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Millions swelter under extreme heat as climate crisis tightens grip on US – live

The Guardian - Tue, 2023-07-04 02:22

Heat dome of high pressure hovers over Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma as thousands remain without power in Chicago with heavy rains knocking down trees and power lines

A heat dome of high pressure has been hovering over Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma creating dangerously hot weather for nearly two weeks.

A heat advisory is expected to last through Tuesday, with heat index readings reaching as high as 120F last week and evening temperatures in the 80s offering little reprieve.

So when that internal heat production exceeds the heat loss, the body reaches a point that it can no longer sustain its natural thermal regulation. That’s when core temps start to rise and heat stroke occurs.

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INTERVIEW: The emergent forum helping British firms to integrate biodiversity into business models

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-07-04 01:35
A forum established to aid British companies to better understand their impact on nature and biodiversity expects 2023 to be a pivotal year for the organisation, a senior member told Carbon Pulse, as it aims to ramp up both membership with a focus on informing firms in the country about upcoming 'net gain' legislation, the opportunities around crediting outcomes, and dealing with global nature disclosure rules.
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UPDATE – UN leader urges high ambition in setting global shipping GHG targets at decisive IMO meeting

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-07-04 00:27
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Monday urged the global shipping sector and world leaders to keep levels of ambition high at a key UN shipping meeting this week by setting a 2050 net zero target, a 2030 target, and introduce a carbon levy.
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Japanese firm to launch agriculture carbon credit registry, eyes international expansion

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-07-04 00:15
A Japanese agritech company plans to launch the country’s first private-sector carbon registry by the end of the year, ahead of expanding to more methodologies, overseas markets from 2024.
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Prairie planting takes root in UK as gardeners battle drought and floods

The Guardian - Tue, 2023-07-04 00:03

Creator of winning garden at Hampton Court flower show says US plants are ideal for changing climate

Years of hot dry summers parching lawns and killing off prize blooms have caused many gardeners to switch to using gravel and Mediterranean herbs, trees and shrubs.

But a newly fashionable style of planting known as prairie planting could be a way to maintain a lush garden that is good for wildlife, while withstanding drought and floods.

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Will El Niño on top of global heating create the perfect climate storm?

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-07-03 22:50

Rising temperatures in north Atlantic and drop in Antarctic sea ice prompt fears of widespread damage from extreme weather

“Very unusual”, “worrying”, “terrifying”, and “bonkers”; the reactions of veteran scientists to the sharp increase in north Atlantic surface temperatures over the past three months raises the question of whether the world’s climate has entered a more erratic and dangerous phase with the onset of an El Niño event on top of human-made global heating.

Since April, the warming appears to have entered a new trajectory. Meanwhile the area of global sea ice has dropped by more than 1 million sq km below the previous low.

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Prince William to expand Duchy of Cornwall’s temperate rainforest

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-07-03 22:26

Aim is to at least double size of Wistman’s Wood, a 3 hectare fragment of ancient woodland on Dartmoor, by 2040

Prince William plans to double the size of a tiny fragment of rainforest on his Dartmoor estate, the Duchy of Cornwall has announced.

Wistman’s Wood is one of Britain’s remaining ancient “temperate rainforests”, brought into the public eye after environmental campaigner Guy Shrubsole’s bestselling book on the subject.

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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 22:20
European carbon prices were little changed as the third quarter got under way but most attention on Monday appeared to focus on the UK ETS, with prices jumping sharply after the British government published proposals to tighten the market from 2026.
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Chinese steel, cement speeding up work for national ETS expansion

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 20:53
Leaders in China's steel and cement sectors have accelerated their research work on emissions accounting and allowance allocation plans in preparation for the expansion of the national emissions trading scheme (ETS), amid rising pressures stemming from the introduction of the EU's carbon border tax.
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Korean investor eyes Mongolian Article 6 projects

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 19:22
A South Korean investor has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a provincial government in Mongolia and other participants to pave the way for projects that can generate carbon credits under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
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Australia releases guidelines on Safeguard facility decarbonisation funding

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 18:25
Australia has published guidelines on its A$600 million ($400 mln) fund designed to provide funding to facilities covered under the reformed Safeguard Mechanism to help them decarbonise, as the mechanism itself came into effect this week.
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India hands out responsibilities for domestic carbon market

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 18:15
India has published institutional responsibilities for its domestic carbon market in the national gazette, marking a significant step towards the establishment of what has the potential to be one of the world’s biggest emissions trading programmes.
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Beijing to auction off 1.5 mln permits under local ETS in August

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 17:29
The Beijing municipal government will auction 1.5 million carbon allowances under its pilot emissions trading scheme (ETS) at the beginning of August, with a price floor for the sale to be set later.
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UK goes for highest ETS cap cut option in net zero trajectory reforms

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 16:55
The UK government will opt for the highest suggested option for tightening its ETS cap to align with a 2050 net zero emissions trajectory, but will mitigate this by adding unallocated allowances to the market while committing to include carbon removals following further consultation.
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Zenith signs another wind, solar and battery power deal with large gold mine

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-07-03 16:20

Zenith Energy signs 4th long term renewable power deal with Australian mining operations as switch to lower coset and keener supply chains accelerates.

The post Zenith signs another wind, solar and battery power deal with large gold mine appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

A grieving whale and airborne elephants: Environmental Photography award winners

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-07-03 16:00

The winners have been announced in the third edition of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Environmental Photography award. They are being exhibited in Monaco on the Promenade du Lavotto, before touring internationally

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Whale calf spotted off NSW south coast looks like rare albino humpback – video

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-07-03 15:37

A photographer captured drone footage of the whale calf, which looks like a rare albino humpback, off the coast of Guerilla Bay in NSW. If the calf is verified as an albino humpback, it will be only the second albino humpback ever seen along Australia’s east coast. The famous Migaloo, spotted in 1991, was the first

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Jet Zero: ARENA offers $30 million in grants for “eco-friendly” aviation fuels

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-07-03 15:20

Airline emissions hydrogen CSIRO plane aircraft - testARENA opens grant applications for up to $30 million in funds for sustainable aviation fuels.

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Categories: Around The Web

Environment group calls for review of Australia’s Climate Active scheme as it increasingly becomes out of date

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-07-03 14:41
An environmental group has urged the Australian government to hold an independent review into its Climate Active certification scheme and consider scrapping it, as it becomes increasingly out of step with international practices.
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Small Victoria wind farm sets stunning new capacity factor record of 65 pct for June

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-07-03 14:38

The Kiata wind farm - consistently one of the best performing wind assets in the country - sets a stunning new capacity factor record.

The post Small Victoria wind farm sets stunning new capacity factor record of 65 pct for June appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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