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China-backed Sumatran dam threatens the rarest ape in the world

The Conversation - Fri, 2018-05-04 06:23
A US$1.6 billion dollar dam in Sumatra threatens the recently discovered and desperately imperilled Tapanuli Orangutan. Bill Laurance, Distinguished Research Professor and Australian Laureate, James Cook University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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EU Market: EUAs fall for third day, down almost 5% since compliance deadline

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2018-05-04 03:34
EU carbon prices fell for the third consecutive session on Thursday to end below €13 for the first time in almost two weeks.
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Ancestral remains 'people not objects'

BBC - Fri, 2018-05-04 00:48
A collective of scientists recommends that human ancestors be respected as individuals.
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Seal avoids 'slow and painful death' by air vent filter

BBC - Fri, 2018-05-04 00:06
Vets who treated the seal, which had a deep neck wound, had "never seen anything as severe".
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Future sailors: what will ships look like in 30 years?

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-05-03 23:00

With a target to halve its huge carbon footprint, the race is on to find new technologies to green the world’s shipping fleet

Watch out for the return of the sailing ship.

After a commitment last month to cut greenhouse gas emissions from shipping by at least 50% by 2050, the race is on to find new technologies that can green the 50,000-strong global shipping fleet. Wind power is one of the options being discussed.

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Renewables rise helps to close Paris gap as governments lag -analysts

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-05-03 20:53
The faster-than-expected expansion of renewables worldwide is helping to narrow the gap to Paris Agreement goals, despite some governments making little progress on climate action and the effects of US President Trump’s policies not yet taking hold, researchers said Thursday.
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Understanding energy blockchain: Network and market

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-05-03 15:26
Potential to address network value streams and negotiate complexity and regulatory risk offers huge opportunity for any platform able to wrestle this dragon.
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Musk plays the vision thing, vents at myopic analysts, media

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-05-03 15:26
The market’s obsessions with financial details, rather than the big picture, is driving Musk to distraction. And that should be a cause for concern.
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Malcolm Turnbull has become a de-facto climate denier

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-05-03 14:56
Macron's dressing down of Malcolm Turnbull on his lack of leadership on climate change underlines a disturbing point: Turnbull may not deny the science of climate change, but he does deny the need to act now, and the economic benefits of embracing renewables.
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Rio Tinto climate resolution marks shift in investor culture

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-05-03 14:41
A breakthrough resolution on Rio Tinto’s climate stance has won strong backing at the company’s AGM. Is this the start of something?
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Jaguar warns Australia it trailing badly on electric vehicles

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-05-03 14:39
Jaguar Land Rover calls on Turnbull government to provide "unified and clear road ahead" to drive EV uptake, or risk another energy crisis.
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Country diary: lapwings do their courting to the tune of creaky doors

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-05-03 14:30

Salter’s Gate, Weardale: Having performed her provocative display, the female seems to ignore the suitor with his bandit eye-stripe

The sky above this open hillside, overlooking Tunstall reservoir in the valley below, was filled with skylark song, but lapwings, Vanellus vanellus, commanded attention with reckless display flights and calls reminiscent of rusty hinges. Thirty years ago, when we came here to watch them with our children, they christened them “creaky doors”.

Related: The lapwing's unearthly sounds fill the fields

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Musk says Tesla’s next big battery will be eight times bigger

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-05-03 13:02
Elon Musk says Tesla hopes to announce a battery installation 8 times bigger than the current big battery within a few months, and is working on Powerwall backlog.
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Kew Gardens: World's largest glasshouse reopens

BBC - Thu, 2018-05-03 12:11
Kew Gardens' largest glasshouse - the Temperate House - reopens after an ambitious five-year restoration.
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SolarEdge shifts focus to “shared energy economy” with new grid services solution

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-05-03 11:45
SolarEdge takes major step towards making distributed solar power “ubiquitous,” with the launch of a new grid services product.
Categories: Around The Web

Shift to renewables would save Australians $20bn a year – report

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-05-03 10:59

Study says 40% of transport could be emissions-free by 2035 and neighbours could trade clean electricity

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A total shift to renewable energy would pay for itself through cost savings within two decades, and ultimately save Australians $20bn a year in combined fuel and power costs, a new report says.

The report, released on Thursday morning, outlines a path to powering homes and businesses from renewable sources by 2030. By 2035, 40% of transport could be emissions free, it says.

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Northern Territory Coastal Line Fishery - application 2018

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2018-05-03 10:45
The public consultation period for assessment for ongoing export accreditation has been extended until 23 July 2018. This consultation was originally open from 7 May 2018 until 12 June 2018.
Categories: Around The Web

Northern Territory Coastal Line Fishery - application 2018

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2018-05-03 10:45
The public consultation period for assessment for ongoing export accreditation will be open from 7 May - 12 June 2018
Categories: Around The Web

Goulburn-Murray farmers are at tipping point: it's time to allow the amendments | Suzanna Sheed

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-05-03 10:01

Southern basin farmers have contributed the most to the Murray-Darling basin plan but taking more water will compound the challenges

The Murray-Darling basin plan narrative runs on well-worn tracks. Water theft allegations and short-changed rivers in the northern basin. Booming almonds around Mildura. Quick detour to Murrumbidgee river communities who burned the draft plan in 2010 but are now doing fine. And the story ends at the Coorong and at the Murray mouth.

So all angles covered, yes?

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CP Daily: Wednesday May 2, 2018

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-05-03 09:53
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web


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