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'One sip can kill': why a highly toxic herbicide should be banned in Australia

The Conversation - Wed, 2021-05-19 06:10
Paraquat's potentially lethal effects on humans are well known. But our research has found it also causes serious environmental damage. Nedeljka Rosic, Senior Lecturer, Southern Cross University Joanne Bradbury, Senior Lecturer, Evidence Based Healthcare, Faculty of Health, Southern Cross University, Southern Cross University Sandra Grace, Professor, Southern Cross University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Conservationists urge regulation to cut plastic pollution as voluntary scheme launches

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-05-19 03:30

Supermarkets and multinational manufacturers have unveiled a plastics pact across Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands

Australia will miss its 2025 targets to cut plastic pollution from packaging unless it shifts from voluntary programs to enforcement, an alliance of conservation groups and the Greens have said.

On Tuesday major supermarkets and multinational food and consumer goods manufacturers launched a new voluntary program across Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands with a goal that plastic “never becomes waste or pollution”.

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EU Market: EUAs tumble 7% as slowing rally, onset of UK ETS supply trigger sell-off

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-05-19 03:25
EUAs plunged 7% on Tuesday as a pause in carbon's record-breaking run and the onset of the first supply under the new UK ETS helped trigger widespread selling, dragging down much of the European energy complex.
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RFS Market: Biodiesel RINs top $2 for all-time high as bull run continues

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-05-19 02:43
US biofuel credits (RINs) for biodiesel hit the $2 mark on Tuesday as climbing soybean oil values continued to lead prices under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) to new records.
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Belarus drafts plan to shield itself from EU carbon border measures -media

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-05-19 02:30
Belarus is drafting a plan to shield itself from the effects of the EU’s planned carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), a government official said Tuesday, according to national media reports.
Categories: Around The Web

China carbon trader leaves Engie to lead US commodity firm’s Singapore environmental desk

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-05-19 00:16
Engie’s former head of carbon and power trading in China has left to take over as head of environmental product trading in Asia for a US-headquartered commodities merchant, in the latest sign that the CO2 trading job market in the Asia-Pacific region is heating up.
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Gas Boilers: What are heat pumps and how much do they cost?

BBC - Tue, 2021-05-18 23:51
No new gas boilers should be sold from 2025 according to the the International Energy Agency.
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ANALYSIS: Destined for a bumpy road, Chinese carbon traders go carefully into the ETS

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-05-18 23:41
Heralded as the ‘world’s biggest carbon market” for almost a decade, China’s national emissions trading scheme will likely be more modest than most of its peers when trading begins around a month from now, but stakeholders thought the market might still hold a few surprises.
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COMMENT: Financing carbon dioxide removals – what role for ETS in the race to net zero?

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-05-18 21:40
Carbon pricing and specifically emissions trading systems can play an important role in incentivising removals necessary for achieving Paris Agreement emissions targets, according to the ICAP Secretariat.
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Climate change: Ban all gas boilers from 2025 to reach net-zero

BBC - Tue, 2021-05-18 21:15
A ban on new gas boilers from 2025 is one step to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, say energy experts.
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Air pollution linked to ‘huge’ rise in child asthma GP visits

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-05-18 21:00

Exclusive: consultations for asthma and other respiratory infections go up with increased dirty air, finds study

A “huge” increase in the number of visits to doctors by children with asthma problems occurs after a week of raised air pollution, according to a study. The number of inhaler prescriptions also increases significantly.

Dirty air is already known to increase hospital treatment for severe asthma attacks and other respiratory problems. But the new research is the first using clinical data to show increased illness among the much bigger number of people who seek treatment from their GP.

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No more fossil fuel projects to ensure 1.5C warming limit – IEA

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-05-18 20:35
There must be no more investment in new fossil fuel supply projects and no further sign-offs on unabated coal projects, the IEA said in a landmark report on how to achieve global net zero CO2 emissions in energy and industry without nature-based removals.
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UPDATE – Free permit allocations under UK ETS to come by end-May, meaning tiny supply pool for this week’s trading start

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-05-18 18:53
The UK is aiming to allocate the first free carbon allowances to emitters under its new ETS before the end of May, the government announced Tuesday, meaning trading in the market will very likely begin this week amid virtually no physical supply being available.
Categories: Around The Web

UK climate champion ‘stubbornly optimistic’ about net zero deal at UN talks

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-05-18 18:19

Nigel Topping acknowledges world is running out of time as he lobbies businesses and lawmakers in lead-up to Cop26 summit

The UK’s climate champion, Nigel Topping, says he is stubbornly optimistic that the world will converge on an agreement to forge a transition to a net zero future at the UN climate talks later this year.

Topping’s role in the run-up to the UN Cop26 climate summit, to be held in Glasgow in November, is to drive and encourage action from businesses, civil society, and local and regional government on climate change.

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Categories: Around The Web

Taylor files new regulations to push ARENA into CCS and gas projects

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2021-05-18 17:14

Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor at the National Press Club. AAP Image/Lukas CochAngus Taylor sets new regulations opening up Australian Renewable Energy Agency to support carbon capture and storage, and potentially gas projects.

The post Taylor files new regulations to push ARENA into CCS and gas projects appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Leonardo DiCaprio pledges $43m to restore the Galápagos Islands

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-05-18 16:55

Environmentalist actor, with other conservation groups, aims to rewild the entire archipelago and other Pacific islands in Latin America

Leonardo DiCaprio has announced a $43m (£30.4m) pledge to enact sweeping conservation operations across the Galápagos Islands, with his social media accounts taken over by a wildlife veterinarian and island restoration specialist.

The initiative, in partnership with Re:wild, an organisation founded this year by a group of renowned conservation scientists and DiCaprio, the Galápagos National Park Directorate, Island Conservation, and local communities, aims to rewild the entire Galápagos Islands, as well as all of Latin America’s Pacific archipelagos.

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Categories: Around The Web

Transcript – Energy Insiders podcast from the Smart Energy Conference

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2021-05-18 16:44

Transcript of the Energy Insiders podcast from the Smart Energy Conference on May 13.

The post Transcript – Energy Insiders podcast from the Smart Energy Conference appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

The story of Rum Jungle: a Cold War-era uranium mine that’s spewed acid into the environment for decades

The Conversation - Tue, 2021-05-18 16:21
In last week's budget, the federal government allocated money to restore the local environment around the mine. But it didn't disclose how much. Gavin Mudd, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, RMIT University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Director, CAN Europe – Brussels

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-05-18 16:01
Organization: CAN Europe Position: Director Duty Station: Brussels, Belgium Deadline for Application: 5 June 2021
Categories: Around The Web

REDD+ Analyst, NatureBased Ventures – Remote (Europe/Asia preferred)

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-05-18 15:59
Organization: NatureBased Ventures Position: REDD+ Analyst Duty Station: Remote. Europe or Asia is preferred. The role may be able to start part-time if needed. Deadline for Application: 31 May 2021
Categories: Around The Web


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