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Australia to consult on how carbon project proponent-led method process, integrity body will work, govt official says

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-05-22 18:13
Australia will soon consult on how the proponent-led carbon project method development will work and what role the market's new integrity body will play in that process, as it seeks to implement the reforms of the recently held offset market review.
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Spanish renewable production exceeds 100 pct of demand for 9 hours

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-05-22 18:02

Renewables generate enough power to cover all demand in Spain for the longest period yet.

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Japanese conglomerate eyes Angola forest carbon project

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-05-22 17:44
A major Japanese conglomerate has struck a deal with an Angolan agricultural firm on the potential rehabilitation of a degraded forestry area to launch its first carbon credit project in the Southern African nation.
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Why I stopped arguing about the climate emergency and tried the silent treatment instead | Helena Echlin

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-05-22 17:00

The sensible methods didn’t work, so I became a member of the Red Rebel Brigade. Now I feel I’m doing something useful

My clown-white facepaint makes my skin feel tight and I’m scared my elaborate headdress is going to slip. It’s my first outing with the Red Rebel Brigade, the silent climate activist performance group. About a dozen of us are clad in robes, veils and evening gloves – all a bright blood-red. We glide to our local Barclays bank to stand in a tableau of grief. We are meant to aim for the faraway stare of “a watcher through the ages”, but I’m afraid I look more like someone stuck in a slow queue at Sainsbury’s. I suddenly catch the eye of someone I know as they walk past, staring at me like I’m bonkers. But I’ve tried the sensible ways of doing something about the climate crisis. I’ve written letters to politicians, carried placards and had endless conversations. At best, I just put people’s backs up. So I’ve decided to shut up and wrap myself in a red sheet instead.

Two years before this, on the morning of 9 September 2020, I woke in my home in Berkeley, California, to a Plutonian twilight. Smoke from the latest wildfire had mixed with the fog in a blanket that shorter wavelengths of light couldn’t penetrate. I tried to explain away the darkness to my kids but I felt like a parent in biblical Egypt, claiming everything was fine while frogs rained from the sky. My husband and I had worried about California’s escalating drought and wildfires for years, but after Orange Skies Day we decided we’d had enough. Time to move back to my native UK. (Unlike millions displaced by the climate crisis, we were privileged to have this option.)

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Safeguard mechanism to drive ACCU demand, but supply crunch is coming, market analyst warns

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-05-22 15:48
Facilities covered under Australia’s Safeguard Mechanism are likely to hoard below baseline credits until they at least match the price of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) later in the decade, a market analyst told a panel discussion Monday.
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“Savagely imperfect:” Forrest lets fly at coal, nuclear and ex-Snowy boss Paul Broad

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-05-22 15:24

Andrew Forrest turbines squadronIron ore billionaire reminds those in NSW who "bitch and whinge" about power prices that 78% of the state's power is still coming from coal.

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With hundreds of call-outs every day, wildlife rescue services can help us understand the threats to our native animals

The Conversation - Mon, 2023-05-22 14:28
It can be hard and costly to collect data on the threats to species at specific locations. Wildlife emergency response services have long-running records for hundreds of species that suffered harm. Elodie Camprasse, Research fellow in spider crab ecology, Deakin University Adam Cardilini, Lecturer, Environmental Science, School of Life and Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment, Deakin University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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AEMO gets funding boost to fast-track key wind, solar and storage connections

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-05-22 14:24

Vestas wind turbine in FinlandAEMO given funding boost to fast-track connections for key wind, solar and battery projects as part of a trial to help reduce delays.

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ACCU issuances from Australia’s biggest project type drop to zero

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-05-22 14:18
Some 180 human-induced regeneration (HIR) projects have had their Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) issuances put on hold since January after the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) began implementing the recommendations from the Chubb review.
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Young humpbacks ‘full of beans’ as whale-watching season takes off in Sydney

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-05-22 13:53

Up to 50,000 whales expected to pass Australia’s east coast during annual migration from Antartica to Great Barrier Reef

Carrie Davis describes seeing her first adult humpback whale of the season launching out of the water off the coast of Sydney last week as magical.

“It’s just this feeling of awe to see this fat whale of that size get all that body out of the water,” said Davis of Go Whale Watching in Sydney. “No matter how many times you see it, it always takes your breath away.”

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Abbott hangover? Iberdrola further delays wind farm first sidelined by 2013 RET review

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-05-22 13:23

Infigen Energy Lake Bonney Wind farm - optimisedTen years after being sidelined by Tony Abbott's renewables investment freeze, construction of Woakwine wind farm in South Australia has again been delayed.

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Australia to launch A$20 mln carbon outreach programme, as govt, regulator outline market reform progress

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-05-22 12:11
The Australian government will launch a new grants fund programme focussed on improving transparency and capacity in its carbon market, as the government and the Clean Energy Regulator detailed how it was progressing on key reforms.
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Australia’s renewable superpower ambitions could be saved by Biden compact

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-05-22 10:05

pilbara minerals lithium mine cefc - optimisedUS-Australia compact promises to massively boost our potential as a global renewables superpower and zero-emissions trade and investment leader.

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What role will neighbourhood batteries play in the electrification of everything?

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-05-22 09:58

Think of a community battery like a bus stop. It is installed in a neighbourhood at no cost to the residents, but should provide benefits for all.

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Question mark hangs over Marinus Link under Tasmania minority government

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2023-05-22 09:47

A deal between the Tasmanian government and two renegade Liberal MPs does not address concerns over the $3.8bn Marinus transmission link.

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A botanical detective story: shedding light on the journey out of Africa for one of Australia's worst weeds

The Conversation - Mon, 2023-05-22 06:00
Knowing where a weed has come from can improve its management, but this quest can be challenging. CSIRO detective work revealed an unusual pathway for the introduction of South African bitou bush. Bruce Webber, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO John Scott, Honorary Fellow, CSIRO Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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The Guardian view on England’s water companies: a badly broken system | Editorial

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-05-22 03:30

Ministers were warned about the risks of private equity entering the sector but did nothing. Now we’re paying the price

The revelation should anger all who care about England’s rivers and beaches. Two decades ago, ministers were warned about private equity firms buying up water companies. In a briefing prepared for Britain’s competition regulator prior to the takeover of Southern Water, researchers raised the alarm that private equity-owned water companies would become “impossible” to regulate. Despite the 20-year transparency rule, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has not released the briefing. Its existence was uncovered by this newspaper. Though its full contents remain secret, its implications are clear: ministers were alerted to the devastating impact that this industry could have on England’s water supply, but they chose not to act.

Since then, a tide of effluent has polluted England’s rivers. Following the privatisation of water companies in 1989, owners have enriched themselves while neglecting infrastructure and dumping vast quantities of untreated sewage. As investors have loaded water companies with debt, they have continued to pay dividends to their shareholders, which totalled £1.4bn last year. The public, meanwhile, have shouldered the costs. Water bills have risen. Last week, the industry apologised for these sewage spills and pledged to invest £10bn in infrastructure – to be paid for by increases in customer bills. Ruth Kelly, the former Labour cabinet minister who is head of the industry’s trade body, Water UK, said more should have been done to address the spillages. She was silent on the subject of dividend payments.

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Can we still handle the truth? Journalism, ‘alternative facts’ and the rise of AI | Lenore Taylor

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-05-22 01:00

The credo of Watergate is still relevant: find the best obtainable version of the truth. But doing so is only getting more complicated

We all have moments in life when we know something big is happening, that we are stepping into a new and consequential experience, and our mind takes a mental Polaroid, an intensely clear snapshot of what that moment looks like and how it feels, and then stores it away in a file marked “important”.

Well, my mind does anyway, and in my professional life so far there have been three.

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Australian industry body marks overall progress in annual carbon scorecard, but warns of challenges ahead

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-05-22 00:00
An Australian carbon industry body has hailed the nationwide progress of federal, state, and territory governments on supporting the market's development, while outlining the challenges ahead as the sector evolves. 
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Australia launches offshore CCS consultation on 10 acreage blocks

Carbon Pulse - Sun, 2023-05-21 21:12
The Australian government has released a public consultation on its next release of offshore areas for greenhouse gas storage, in order to gain an understanding of its potential impacts.
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