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Mesmerising footage shows lava lake overflow in Hawaii

BBC - Thu, 2018-04-26 07:55
Lava has risen above the crater floor in Hawaii's Kilauea volcano for the first time since 2016.
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CP Daily: Wednesday April 25, 2018

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-04-26 06:21
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web

ARB resumes California offset issuances as forestry fails to register

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-04-26 06:12
California regulator ARB doled out just over 275,500 California Carbon Offsets (CCOs) this week following the zero issuance recorded earlier this month, with normally high-yielding forestry projects not receiving any credits for the first time since December.
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Turkey’s coal-stacked bank Garanti plans to raise its shadow carbon price

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-04-26 06:04
Turkish bank Garanti outlined its shadow carbon pricing strategy on Wednesday, though the partial approach may fall short of addressing the company's ongoing investments in coal plants.
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Curious Kids: Where did trees come from?

The Conversation - Thu, 2018-04-26 05:11
Trees evolved many times around the world. Greg Jordan, Associate Professor, University of Tasmania Matilda Brown, PhD, University of Tasmania Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Higher EU carbon prices helping slow global warming pace, says fund manager

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-04-26 04:47
Higher EU ETS prices have helped slow the expected pace of global warming, according to London-based fund managers Schroders on Wednesday.
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Bin liners to takeaway containers – ideas to solve your plastic conundrums

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-04-26 04:00

Those dedicated to going plastic-free wonder how to dispose of cat litter or buy cleaning products sans packaging. Share your problems – and solutions

Plastic has become an environmental disaster. Microplastic pollution has been found in our waterways, fish stocks, salt, tap water and even the air we breathe. Reducing our reliance on plastic by refusing it wherever possible has never been more important, especially as Australia’s recycling system is in crisis.

Yet there are conundrums that continue to defeat even those dedicated to going plastic-free. From bin liners to takeaway containers, Guardian Australia has tried to solve them. And we want to hear from you: share your plastic conundrums and the solutions. We’ll round up the best ideas for a follow-up article.

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Gorillas are far more numerous than previously thought, survey reveals

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-04-26 04:00

Larger-than-expected population in Africa gives hope for species survival, scientists say, but animal remains critically endangered

There are far more gorillas left in the world than previously thought, according to a landmark new survey, with numbers as much as double earlier estimates.

However, their populations are continuing to fall fast, down 20% in just eight years, leaving them critically endangered. Furthermore, 80% of the remaining gorilla troops do not live in protected areas, leaving them vulnerable to the threats the researchers summarise as “guns, germs and [felled] trees”.

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Climate change to drive migration from island homes sooner than thought

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-04-26 04:00

Low-lying atolls around the world will be overtaken by sea-level rises within a few decades, according to a new study

Hundreds of thousands of people will be forced from their homes on low-lying islands in the next few decades by sea-level rises and the contamination of fresh drinking water sources, scientists have warned.

A study by researchers at the US Geological Survey (USGS), the Deltares Institute in the Netherlands and Hawaii University has found that many small islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans will be uninhabitable for humans by the middle of this century. That is much earlier than previously thought.

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'Ground-breaking' galaxy collision detected

BBC - Thu, 2018-04-26 03:43
Fourteen galaxies pile into a small region of space... only one can emerge.
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Gaia telescope's 'book of the heavens' takes shape

BBC - Thu, 2018-04-26 03:01
A European space telescope measures the precise positions and distances to over one billion stars.
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Swedish archaeologists reveal 5th Century massacre at Sandby borg

BBC - Thu, 2018-04-26 02:53
A new study says dozens at the Oland island fort were killed and left to rot where they fell.
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France says carbon prices must rise faster as some EU nations eye higher ambition coalition

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-04-26 02:39
EU carbon prices are not rising to more elevated levels fast enough, France said on Wednesday after meeting with a small group of member states, reiterating its call for a bloc-wide carbon price floor starting with Europe's power sector.
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EU govts rake in the cash as monthly carbon sales top €1 billion

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-04-26 02:38
Monthly revenues from EU carbon allowance auctions have for the first time topped the €1 billion mark, providing a major funding injection for governments as EUA prices hold near seven-year highs.
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Macron to US Congress: 'There is no Planet B'

BBC - Thu, 2018-04-26 02:03
The French president received more than one standing ovation in his remarks to Congress on climate change.
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An unusually late start to the season for USA's Tornado Alley

BBC - Thu, 2018-04-26 02:02
Things are unusually quiet in Oklahoma and Kansas this year as 2018 could see the latest start to the tornado season on record.
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Energy exchange EEX’s European CO2 trading revenues jump as volumes soar

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2018-04-25 23:02
German-based energy exchange EEX increased turnover from its European environmental markets business by more than 50% in financial year 2017 after posting a sharp rise in secondary market CO2 trading volumes.
Categories: Around The Web

Galileo: UK plan to launch rival to EU sat-nav system

BBC - Wed, 2018-04-25 20:57
The UK is looking at its own sat-nav system if the EU locks it out of Galileo because of Brexit.
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Senior Manager, Mapping and Earth Observation, Ecometrica – Edinburgh

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2018-04-25 20:56
This is a senior role, working closely with colleagues in Sales, Software Development and Programme Management, and reporting to the CEO. The role combines team management with significant client-facing responsibilities associated with the planning and delivery of outputs, plus support to sales and client relationship development.
Categories: Around The Web

EU Market: EUAs climb to 3-day high on stronger auction signals

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2018-04-25 20:18
EU carbon prices lifted to their highest levels so far this week as recent auction weakness appeared to dissipate following a spate of bearish sales.
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