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RGGI auction volumes drop 3.5% for first quarterly sale of 2025, CCR bucket refilled

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 03:55
RGGI states will offer 3.5% fewer permits at their Q1 sale compared to the prior quarter, along with a Cost Containment Reserve (CCR) restoked for 2025, according to a Tuesday announcement.
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Expert panel bullish for VCM, future of REDD amid flourishing offtake agreements

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 03:49
Talk of 2025 being a sink or swim year for the voluntary carbon market is unwarranted, and the fast reforming REDD forestry sector will play a dominant role in carbon mitigation over the next few years, a panel of experts said on Tuesday.
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Climate activists who target artworks ‘using Suffragette tactics’, says artist

The Guardian - Wed, 2025-01-15 02:53

Alex Margo Arden says ‘symbolic damage’ helped force public conversation about climate crisis

Protesters who targeted paintings to raise awareness of the climate crisis were using an “effective” tactic also used by the Suffragettes, according to an artist whose new show focuses on recent attacks on high-profile artworks.

Alex Margo Arden, whose debut exhibition, Safety Curtain, opens this week at Auto Italia in east London, said the “symbolic damage” caused to the images, which were protected by glass, helped force a public conversation about the climate crisis.

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Forest management group launches data platform ahead of first US carbon auction

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 02:45
A US programme for improved forest management carbon projects has launched a platform through which carbon credit buyers can access data on carbon credits that will be offered during its first upcoming carbon auction.
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Tripling Europe’s renewables won’t be enough to reach net zero -report

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 02:22
Renewable energy capacity in Europe is expected to more than triple by 2050, but this won't be enough to reach net zero emissions by mid-century, a new report warned on Tuesday.
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Firms struggle to track generative AI’s carbon footprint as emissions rise -report

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 02:03
Generative artificial intelligence is contributing to rising corporate carbon emissions, with nearly half of global executives saying the technology has increased their organisation’s footprint, according to a study released on Tuesday.
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Chemicals in sewage sludge fertilizer used on farms pose cancer risk, EPA says

The Guardian - Wed, 2025-01-15 01:45

Environmental Protection Agency officials warn of toxic PFAS found in sewage often spread on pasture

Harmful chemicals in sewage sludge spread on pasture as fertilizer pose a risk to people who regularly consume milk, beef and other products from those farms, in some cases raising cancer risk “several orders of magnitude” above what the Environmental Protection Agency considers acceptable, federal officials announced on Tuesday.

When cities and towns treat sewage, they separate the liquids from the solids and treat the liquid. The solids need to be disposed of and can make a nutrient-rich sludge often spread on farm fields. The agency now says those solids often contain toxic, lasting PFAS that treatment plants cannot effectively remove. When people eat or drink foods containing these “forever” chemicals, the compounds accumulate in the body and can cause kidney, prostate and testicular cancer. They harm the immune system and childhood development.

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No change to EU ETS registration fees, Brussels clarifies

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 01:18
A draft update of the Registry Regulation governing the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) does not contain any new legal provisions when it comes to registration fees, despite suggestions to the contrary, EU sources told Carbon Pulse.
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Green hydrogen production falls short of expectations as cost deters buyers -report

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 01:16
Less than 10% of green hydrogen production projects announced in 2023 eventually materialised, as high costs and limited demand hinder industrial adoption, according to a new peer-reviewed study released on Tuesday.
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Biodiversity credit market has “immense” oversupply, expert says

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 01:05
The emerging biodiversity credit market is affected by outsized supply, with available credits far outstripping demand, risking fatal consequences, according to analysts.
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INTERVIEW: Think tank advocates EU compliance market for nature credits

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2025-01-15 00:16
The EU should take steps to establish a compliance market for nature credits, as emerging national schemes risk falling short of mobilising enough finance for conservation and restoration efforts, an influential think tank has told Carbon Pulse.
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No 10 blocks beaver release plan as officials view it as ’Tory legacy’

The Guardian - Wed, 2025-01-15 00:00

Exclusive: Natural England furious that years of work has been undone, with minister urged to push policy through

Downing Street has blocked plans to release wild beavers in England because officials view it as a “Tory legacy”, the Guardian can reveal.

Natural England, the government’s nature watchdog, has drawn up a plan for reintroductions of the rodent, which until about 20 years ago had been extinct in Britain for 400 years, having been hunted for their fur, meat and scent oil. Beavers create useful habitats for wildlife and reduce flooding by breaking up waterways, slowing water flow, and creating still pools.

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Ukrainian company issues carbon credits from solar farm

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 23:44
A Ukrainian company has issued its first carbon credits generated from a renewable energy project, in a move it said will help raise investment in renewables and help cut emissions. 
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Brazilian developer revamps biodiversity credit methodology, seeks certification under Cercarbono

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 23:21
A Brazilian developer is reviewing its biodiversity credit methodology for endangered species as part of the certification process under environmental standard Cercarbono, with plans to issue credits later this year, the company told Carbon Pulse.
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World Bank seeks experts to develop REDD+ carbon programmes in Upper Guinean Forests

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 23:07
The World Bank has issued a tender seeking consultants to develop roadmaps and carbon emissions reduction programmes under REDD+ to combat deforestation and degradation in the biodiversity-rich Upper Guinean Forests.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 22:37
European carbon prices was little changed at midday on Tuesday after trading in a relatively tight channel between key technical levels in sync with a stable natural gas market.
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ANALYSIS: Shift in EUA open interest reflects gradual transition to new compliance calendar

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 22:26
The shift in the EU ETS compliance calendar has led to several changes in EUA trading patterns, as open interest has started to shift away from the historical first quarter buildup and into the summer months, but there remains significant activity in contracts that were formerly important for obligated entities.
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INTERVIEW: Ocean-based CDR firm secures major aviation-backed carbon removal deal

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 22:00
An ocean-based carbon removal (CDR) provider will sequester 200,000 tonnes of CO2 over four years under a new agreement that, according to a company executive, represents the largest deal of its kind in the industry, backed by an aviation-focused sustainability investment firm.
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Applications open for Africa-focused CDR accelerator programme

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 20:53
Applications for an Africa-focused carbon removal (CDR) accelerator opened on Tuesday, with the programme looking to make Africa “a CDR powerhouse”.
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Up to 1,500 English developer plans each month engaged with boosting biodiversity

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2025-01-14 20:37
Between 1,200 and 1,500 developer planning applications each month are engaging with biodiversity net gain (BNG) requirements, which suggests the law is working, a civil servant has said.
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