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Fingerprint tech could help catch pangolin poachers

BBC - Thu, 2018-06-28 11:17
British scientists discover a way of taking human fingerprints off seized pangolin scales.
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NTCRS regulatory changes and improvements for 2018

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2018-06-28 11:09
Changes to the Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Regulations 2011 have been made, as part of the review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011. These minor amendments to the regulatory framework ensure the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme does not impose undue costs and is fairer to importers and manufacturers of television and computer products.
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Windlab urges “choose no NEG” if emissions target unchanged

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-28 11:02
Windlab CEO says renewables industry better of with no National Energy Guarantee at all, than with a NEG hobbled by 26% emissions reduction target.
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Warming of 2°C ‘substantially’ more harmful than 1.5°C

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-28 10:05
Latest version of major UN science report concludes the upper temperature goal of the Paris Agreement does not represent a climate safe zone.
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Young will pick up climate change bill, advisers warn

BBC - Thu, 2018-06-28 10:02
Without action on climate change, the coming generation will pay much more to curb emissions, a UK report says.
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CP Daily: Wednesday June 27, 2018

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-28 09:51
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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World’s first offshore wind farm + battery switched on in Scotland

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-28 09:43
The world’s first floating offshore wind farm, the 30MW Hywind project in Scotland, has chalked up another first, adding a 1MW onshore battery system.
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Scleroderma: the disease no-one knows about

ABC Environment - Thu, 2018-06-28 09:41
How do you battle a disease when it's not contagious, not infectious, not cancerous and is not malignant, but has the potential to damage you permanently and hasten the end of your life?
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ICAO adopts CORSIA aviation offset rulebook, postpones key decisions as China looks to back out

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-28 09:37
The UN’s aviation agency ICAO adopted its CORSIA rulebook on Wednesday, snubbing several governments’ calls for changes while giving airlines few additional signals on what offsets they can use to comply.
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ClearVue PV’s solar glass technology takes next step

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-28 09:30
Perth-based building-integrated PV company reveals it can build its solar glass technology into independent units, removing need for specialised window frames.
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Tesla opens first New Zealand Store and Service Centre

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-28 09:05
PRESS RELEASE AUCKLAND, Thursday, June 28 2018 – As part of the global expansion of Stores and Service Centres across the globe, Tesla will officially launch its first New Zealand Store and Service Centre in Auckland tonight with an event for their owners to celebrate, prior to opening the doors to the public tomorrow. The store will […]
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California’s ARB distributes almost 620k offsets across all project types

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-28 06:50
California regulator ARB doled out more than 619,200 carbon offsets this week in its latest issuance covering all four active project types.
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Director, Ontario Climate Policy, Pembina Institute – Toronto

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-28 06:10
The Pembina Institute is seeking a highly motivated individual to join our team as our Director, Climate Policy. We are seeking someone with a strong background in climate policy, relationships across sectors and a record of influencing policy change.
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(Junior) Consultant Energy and Climate Policy, Ecorys – Netherlands

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-28 06:05
You will join the Natural Resources team that is working on national, EU and international projects in the areas of energy, environment and climate change. Our activities consist of economic and policy studies (e.g. feasibility studies, cost-benefit analyses, evaluations), consultancy, and project and program management.
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With incentives, industry could tackle Australia's waste crisis | Veena Sahajwalla

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-06-28 06:00

If waste is burned for energy, recyclable material is lost forever. There are better solutions

The vast recycling problem facing communities right around Australia has been a ticking time bomb.

With China’s restriction of imports of foreign waste now in place and responsible for increased stockpiling around the nation, prices for waste streams such as glass are at a low point. It is now cheaper to import than recycle glass.

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Plastic-free campaigns don't have to shock or shame. Shoppers are already on board

The Conversation - Thu, 2018-06-28 05:56
Plastic bags will soon be gone from major supermarkets and many other shops too. Campaigns to reduce plastic even more should focus on positive advice, rather than shaming shoppers for their plastic use. Louise Moana Kolff, Lecturer, UNSW Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Flamingo that escaped a zoo in 2005 spotted in Texas

BBC - Thu, 2018-06-28 05:51
The bird, tagged as number 492, is seen near Lavaca Bay, Texas, after fleeing a Kansas zoo in 2005.
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Speculators step up buying in Germany’s May EUA auctions -report

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-28 04:23
Speculators and intermediaries picked up most of Germany’s auctioned carbon allowances last month, government data showed, with installation operators recording their smallest share in more than a year.
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Adani coal port under threat of stop order amid concern for sacred sites

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-06-28 04:00

Juru traditional owners say Adani has ignored demands to inspect “unauthorised” cultural assessments

Indigenous traditional owners from north Queensland have threatened to try to pursue an order that could shut down Adani’s Abbot Point coal terminal, amid concern that sacred sites in the area have not been properly protected.

Guardian Australia can reveal Adani has ignored repeated demands by Juru traditional owners to inspect “unauthorised” cultural assessments conducted by former directors of the embattled Kyburra Munda Yalga Aboriginal Corporation.

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Anti-pipeline activists are fighting to stop Line 3. Will they succeed? | Bill McKibben

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-06-28 03:59

The oil industry is building yet another pipeline - but Native American groups and progressive activists are fighting back

American democracy appears to have had at least a little success this week: steadily mounting pressure - including everything from marches to tweets to phone calls to Congress - seems to have convinced President Trump that his approval ratings were in danger unless he back-pedaled on his administration’s abusive immigration policies on the US-Mexican border. So now we have an executive order allowing children to be stored in cages alongside their parents — an admittedly mixed victory, but at least Trump was forced to retreat. And now we have a motivated army of progressive Americans ready to keep on fighting.

We’ll need them, because another fierce political battle is about to boil over - this time on the US’s northern border, with Canada. Local citizens there are mobilizing against another controversial project to pump oil from the Canadian “tar sands” to the US. Like the infamous Keystone pipeline through Nebraska or the Kinder Morgan pipeline through British Columbia, this pipeline - known by the innocuous name “Line 3” - has roused grassroots resistance from local citizens concerned about the project’s environmental and cultural impact.

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