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Key lawmakers seek to unlock EU Social Climate Fund in 2024-2032, but post-2027 funding looks uncertain

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2022-05-20 01:12
Two European Parliament committees have backed plans to swiftly launch an EU-wide fund tasked with supporting poorer people cope with rising heating and road mobility costs during the clean transition, voting results showed this week.
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Boeing aims for new test launch of Starliner astronaut capsule

BBC - Fri, 2022-05-20 01:03
The aerospace company hopes its Starliner vehicle can finally prove its capabilities in orbit.
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Extinction: Why scientists are freezing threatened species in 'biobanks'

BBC - Fri, 2022-05-20 01:00
Conservation scientists hope that preserving genetic material offers future insurance against extinction
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Pharmacy in the sea: Dolphins ‘use coral as medicine for skin ailments’

The Guardian - Fri, 2022-05-20 01:00

New research suggests the cetaceans may be self-medicating for their skin ailments, adding to evidence of the medicinal properties of some corals and sponges

Who doesn’t like a bath scrub? Dolphins definitely do: they are known for being clever, playful, tactile animals, and they like to rub against rough surfaces, nap in coral beds and soak on sponges like guests at an underwater spa.

However, dolphins may be getting more from their bath scrubs than just relaxation and leisure. A study published today suggests that bottlenose dolphins may be self-medicating their skin ailments with the help of corals, adding to growing research on their previously unexplored medicinal properties.

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Low-cost European airlines strengthen EUA hedging, forecast summer demand close to pre-pandemic levels

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2022-05-20 00:51
Low-cost European carriers announced in quarterly reports this week that they had furthered their hedging of carbon emission allowances (EUAs) for 2022 and 2023 over the past three months, and cautiously expected demand to rebound back towards 2019 levels from the summer onwards.
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Investors paying lip-service to climate action, warns watchdog

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2022-05-20 00:08
The global investment community is often paying lip-service to pledges to invoke climate action change, according to a report published by a watchdog group on Thursday, finding that financiers often lack the “ambition, transparency and accountability” needed to engage with companies on their transition goals.
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Australia ranks as world’s worst for pollution from coal fired power stations

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2022-05-20 00:01

New analysis shows Australia remains the world's highest per capita emitter from coal use.New analysis shows Australia remains the world's highest per capita emitter from coal generation, almost double the global average.

The post Australia ranks as world’s worst for pollution from coal fired power stations appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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ANALYSIS: Renewables offset projects flock to GCC despite uncertain rewards

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-05-19 23:59
Around 220 renewable energy projects are queueing for registration with offset standard Global Carbon Council (GCC) despite uncertainty over market appetite for the units, should they be successful.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-05-19 22:08
EUA prices continued to slump on Thursday as a weak auction compounded bearish sentiment following EU proposals to sell allowances from the MSR to raise money to accelerate its clean energy expansion and shift away from Russian fossil fuel exports.
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Australia’s Northern Territory EPA proposes new emissions guidelines, flags offset considerations

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-05-19 21:19
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Australia’s Northern Territory has released draft guidance that expects large, polluting projects to include more rigorous detail on how they will cut their emissions, including greenhouse gas data for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, as well as potential offset conditions.
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Dolphins can recognise each other by taste of their urine, study finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-05-19 21:03

Aquatic mammals can recognise friends and family members without seeing or hearing them

Dolphins are able to recognise one another by the taste of their urine, a study has found.

Researchers at the University of St Andrews have discovered that the mammals can recognise friends and family members without seeing or hearing them.

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Australian Market Roundup: Regulator issues 600K new ACCUs as Woodside gets nod for BHP merger

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-05-19 20:15
Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has issued over 600,000 new Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs), according to its latest update on Thursday, as Woodside got the nod from shareholders to become the nation’s largest oil and gas player through its merger with BHP's petroleum business.
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Why bike lanes don't make traffic worse – video

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-05-19 17:00

Cities in the UK and around the world are installing new bike lanes to help reduce emissions, but some claim they are making traffic worse. The argument goes that bike lanes means less space for cars and therefore more congestion. While this might sound plausible, it appears to hark back to outdated traffic management theory. Josh Toussaint-Strauss finds out how traffic really works, and the actual impact of installing new bike lanes

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G7 can lead the way to reduce global heavy industry emissions, IEA says

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-05-19 16:24
G7 economies are well placed to be the first movers to reduce emissions from heavy industry, in turn setting out a path for the rest of the world to decarbonise the emissions-intensive sector, a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) released on Thursday has said.
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UK has approved several fossil fuel projects since Cop26, analysis finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-05-19 16:00

About 50 schemes are thought to be in pipeline between now and 2025 despite climate pledges

Several major UK fossil fuel projects have been approved since Cop26 concluded, an analysis has found, while about 50 schemes are thought to be in the pipeline between now and 2025.

Three separate schemes have received some form of approval from government bodies during the six-month period since Boris Johnson’s administration hosted the UN climate summit in Glasgow. Campaigners say his government is reaching a crunch point, with three major onshore schemes currently being appealed and the levelling up minister, Michael Gove, set to rule on a number of such applications over the next six weeks.

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The banks collapsed in 2008 – and our food system is about to do the same | George Monbiot

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-05-19 16:00

Massive food producers hold too much power – and the regulators scarcely understand what is happening. Sound familiar?

For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food system is beginning to look like the global financial system in the run-up to 2008.

While financial collapse would have been devastating to human welfare, food system collapse doesn’t bear thinking about. Yet the evidence that something is going badly wrong has been escalating rapidly. The current surge in food prices looks like the latest sign of systemic instability.

George Monbiot is a Guardian columnist

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Capturing the Climate crisis: the Evidence Project – in pictures

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-05-19 16:00

The Evidence Project is a photography-led campaign created by Britta Jaschinski, Keith Wilson and Arturo de Frías focusing on the impact of the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and the causes of viral pandemics. These images by many of the world’s leading photographers are their evidential proof to provoke governments, businesses, opinion leaders and consumers to initiate the changes required for a safe and sustainable future for all life on Earth. Central to this campaign is the production of a new crowdfunded book, which the creators expect to publish later this year

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Here's how we track down and very carefully photograph Australia's elusive snakes

The Conversation - Thu, 2022-05-19 15:13
Most people try their best to avoid snakes. This snake photographer couple spends their free time searching for them. Chris Hay, Honorary Fellow, The University of Queensland Christina N. Zdenek, Lab Manager/Post-doc at the Venom Evolution Lab, The University of Queensland Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Somerset ‘super nature reserve’ will benefit UK’s rarest wildlife

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-05-19 15:01

Environmental organisations partner to create 15,000-acre protected wetland from Glastonbury to Bridgwater Bay

At this time of year the booming call of the bitterns resonates across the Avalon Marshes in Somerset while hawks skim over the reed beds and great white egrets nest in the shallows. The pools and ditches are alive with rare reptiles, mammals, insects and spiders.

Plans to improve the habitat for flora and fauna that live in one of the UK’s most extraordinary landscapes by creating a “super nature reserve” stretching from these marshes around Glastonbury to the edge of Bridgwater Bay were announced on Thursday.

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Maoneng gets grid approval for Victoria’s newest “biggest battery”

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2022-05-19 13:37

Mornington big battery MaonengPlan for 240MW/480MWh stand-alone big battery project on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula gains grid connection assessment approval.

The post Maoneng gets grid approval for Victoria’s newest “biggest battery” appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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