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Failure to insulate UK homes costing thousands of lives a year, says report

The Guardian - Wed, 2024-03-13 19:12

Analysis finds 58 people have died due to cold homes every winter day since 2013 Tory pledge to ‘cut the green crap’

The government’s failure to insulate the UK’s cold and leaky homes is costing thousands of lives a year, according to analysis.

The report from Greenpeace reveals 58 people have died due to cold homes every day on average during the winter since David Cameron’s Conservative government decided to “cut the green crap” in 2013 – drastically slashing support for home insulation.

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SK Market: Monthly KAU auction fully subscribed for the first time in 18 months after govt slashes volume

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2024-03-13 19:05
South Korea's monthly CO2 permit auction on Wednesday was overbid after the government's recently introduced flexible mechanism allowed volumes to be slashed, though the demand outlook remains blurry given persistent regulatory uncertainty.
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Canada, ADB plan $260 mln climate, nature fund for Asia

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2024-03-13 18:09
Canada plans to establish a $260-million trust fund for Asia through the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to promote private sector funding in projects involving climate, nature-based solutions, and gender equality in the continent, pending approval from the bank's board.
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Superannuation spend on oilers is falling, but more needed -activist investor

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2024-03-13 17:58
Investment from one of Australia’s largest sources of cash, superannuation or retirement funds, is dropping when it comes to Australian Securities Exchange-listed oil and gas companies, an activist share group said Wednesday.
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Methane emissions from fossil fuels keep rising, when they could quickly be stemmed -IEA

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2024-03-13 16:00
Global methane emissions reached a record high in 2023, when they need to fall by three-quarters within the decade in order to help limit the temperature rise to 1.5C, according to International Energy Agency (IEA) data published on Wednesday.
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Playing thriving reef sounds on underwater speakers ‘could save damaged corals’

The Guardian - Wed, 2024-03-13 16:00

Coral larvae more likely to settle on degraded reefs bathed in marine soundscapes, Caribbean study shows

Underwater speakers that broadcast the hustle and bustle of thriving coral could bring life back to more damaged and degraded reefs that are in danger of becoming ocean graveyards, researchers say.

Scientists working off the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean found that coral larvae were up to seven times more likely to settle at a struggling reef where they played recordings of the snaps, groans, grunts and scratches that form the symphony of a healthy ecosystem.

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Birdwatch: rare black-faced spoonbill turns up in Hong Kong wetland

The Guardian - Wed, 2024-03-13 16:00

Soon it will head back north to the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea where it can breed undisturbed

I opened the windows to the hide and was greeted by a mass of birds. Hundreds of cormorants, gulls, herons, egrets, ducks and waders, all feeding frantically as the rising tide covered up the fertile mud. Overhead, black kites patrolled half-heartedly, occasionally provoking the other birds to take to the wing in short-lived panic, before settling back down to feed or rest.

I witnessed this spectacle at the World Wide Fund for Nature’s Mai Po nature reserve in Hong Kong, justly celebrated as one of the most important wetlands in the world. Either side of high tide, birds gather here in vast numbers against the backdrop of Shenzhen, one of the fastest-growing cities in the world, just across the border in mainland China.

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UK plans to adapt to climate crisis ‘fall far short’ of what is required

The Guardian - Wed, 2024-03-13 16:00

Government has no credible plan for effects of extreme weather, says Committee on Climate Change

The UK’s plans for adapting to the effects of the climate crisis “fall far short” of what is required, the government’s statutory adviser has said.

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has examined the national adaptation programme published by ministers last July, intended to set out how people, buildings and vital national infrastructure such as water, transport, energy and telecommunications networks could be protected from the increasing severity of storms, floods, heatwaves and droughts that are afflicting the UK as a result of global heating.

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Sound from healthy coral reefs could encourage degraded ones to regenerate, experts say – video

The Guardian - Wed, 2024-03-13 16:00

Playing sounds from healthy coral reefs at degraded ones encourages coral larvae to settle, a study has found.

Scientists recorded audio from thriving reefs and then played it back at reefs in decline. Their work suggests that coral larvae respond to sounds in the ocean to work out where best to settle and grow

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Australia, PNG launch climate finance initiative with GGGI

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2024-03-13 15:38
The governments of Papua New Guinea and Australia, alongside the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), have launched a A$20 million ($13.2 mln) climate finance programme.
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‘Trial by media’ fears hit voluntary carbon market after Verra shuts out developer over magazine article

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2024-03-13 15:00
Concerns have been raised about what some are calling 'trial by media' in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) after Verra said it froze the registry account of a developer in the wake of allegations made in a magazine article because it was a ‘unique situation’, contrary to the standard body’s usual protocol.
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Petrol, pricing and parking: why so many outer suburban residents are opting for EVs

The Conversation - Wed, 2024-03-13 13:40
Electric vehicles have long come at a premium. But as cheaper models arrive, outer suburban residents are taking to EVs to save on petrol Park Thaichon, Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Southern Queensland Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Taiwan’s record drought reverses forests’ ability to absorb carbon -study

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2024-03-13 13:03
Taiwan's unprecedented drought has not only caused a great economic impact on the global semiconductor industry, but also significantly changed the carbon sequestration capacity of the domestic forest ecosystem, a study has found.
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World's largest trees are 'thriving in UK'

BBC - Wed, 2024-03-13 11:33
A survey of giant redwoods growing in the UK reveals the trees are doing well - and growing fast.
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Drone video shows parts of Australia's largest sheep station underwater in WA floods – video

The Guardian - Wed, 2024-03-13 11:12

Record Western Australian rainfall has closed the Eyre Highway that links Perth to the eastern states and flooded outback stations, including Australia’s largest operating sheep station Rawlinna. Parts of WA experienced more than half a year's rain in 24 hours over the weekend, with more than 155mm of rain recorded at Rawlinna

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