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Huge chimpanzee population thriving in remote Congo forest

The Guardian - Fri, 2014-02-07 21:53
Scientists believe the group is one of the last chimp 'mega-cultures', sharing a unique set of customs and behaviour

In one of the most dangerous regions of the planet, against all odds, a huge yet mysterious population of chimpanzees appears to be thriving – for now. Harboured by the remote and pristine forests in the north of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and on the border of the Central African Republic, the chimps were completely unknown until recently – apart from the local legends of giant apes that ate lions and howled at the moon.

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Groundwater Purchase Tender in the Central Condamine Alluvium application period now open

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2014-02-04 10:28
Applications close 5.00 pm AEDT Friday 7 March 2014.
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New threatened ecological community listed

Department of the Environment - Mon, 2014-02-03 14:47
The Minister has approved the listing of a new threatened ecological community: Proteaceae dominated kwongkan shrublands of the southeast coastal floristic province of Western Australia
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2014 State Party Report on the state of conservation of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area

Department of the Environment - Sun, 2014-02-02 08:05
The 2014 State Party Report is a progress report outlining Australia’s substantial progress in implementing key requests made by the World Heritage Committee, and recommendations of the Reactive Monitoring Mission to the Great Barrier Reef mission report.
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Keystone XL oil pipeline – everything you need to know

The Guardian - Sat, 2014-02-01 00:27

Environmentalists are fiercely opposed to controversial pipeline that would carry tar sands oil from Canada to Gulf refineries

What is Keystone XL?

The Keystone XL project would expand an existing pipeline from the vast tar sands of Alberta to refineries in the US Midwest, nearly doubling the initial capacity and transporting crude oil deeper into America to refineries on the Gulf coast of Texas. Its proposed route would stretch about 1,660 miles, connecting Hardisty, Alberta to Port Arthur, Texas. It was first proposed in 2008.

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Fancier pigeons – in pictures

The Guardian - Fri, 2014-01-31 11:29

Photographer Richard Bailey has created an unusual set of portraits of 50 pigeons in honour of Charles Darwin's regard for Columbia livia

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Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area boundary modification

Department of the Environment - Fri, 2014-01-31 11:09
Following a review of the 2013 extension to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, the Australian Government is seeking a minor boundary modification.
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Snowden revelations of NSA spying on Copenhagen climate talks spark anger

The Guardian - Fri, 2014-01-31 03:54
Documents leaked by Edward Snowden show NSA kept US negotiators abreast of their rivals' positions at 2009 summit

Developing countries have reacted angrily to revelations that the United States spied on other governments at the Copenhagen climate summit in 2009.

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden show how the US National Security Agency (NSA) monitored communication between key countries before and during the conference to give their negotiators advance information about other positions at the high-profile meeting where world leaders including Barack Obama, Gordon Brown and Angela Merkel failed to agree to a strong deal on climate change.

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Mexico's 'water monster' the axolotl may have vanished from natural habitat

The Guardian - Wed, 2014-01-29 19:50
Biologist says most recent attempt to net creature in the Xochimilco network of lakes resulted in none being found

Mexico's salamander-like axolotl may have disappeared from its only known natural habitat in Mexico City's few remaining lakes.

It is disturbing news for the amphibian which has a slimy tail, plume-like gills and mouth that curls into an apparent smile.

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Tasmanian Gould’s Squid Fishery

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2014-01-29 15:08
Agency 2014 application on ecological sustainability - comments close 28 February 2014
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Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder water sale in Gwydir

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2014-01-29 13:43
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder has accepted 16 offers to buy a combined total of 10 gigalitres of Commonwealth environmental water for a return of $3.217 million for the Murray Darling environment.
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Listing and transfer of 12 species

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2014-01-29 09:42
The Minister has recently approved the listing and transfer of 12 species under the EPBC Act.
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Extension to assessment timeframes for three ecological community assessments

Department of the Environment - Fri, 2014-01-24 15:19
The Minister has extended the listing assessment timeframes for the following ecological communities: Hinterland sand flats forest and woodland; Posidonia seagrass meadows; and Eucalypt woodlands of the Western Australian Wheatbelt.
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Green Army Draft Statement of Requirements

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2014-01-23 10:01
The Department is seeking public comment on the Green Army Draft Statement of Requirements, which sets out important features of the programme and outlines the proposed services required by the Australian Government to deliver the programme.
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World Wetlands Day, 2 February 2014

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2014-01-22 16:00
The international theme for World Wetlands Day 2014 is Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth. This year is also the 40th anniversary of the designation of the world’s first Ramsar site – Cobourg Peninsula, Northern Territory, 8 May 1974.
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Draft survey guidelines for Australia's threatened orchids

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2014-01-21 15:52
The Australian Government is seeking public comment on its draft survey guidelines for Australia’s Threatened Orchids: guidelines for detecting orchids. The public comment period closes at 5pm on 28 March 2014.
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Commonwealth Environmental Water Trading Framework released

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2014-01-21 14:49
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder today released the Trading Framework that outlines the requirements and standards for Commonwealth activity in the water market.
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The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder today announced up to 10 gigalitres of water allocation will be available for sale in the Gwydir valley

Department of the Environment - Fri, 2014-01-17 17:53
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder today announced up to 10 gigalitres of water allocation will be available for sale in the Gwydir valley. This is the first time the Water Holder has traded environmental water since its inception in 2008.
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