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Western Australian Marine Aquarium Fish Managed Fishery - Agency application 2022

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2022-05-25 19:23
The public consultation period for assessment for export accreditation will be open until COB 1 July 2022.
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Commonwealth Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery - Agency application 2022

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2022-05-25 19:23
The public consultation period for assessment for export accreditation will be open until COB 3 June 2022.
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Egypt says climate finance must be top of agenda at Cop27 talks

The Guardian - Wed, 2022-05-25 18:39

Host of November’s summit wants focus to be on ‘moving from pledges to implementation’

Financial assistance for developing countries must be at the top of the agenda for UN climate talks this year, the host country, Egypt, has made clear, as governments will be required to follow through on promises made at the Cop26 summit last year.

Egypt will host Cop27 in Sharm el-Sheikh in November. The talks will take place in the shadow of the war in Ukraine, as well as rising energy and food prices around the world, leaving rich countries grappling with a cost-of-living crisis and poor countries struggling with debt mountains.

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‘Go after the money’: Goldman environmental prize winner honoured for urging banks to divest from coal

The Guardian - Wed, 2022-05-25 17:30

Julien Vincent’s Market Forces organisation started with a spare laptop and a spare bedroom before raising the ire of the former Coalition government

The laptop was second-hand, but Julien Vincent had a spare room and a very, very big idea: could he start a movement to convince Australia’s biggest financial institutions to stop investing the billions of dollars that sustained the fossil fuel industry?

“There wasn’t much to lose really,” says Vincent. “But yes, I was nervous early on because of the significance of the people we were taking on. The banks and the fossil fuel industry … they’ll be as cold and ruthless as they can be.”

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Indigenous activists among Goldman environmental prize winners

The Guardian - Wed, 2022-05-25 17:30

Recipients from around world demonstrate power of unified community action

Indigenous activists and lawyers who took on transnational corporations and their own governments to force climate action are among the 2022 winners of the world’s pre-eminent environmental award.

Taking on powerful vested interests is a risky business, and the recipients of this year’s Goldman prize demonstrate the power of unified community action, perseverance and the courts in the battle to save the planet from environmental collapse.

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How two Goldman prize winners won landmark rulings in Dutch courts

The Guardian - Wed, 2022-05-25 17:30

Marjan Minnesma’s legal fight forced the Dutch government to cut emissions, while Chima Williams took on Royal Dutch Shell

The road to a landmark legal victory compelling the Dutch government to take climate action began a decade ago when the 2022 Goldman prize winner Marjan Minnesma received an official letter saying the government did not want to be a frontrunner in tackling the climate crisis.

At the time the Netherlands was one of the world’s worst greenhouse emitters and had a dismal record on renewables that was highly dependent on fossil fuels – a stark contrast with its environmentally friendly image of windmills and bicycles.

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Verra moves to immediately halt tokenisation of retired offsets, will explore alternative

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2022-05-25 17:27
Voluntary carbon standard manager Verra will with immediate effect stop companies like Toucan Protocol from tokenising carbon credits that have been retired, and instead explore an alternative, it said Wednesday.
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Singapore’s CIX announces first carbon credit auction in Q3 for three projects

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2022-05-25 16:56
Climate Impact X (CIX) has formed a partnership with a UK-based carbon finance firm to hold its first auction for nature-based carbon credits, the newly-formed Singapore-based carbon exchange announced on Wednesday.
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Shiny but deadly – don’t throw goldfish in rivers, pet owners told

The Guardian - Wed, 2022-05-25 16:00

Unwanted lockdown goldfish pose a triple threat to native species in UK waterways, study reveals

If that lockdown goldfish is starting to lose its lustre, think twice before throwing it in the river or canal – the creatures may look innocent but their voracious appetite, tolerance for cold and have-a-go habits compared with native species can be catastrophic for local wildlife.

New research shows that goldfish consume much more than comparable fish in UK waters, eat more than other invasive fish and are also much more willing to aggressively take on other competing species.

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Victoria seeks smarter ideas than solar taxes to manage grid voltage

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2022-05-25 15:24

 Canva).Victoria seeks input into long-term strategy for managing grid voltage, and an alternative to constraints on rooftop solar.

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Half of UK’s butterfly species vulnerable to extinction as five join red list

The Guardian - Wed, 2022-05-25 15:01

Time is running out to save 58 resident species, Butterfly Conservation warns

Half of Britain’s butterfly species are now listed as threatened with extinction after five more joined the new “red list” of endangered butterflies.

The increase in the number of species listed as “vulnerable” from nine in 2011 to 16 today is a warning that time is running out to save the 58 resident species, according to Butterfly Conservation, which compiled the red list from scientific monitoring data according to the criteria set out by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

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Monkeypox isn’t the disease we should be worried about | John Vidal

The Guardian - Wed, 2022-05-25 15:00

Climate change is likely to exacerbate the rapid spread of viruses and pathogens as humans encroach on the natural world

In the past three weeks there have been nearly 100 cases and 18 human deaths from a rare tick-borne disease in Iraq; a fourth case of the Ebola virus and more than 100 cases of bubonic plague have been found in the Democratic Republic of Congo; and just two years after Africa was declared free of wild polio, new cases have turned up in Malawi and Mozambique. A dangerous strain of typhus is circulating in Nepal, India and China. There are alarming outbreaks on several continents of mosquito diseases such as malaria, dengue and West Nile virus.

Set against this global context, the so-far very limited monkeypox outbreaks that have started to appear in the last month – including 71 cases detected in the UK are only remarkable because they are being reported in rich countries.

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Chart of the Day: Breaking down Australia’s household and trade emissions

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2022-05-25 14:58

The biggest source of Australian household emissions is the car you drive, while the trade emissions don't include burning of coal and gas overseas.

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After many false dawns, Australians finally voted for stronger climate action. Here's why this election was different

The Conversation - Wed, 2022-05-25 14:38
This election was a perfect storm for the Coalition, with fires, floods and international criticism dialing up the pressure for climate action. In the end, Australia made the decision for them. Matt McDonald, Associate Professor of International Relations, The University of Queensland Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Household power bills jump as Coalition hands energy market mess to Labor

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2022-05-25 14:34

power lines Liddell coal plantFirst rise in household bills announced, conveniently delayed until after election as Coalition hands its energy mess to Labor and the cross bench.

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Big Banana: CS Energy signs up for French nuclear giant’s first Australian wind farm

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2022-05-25 13:09

Queensland state owned utility CS Energy has signed an agreement that will seal the go-ahead of the first wind farm to be built in Australia by the renewables offshoot of French nuclear energy giant EdF. The deal is still at the MoU stage, but it appears that CS Energy is looking to buy both an […]

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Neighbourhood Batteries: If you want to bring power to the people, you need to listen to what they want

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2022-05-25 12:50

community battery storageDoes the value of neighbourhood batteries stack up? And do they cut emissions? Local communities will want to know.

The post Neighbourhood Batteries: If you want to bring power to the people, you need to listen to what they want appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Analysis: What’s next for Safeguard Mechanism under Albanese

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2022-05-25 12:42

emissions-smoke-stack-research-sustainability---canva-EditPositive sentiments may be returning to Australia's carbon markets, but what's in-store for the Safeguard Mechanism under an Albanese government?

The post Analysis: What’s next for Safeguard Mechanism under Albanese appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Government sends gene-edited food bill to Parliament

BBC - Wed, 2022-05-25 10:51
The legislation will allow the commercial development of genetically-edited plants and animals in England.
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Why some farmers are turning away from the Tories

BBC - Wed, 2022-05-25 10:36
The mood is shifting in an industry destabilised by economic shocks and post-Brexit reforms.
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