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A bee: before it dies, its mouth opens and closes, kissing the ground | Helen Sullivan

The Guardian - Fri, 2021-07-16 05:00

Its favourite thing to do is to crawl inside a flower, where petals turn light pink, yellow or red

A small girl is eating ice cream. She is at a lake, “Zoo Lake”, in the middle of a city. People who live nearby hear the Zoo’s lions roaring at night. (A world and a century away, in Innisfree, Yeats lives “alone in the bee-loud glade”.)

The principal activities at this lake are learning to ride bikes, riding bikes, and walking. Ice-cream sellers pedal their cooler boxes round and round the water. Bees hover over the rubbish bins full of ice-cream wrappers.

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The Guardian view on the way we eat: do as Dimbleby says | Editorial

The Guardian - Fri, 2021-07-16 04:17

It is disappointing but not surprising that the PM appears uninterested in plans to make people healthier

The businessman Henry Dimbleby, who co-founded the Leon restaurant chain and led a review of school food, has taken the opportunity given to him two years ago by the then environment secretary, Michael Gove, and run with it. The national food strategy published on Thursday is a genuinely bold attempt to solve a hard problem: how to stop ruining our nation’s health with junk food at the same time as cutting greenhouse gas emissions from food production. Taking one of its first quotations from the biologist Edward O Wilson, the report leaps with both feet into complex questions about human societies, agriculture and ecosystems pushed to the brink of disaster.

The strategy draws on some citizens’ assembly-type research and interviews with people in all parts of the food system, as well as existing knowledge. It digests insights from the team behind the landmark Limits to Growth report from half a century ago, and recent work on the value of nature, commissioned by the Treasury, from the economist Partha Dasgupta.

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Scientists dismiss Warren Entsch’s claim warm water from northern hemisphere is damaging reef

The Guardian - Fri, 2021-07-16 03:30

Coalition’s Great Barrier Reef envoy also said Australia was a ‘victim of our own success’ when it came to coral bleaching

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Coral and ocean scientists have described statements on coral bleaching from the government’s reef envoy, Warren Entsch, as “far-fetched” and “ill-informed” on the day he accompanied more than a dozen ambassadors on a snorkelling trip to the Great Barrier Reef.

Entsch told the ABC on Thursday warm water originating in the northern hemisphere and flowing across the Pacific to the reef was a chief cause of mass coral bleaching.

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‘Not engaging isn’t the answer’: Australia under pressure as US follows EU lead on carbon tariffs

The Guardian - Fri, 2021-07-16 03:30

Experts and opposition MPs say Australia should work with Europe on new imports scheme instead of criticising

Australia is facing growing pressure over its climate policies as the US edges closer to following the European Union in imposing new charges on imports of emissions-intensive products.

The trade minister, Dan Tehan, has criticised the EU’s new carbon tariffs, saying they are revenue raising and will undermine free trade. But Labor declared the Morrison government had its “head in the sand” and was “completely isolated” on the world stage as more countries consider such tariffs.

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Blue Origin: Teenager to fly into space with Jeff Bezos

BBC - Fri, 2021-07-16 02:33
Oliver Daemen, 18, will become the youngest person to fly to space with the Blue Origin venture.
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Delta Air Lines won’t “spend good cash” chasing RIN prices -CEO

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-07-16 02:28
Delta Air Lines is wary of purchasing biofuel credits (RINs) under the US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) due to transparency concerns, CEO Ed Bastian said Wednesday, giving credence to recent reports that the company's refinery subsidiary has halted purchases amid soaring price levels.
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‘Fit for 55’ timeline for EU carbon market reform concerns experts

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-07-16 01:56
Proposals to tighten the EU ETS and rebase its cap within a rapid timeframe are an initial cause for concern among market experts still digesting the full impact of Brussels’ wide-ranging climate measures, a conference heard on Thursday.
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UPDATE – Poland, Germany anticipating later start to 2021 free EUA allocations

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2021-07-16 01:22
Issuance of free EUAs for 2021 to Polish installations will likely take place in Q4 of this year, after the European Commission has approved the country’s proposed allocation plan, while Germany's permit distribution also probably won't completed until the autumn at the earliest.
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European Markets Midday Brief

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-07-15 21:35
EUAs were relatively quiet early Thursday, trading in a fairly narrow range as the market continued to digest the European Commission’s 'Fit for 55' package announced yesterday.
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Spain calls for price intervention on EU carbon market, questions new system for transport and buildings

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-07-15 20:44
The EU should introduce price controls for its carbon market amid recent spikes, Spain’s deputy PM and environment minister said on Wednesday as the 27-nation bloc presented its ‘Fit for 55’ legislative package to further tighten its ETS and other climate policies.
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Harvard represents reason and science. So why hasn’t it divested from fossil fuels yet? | Kim Heacox

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-07-15 20:28

At $42bn, the Harvard endowment exceeds the combined monetary value of many small countries. But it stubbornly refuses to speed up divestment

On display in every corner of the Harvard University campus, carved in stone, students find a shield with three books and the inscribed school motto: “Veritas.” Latin for truth.

Ah yes, truth.

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Australia Market Roundup: Govt protests EU CBAM move, while offset issuances fall back to average levels

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-07-15 20:15
Australian Trade Minister Dan Tehan on Thursday accused the EU of “imposing its views and its ways” on other nations through its carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) proposal, while new offset issuance levels this week declined to long-term average levels after last week’s bump.
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UPDATE – China confirms national ETS launch on July 16

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2021-07-15 20:09
The Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange confirmed Thursday afternoon that China's much-anticipated national emissions trading scheme, set to become the world’s biggest carbon market, will launch Friday after a three-week delay.
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Explainer: How offshore floating wind farms work

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-07-15 20:00

Floating offshore wind farms are becoming a commercial technology, but there are still technical challenges that need to be solved.

The post Explainer: How offshore floating wind farms work appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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National Food Strategy: Tax sugar and salt and prescribe veg, report says

BBC - Thu, 2021-07-15 18:34
Historic reforms of the food system are needed to protect the NHS and the environment, a review finds.
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Climate change: 'No more excuses' at COP26 climate summit - poor nations

BBC - Thu, 2021-07-15 17:41
More than 100 developing countries set out key demands ahead of the climate summit in Glasgow.
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The UK won’t meet its ambitious climate goals by making spending cuts | Larry Elliott

The Guardian - Thu, 2021-07-15 16:00

Boris Johnson may talk a good game on the climate crisis, but ordinary people need financial support to make changes

There are many reasons why the government’s decision to cut the aid budget is dumb. High among them is the failure to see the link between poverty and climate change. If you want to convince people of the need to save the planet, it is a good idea to make sure first that they are not going hungry, have access to running water and can put their children through school.

The link between social justice and the green agenda applies domestically as well. Millions of people in Britain count the pennies each week because they are struggling to get by. Exhorting them to change their lifestyles or pay more to heat their homes is not enough. If the government is to meet its ambitious targets people who are less well-off are going to need plenty of help, but as things stand they are not getting it.

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Former Rio Tinto exec joins ARENA board, CEO Miller gets three more years

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-07-15 15:32

Nishi Building ARENA board appointment offices - optimisedARENA CEO Darren Miller reappointed for another three years, as Taylor names former Rio Tinto executive to the board.

The post Former Rio Tinto exec joins ARENA board, CEO Miller gets three more years appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Pitt labels AEMO’s 100pct renewables prediction “absolute nonsense”

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-07-15 15:06

Keith Pitt coal power clean carbon capture and storage - optimisedAEMO's plan to make the grid ready for 100 pct renewables by 2025 has not gone down well with the federal Coalition government.

The post Pitt labels AEMO’s 100pct renewables prediction “absolute nonsense” appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Andrew Bray and Goldwind among winners of CEC clean energy industry awards

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2021-07-15 15:02

The 2021 Clean Energy Council Award winners announced today shine a spotlight on the leaders of the Australian renewable energy industry and reward the organisations’ contribution to furthering the development of clean energy in Australia.

The post Andrew Bray and Goldwind among winners of CEC clean energy industry awards appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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