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Solar Insiders Podcast: Confessions of a solar and battery nerd

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2023-08-24 13:32

We talk to early adopter and self confessed “energy nerd” Andrew Wilson about the key lessons he has learned from four years with home solar and storage.

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Leakage or spillover? Conservation parks boost biodiversity outside them – but there's a catch, new study shows

The Conversation - Thu, 2023-08-24 12:03
The UN ‘30 by 30’ biodiversity strategy aims to set aside 30% of land as protected areas. New research shows these areas do support biodiversity, but big parks also increase it outside their borders. Matthew Scott Luskin, Researcher and Lecturer in Conservation Science, The University of Queensland Jedediah Brodie, Research Fellow, Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak; Associate Professor and John Craighead Endowed Chair of Conservation, University of Montana Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

CP Daily: Wednesday August 23, 2023

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 11:07
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world
Categories: Around The Web

Oregon proposes different method for distributing compliance instruments under climate programme

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 10:42
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) on Wednesday proposed amendments to its market-based Climate Protection Program (CPP) that would overhaul the methodology used to distribute compliance instruments to fuel suppliers, as well as calculate holding limit reductions.
Categories: Around The Web

California compliance offset issuance stays nearly 30% above 2022 levels through August

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 10:09
The number of California Carbon Offsets (CCOs) distributed this week fell compared to earlier this month, but still remained well above year-ago levels through the first two-thirds of 2023, according to state data published Wednesday.
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Solar and windfarm investment is drying up – and Australia needs a wake-up call on the future of the electricity grid | Adam Morton

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-08-24 09:31

The energy transition is a race and what’s needed are policies that will drag large-scale renewable power into the system faster

This week should be a wake-up call on the future of the electricity grid, but we seem in danger of collectively drawing the wrong conclusions about which way to go.

The main problem is straightforward – investment in large-scale solar and windfarms has dried up to next-to-nothing just as it is supposed to be moving into overdrive.

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Global commodity merchant, carbon trader team up to fund $500 mln in developer’s “high-quality” offset projects

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 08:59
A commodity trading firm and carbon solutions provider on Wednesday announced an agreement to help develop and finance a developer’s nature-based offset projects that could yield more than 100 million credits.
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Large carbon project developer faces cash squeeze, pivots towards consultancy

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 08:06
One of the oldest project developers and traders in the carbon market is pivoting towards consultancy services and seeking project partners after a drastic drop in carbon credit revenue, Carbon Pulse has learned.
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Trading limits in EJ communities among New York’s cap-and-invest programme design options

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 08:05
New York is considering policy options to reduce emissions in environmental justice (EJ) communities, including the prohibition of allowance trading for plants situated in Disadvantaged Communities (DACs), government officials told a webinar on Wednesday.
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Greenhouse gases are changing air flow over the Pacific Ocean – raising Australia's risks of extreme weather

The Conversation - Thu, 2023-08-24 06:09
It’s not just ocean temperatures that determine whether we have El Niño or La Niña. Air circulation also plays a role, and it’s changing in unexpected ways. Georgina Falster, Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian National University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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WCI auction settles at highest level in programme history during Q3

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 05:28
The August California-Quebec current vintage carbon auction settled at its highest point of all time while slightly surpassing secondary market levels, as the advance sale clearing price also achieved a new peak, according to government data published Wednesday.
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Scientists discover why thousands of octopuses huddle in a deep-sea crevice – video

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-08-24 04:41

A study of the biggest known congregation of breeding octopuses, about 20,000, has made discoveries as to why so many of the species gather there. A volcanic vent in the ocean bed off California provides warm water and nutrients to the brooding octopuses, and scientists from MBARI have found this helps shorten the time it takes for their eggs to hatch, increasing their chances of survival

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Value old REDD+ vintages like fine wine, argues developer

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-08-24 03:02
Older voluntary carbon credit vintages are not a sign of low quality, a leading REDD-focused project developer argued in a white paper published on Wednesday amid growing calls for the market to address its mounting stockpile of ageing units.
Categories: Around The Web

Amazon’s emissions ‘doubled’ under first half of Bolsonaro presidency

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-08-24 02:22

New study published in Nature says period was as destructive as record 2016 El Niño drought and heatwave

The first half of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency was so destructive for the Amazon that it was comparable to the record 2016 El Niño drought and heatwave in terms of carbon emissions, according to scientists.

Annual emissions from the world’s largest rainforest roughly doubled in 2019 and 2020, compared with the 2010 to 2018 average, according to a new study published in Nature, as swaths of forest were deliberately cleared and burned for cattle ranching and farming during the first two years of the far-right leader’s time in office.

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Tropical forests face ‘massive leaf death’ from global heating, study finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-08-24 01:58

Some kinds of tree leaf could become too hot to be able to conduct photosynthesis, researchers warn

Tropical forests could become so hot that some kinds of leaves will no longer be able to conduct photosynthesis, according to a study published in the journal Nature.

The photosynthetic machinery in tropical trees begins to fail at about 46.7C on average. The research suggests that forests may be nearing dangerous temperature thresholds sooner than expected.

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Ministers accused of ‘environmental crime’ over South Downs oil drilling

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-08-24 00:30

UK Oil and Gas says work is to resume at Avington site in national park after decision from Planning Inspectorate

The Liberal Democrats and green groups have accused the government of “an environmental crime” after it emerged that potentially large-scale oil drilling is to take place inside the South Downs national park, despite widespread local opposition.

In a statement, UK Oil and Gas, which is part of the consortium wishing to drill at the Avington site near Winchester, said work was to resume in the hope of extracting “potentially significant” amounts of the estimated 59m barrels there, lasting up to 2025.

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Chandrayaan-3: India makes historic landing near Moon's south pole

BBC - Thu, 2023-08-24 00:16
Chandrayaan-3 has created history by landing near the little-explored south pole of the Moon.
Categories: Around The Web

Eels have vanished from critical parts of Somerset Levels, DNA tests show

The Guardian - Wed, 2023-08-23 23:46

Experts shocked as analysis finds no traces of eel DNA in area once teeming with the endangered fish

Eel experts say they are shocked to find no evidence of the animal in the network of drainage ditches that make up its traditional habitats in the Somerset Levels, which once teemed with the critically endangered fish.

DNA sampling by the Sustainable Eel Group and Somerset Eel Recovery Project in the drainage ditches found no traces of eel DNA.

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Categories: Around The Web

INTERVIEW: UK positions itself at forefront of race to develop AI for industrial decarbonisation

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2023-08-23 23:14
 A new government-funded centre in the UK aims to expand the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for industrial decarbonisation, with a focus on how AI can help the energy, manufacturing, agriculture, and buildings sectors operate more efficiently and with lower carbon emissions.
Categories: Around The Web

US gov’t allocates $2 mln for Mozambique carbon offset programme

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2023-08-23 22:59
The US government has announced it will spend $2 million over the next three years on a programme to help Mozambique develop nature-based carbon credit projects.
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