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Band walks 870 miles to complete Wales tour

BBC - Tue, 2023-10-31 09:00
While Beyoncé uses private jets, Filkins Drift walked to their gigs, carrying their instruments.
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Finland extends life of last coal generator for three years, despite spending billions on nuclear

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2023-10-31 08:58

Finland joins another nuclear dependent country France in extending the life of its last coal generators to avoid blackouts over winter.

The post Finland extends life of last coal generator for three years, despite spending billions on nuclear appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Electric hot water is a hero of flexible demand. Where does it stand in the age of rooftop solar?

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2023-10-31 08:38

Electric hot water has been a valuable controlled load tool for the grid for decades. But can we sell the concept to customers in the age of rooftop solar?

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Researchers propose new pricing approach to restore faith in voluntary carbon markets

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 08:22
Researchers have unveiled a new approach to valuing carbon credits that they say brings much-needed transparency, accountability, and comparability to the global voluntary carbon markets, specifically nature-based projects.
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VCM Report: Early October enthusiasm for carbon credits fades after Kariba bad press

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 07:47
Activity in the voluntary carbon market dried up over the past last week compared to the flourish seen at the start of the fourth quarter, with confidence knocked by another dose of negative press about the troubled Kariba REDD project in Zimbabwe.
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Victoria’s new SEC to establish one-stop-shops for householder electrification

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2023-10-31 06:47

Victoria's strategy to electrify the state at scale, and fast, is to revamp the public-owned electricity authority and create one-stop shops for consumers.

The post Victoria’s new SEC to establish one-stop-shops for householder electrification appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Canadian hydrogen from natural gas labelled as CO2-free gets $10 mln for South Korea’s net zero goal

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 06:41
A Canadian hydrogen company announced Monday that it has secured $10 million in funding to develop a supply chain of CO2-free hydrogen and ammonia from natural gas for South Korea to meet its net zero ambitions, in partnership with a Korean energy company.
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Cookstove manufacturer issues green bonds to fund carbon project expansion

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 06:24
A project developer and manufacturer has issued sub-Saharan Africa’s first-ever green bond designated for the cookstove market to help fund its expansion amid the depressed market for carbon credits.
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A month out from COP28, efforts to get a global deal to phase out fossil fuels gain momentum

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 06:17
Fresh impetus to get a global commitment to phase out fossil fuels is emerging among some of the ministers and state representatives currently gathered in Abu Dhabi for preparatory meetings a month ahead of the COP28 UN climate conference in Dubai.
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RGGI Market: RGAs inch past all-time highs on nearly three-month low volumes

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 06:07
RGGI allowances (RGAs) crossed a record settlement price during the week, despite relative sluggishness in the market and concerns over the availability of renewable energy sources moving forward, as participants continue to await programme updates.
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Industrial technology firm’s partnership with direct air capture company to utilise renewable power

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 05:54
A low-carbon cement and lime technology developer announced a collaboration with a direct air capture (DAC) company to utilise electric kilns running on renewable electricity at future DAC plants for CO2 mitigation.
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Deforestation has big impact on regional temperatures, study of Brazilian Amazon shows

The Guardian - Tue, 2023-10-31 05:40

Research highlights benefits forests bring surrounding regions in terms of cooler air and more rainfall

Deforestation has a far greater impact on regional temperatures than previously believed, according to a new study of the Brazilian Amazon that shows agricultural businesses would be among the biggest beneficiaries of forest conservation.

The paper has important political implications because farmers in Amazonian states have, until now, led the way in forest destruction on the assumption that they will make money by clearing more land.

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The Beetaloo gas field is a climate bomb. How did CSIRO modelling make it look otherwise?

The Conversation - Tue, 2023-10-31 05:11
In May, the Northern Territory government greenlit the mammoth Beetaloo Basin fracking project. But they did so based on a report with optimistic projections on offsets and emissions. Bill Hare, Adjunct Professor, Murdoch University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Fire-smart farming: how the crops we plant could help reduce the risk of wildfires on agricultural landscapes

The Conversation - Tue, 2023-10-31 05:10
Redesigning agricultural landscapes to plant fire-retardant crops could help mitigate wildfires in an increasingly fire-prone world. Tim Curran, Associate Professor of Ecology, Lincoln University, New Zealand Md Azharul Alam, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lincoln University, New Zealand Tanmayi Pagadala, Resource Management Planner, Lincoln University, New Zealand Thomas Maxwell, Senior Lecturer in Grazing Lands Ecology, Lincoln University, New Zealand Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Faltering UK carbon price could mean billions in export tax bills, lost treasury revenues -report

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-10-31 02:58
The UK's faltering carbon price could result in the loss of billions in treasury revenues and may expose British companies to large tax bills for exporting to the EU, warns a new report.
Categories: Around The Web

Climate crisis: carbon emissions budget is now tiny, scientists say

The Guardian - Tue, 2023-10-31 02:00

Having good chance of limiting global heating to 1.5C is gone, sending ‘dire’ message about the adequacy of climate action

The carbon budget remaining to limit the climate crisis to 1.5C of global heating is now “tiny”, according to an analysis, sending a “dire” message about the adequacy of climate action.

The carbon budget is the maximum amount of carbon emissions that can be released while restricting global temperature rise to the limits of the Paris agreement. The new figure is half the size of the budget estimated in 2020 and would be exhausted in six years at current levels of emissions.

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Carbon emissions threaten 1.5C climate threshold sooner than thought - report

BBC - Tue, 2023-10-31 02:00
Fossil fuel emissions threaten a key climate threshold sooner than previously thought, a report says.
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A jacaranda: making the blue summer sky even bluer

The Guardian - Tue, 2023-10-31 00:00

Nobody experiences the purple light of the blossoms as totally as the bee inside her petal trumpet

It is what jacarandas do to blue sky that makes us so helpless to resist them. They emerge in early summer, when we hope the skies will be bluest, and make them bluer still. “The jacaranda flames on the air like a ghost,” the Australian poet Douglas Stewart wrote, “Like a purer sky some door in the sky has revealed.”

Their blossoms fall, turning the ground to the sky, like still water reflecting clouds, and in the middle is us, bobbing happily up and down.

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US Halloween pumpkin crop hit by extreme weather and lack of water

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-10-30 23:58

Pumpkin growers in west and south-west fail to achieve predicted yields as climate crisis worsens drought and heat extremes

Alan Mazzotti can see the Rocky Mountains about 30 miles west of his pumpkin patch in north-east Colorado on a clear day. He could tell the snow was abundant last winter, and verified it up close when he floated through fresh powder alongside his wife and three sons at the popular Winter Park resort.

But one season of above-average snowfall wasn’t enough to refill the dwindling reservoir he relies on to irrigate his pumpkins. He received news this spring that his water delivery would be about half of what it was from the previous season, so he planted just half of his typical pumpkin crop. Then heavy rains in May and June brought plenty of water and turned fields into a muddy mess, preventing any additional planting many farmers might have wanted to do.

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UK backs suspension of deep-sea mining in environmental U-turn

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-10-30 22:58

Thérèse Coffey says data will be gathered on impact of emerging industry and UK will not support licences in meantime

Britain is backing a moratorium on commercial deep-sea mining, after criticism from scientists, MPs and environmentalists of its previous stance in support of the emerging industry.

On Monday, the UK government announced it would back a temporary suspension on supporting or sponsoring any exploitation licences to mine metals from the sea floor until enough scientific evidence was available to understand the impact on ecosystems.

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