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Russia launches first space mission to Moon in 47 years
Solar Insiders Podcast: Volt from the blue
We talk to Peter Leeson about the rise and rise of his Australian made Volt solar tile, which is being installed on rooftops in every state in Australia – and setting records overseas.
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British sign language gets climate change update
How do you sign 'carbon footprint' in BSL?
German emissions fall 9% in first half of 2023, renewables at 55 pct of grid power
Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions fell nine per cent in the first half of the year as a weakening economy deflated energy use.
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Rio to build biggest solar farm in Canada’s north to help power diamond mine
Rio Tinto to install 55MW solar farm just south of the Arctic Circle to help power the huge Diavik diamond mine which is to close in a few years.
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Chevron invests in carbon sequestration research projects in Western Australia
Mining giants agree to end feudal energy grids and create massive renewables hub
Mining giants agree to end feudal approach to Pilbara energy systems and work with each other and energy companies to create one of world's biggest renewable hubs.
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The Kimba nuclear waste plan bites the dust. Here's what went wrong and how to do better next time
Subsea high voltage cables are a must to meet net zero – so how can we scale them up?
The global spaghetti bowl of undersea fibre optic cables shows what can be achieved with intergovernmental cooperation. The HVDC sector needs a similar approach – and fast.
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CP Daily: Thursday August 10, 2023
WCI Markets: CCAs advance through volatile week before Q3 auction, Washington prices steady amid allowance reserve sale
New York faces distinct advantages, drawbacks in aligning cap-and-invest programme with RGGI -expert
Canada releases draft Clean Electricity Regulations with flexibilities for CCS, gas power
Accelerated evolution and automated aquaculture could help coral weather the heat
UK vows tougher sustainability tests for wood-burning power plants
US alternative investment firm proposes standardised carbon credit rating system
Big freeze drove early humans out of Europe
Orsted aims for pioneering CCS project to launch operations in 2025
US scientists turn old plastic into soap after fireside inspiration
Team converts polyethylene into fatty acids, soap’s main ingredient, but say it is not panacea for plastic pollution
Scientists have discovered a method to give new life to old plastic – by converting it into soap.
Plastics are chemically similar to fatty acids, which are one of the main ingredients in soap. For Guoliang Liu, an associate professor of chemistry at Virginia Tech and author of the paper published in the journal Science, this similarity suggested it should be possible to convert polyethylene into fatty acids, and then into soap. The problem was size: molecularly, plastics are very large, about 3,000 carbon atoms long, whereas fatty acids are much smaller.
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