in first week after launch

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-10-27 18:44
A digital currency protocol backed by carbon credits has purchased close to 7 million VCS units in the first week after its launch, while reaching a market cap of over $1.1 billion.
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Chinese banks tie interest rate to carbon emissions performances

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-10-27 16:26
Some Chinese lenders have begun offering interest rates linked to emission levels, as the nation’s financial sector strive to develop new climate-related products.
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Everyone was very excited to see the government’s new climate change plan! | First Dog on the Moon

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 15:35

Then the most remarkable thing happened

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China will honour its climate pledges – look at the changes we have already made | Zheng Zeguang

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 15:00

Cop26 is a chance for developed countries to take the lead in cutting emissions and making good on financial promises

  • Zheng Zeguang is Chinese ambassador to the UK

In the run-up to the climate conference in Glasgow, there are suggestions that without real participation and greater contribution from China, neither the conference nor the global response to climate change will get anywhere. The unstated worry is this: will China honour its pledges to reduce emissions?

This anxiety is unnecessary. Anyone who knows China well is sure that my country is serious about reducing carbon emissions and pursuing green development, and that we mean what we say.

Zheng Zeguang is the Chinese ambassador to the UK

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Campaign for National Parks photography competition 2021 – in pictures

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 15:00

Following the release of CNP’s National Parks and the Climate Emergency report in June, this year’s competition focused on documenting the climate crisis, with stark images of extreme weather, wildlife in decline and pollution accompanied by images of hope and nature recovery.

To see the full shortlist and stories behind the images, visit: www.cnp.org.uk

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The lies and manipulations used for Australia’s new 2030 emissions projection

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-10-27 14:45

Minister for Energy Angus Taylor and Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks to the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas).The Australian government has been enormously deceptive with the upgraded emissions forecasts it will take to Glasgow. Here's why.

The post The lies and manipulations used for Australia’s new 2030 emissions projection appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

‘Hollow’: how the Australian government’s 2050 net zero pledge was reported around the world

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 14:39

Some of the harshest criticism came from CNN, which labelled Australia ‘the rich world’s weakest link at COP26’

The Australian government’s net zero by 2050 plan has been met with scepticism overseas, with major international media organisations labelling Scott Morrison’s announcement this week “hollow” and “hard to believe”.

Some of the harshest criticism came from CNN, which labelled Australia “the rich world’s weakest link at Cop26”. The broadcaster contrasted the Morrison government’s “defiant” climate plan against the US, UK and EU’s efforts to legislate net zero and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

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Climate activists hold Science Museum protest over fossil fuel sponsors

BBC - Wed, 2021-10-27 14:28
The activists say they will stay at London's Science Museum for "victims" of fossil fuel sponsors.
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Basslink battle resumes, as state government wants compensation for outage

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-10-27 14:23

The Tasmania state government and Hydro Tasmania seek compensation for the Bass Strait interconnector’s failure in 2015.

The post Basslink battle resumes, as state government wants compensation for outage appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Great white shark attacks on humans may be case of mistaken identity, study suggests

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-10-27 13:42

Apex predator is not a ‘mindless killer’ and a better understanding of why sharks bite humans could mitigate attacks, Australian researchers say

On the rare occasion a great white shark attacks a human, the bite may be the result of mistaken identity, according to new research.

A study by Australian scientists suggests the apex predator may not be able to visually distinguish surfers and swimmers at the water’s surface from their natural prey.

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If all 2030 climate targets are met, the planet will heat by 2.7℃. That’s not OK

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-10-27 12:55

If we don’t close the global emissions gap, what will Australia, and the rest of world, be forced to endure?

The post If all 2030 climate targets are met, the planet will heat by 2.7℃. That’s not OK appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Half of world’s planned solar projects in 2022 at risk due to rising costs

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-10-27 12:00

Surge in silicon and shipping costs is causing a big rise in solar module costs, and may cause half of world's PV projects to be delayed.

The post Half of world’s planned solar projects in 2022 at risk due to rising costs appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Australia’s net-zero plan fails to tackle our biggest contribution to climate change: fossil fuel exports

The Conversation - Wed, 2021-10-27 11:50
For a net-zero plan not to include a strategy to phase out this enormous contribution to climate change is an abrogation of responsibility. Jeremy Moss, Professor of Political Philosophy, UNSW Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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