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Intern, Project Officer, Climate Strategies – London
Climate Advocacy Specialist, UNDP – New York City
Beavers released in Forest of Dean as solution to flooding
Hope is that pair of beavers build dams that help hold back water and improve biodiversity
Four hundred years after the beaver was hunted to extinction in the UK, two of the mammals are being reintroduced on to government land in an English forest as part of a scheme to assess whether they could be a solution to flooding.
Two Eurasian beavers were being released on Tuesday into their new lodge within a large penned-off section of the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.
Continue reading...Executive Director, Nexus for Development – Phnom Penh
Senior Climate Change Specialist Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank – Washington DC
Plastic pollution and climate change
Climate Change Finance Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank – Washington DC
Team Leader, Climate Policy and Energy Transformation, Climate Analytics – Berlin
Senior Director, Nature-Based Climate Mitigation, Conservation International – Arlington, VA
NZ Market: NZUs extend gains again but volumes dwindle
Rare coral found off the west coast of Ireland
South Korea’s cabinet approves ETS allocation plan, 2030 GHG roadmap
Trump officials may allow 'shaker machines' to search arctic refuge for oil
Seismic testing plan would cause irreparable harm to Alaska national wildlife refuge, biologists say
The Trump administration has announced it is considering a proposal to conduct seismic testing for oil and gas in the Arctic national wildlife refuge, the largest such preserve in the US.
If the plan moves forward, vehicles with “shakers” – diesel-powered equipment that sends tremors through the landscape – will be deployed along Alaska’s northern coastal plain in an effort to map underground hydrocarbon deposits.
Continue reading...Revealed: NEG “decisions” document confirms fears of critics
Risen Energy insures its core competitiveness with mass production of the industry’s first 370W bifacial PERC double glass module
Mary Robinson launches new feminist fight against climate change
Former Irish president’s initiative kicks off with podcasts pairing her with comedian Maeve Higgins
Women around the world who are leading the fight against climate damage are to be highlighted by Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland and UN high commissioner, in the hopes of building a new global movement that will create “a feminist solution for climate change”.
Perhaps more revolutionary still, the new initiative is light-hearted in tone, optimistic in outlook and presents positive stories in what the originators hope will be seen as a fun way.
Continue reading...Big power players will be able to dance around ACCC proposals
Post-Brexit green watchdog must have teeth, MPs demand
Committee says body that takes on environment oversight role needs powers to hold government to account
A new environmental watchdog with powers to hold the government to account must be set up after Brexit to ensure protections are kept in place, an influential group of MPs has said.
The environmental audit committee (EAC) on Tuesday also called for targets on air, water, soil, biodiversity and other issues to be legally binding and subject to five-yearly reports, in a similar way to the carbon budgets produced by the Committee on Climate Change under the 2008 Climate Change Act.
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