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Queensland energy minister stands down amid email investigation

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 14:20
A blow to the state-based renewable energy and climate effort as Queensland energy minister Mark Bailey is sidelined by allegations of corruption.
Categories: Around The Web

Hazelwood gone today – Liddell gone tomorrow. Are we ready?

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 14:16
Early action on transmission should be at the top of the new Energy Security Board’s agenda if we are to connect enough wind and solar and hydro to replace retiring coal generators.
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China connects 13.5GW of solar PV – in a single month

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 13:25
China installed 13.5GW of solar in a single month, and is expected to easily beat its 2020 target. It may have already.
Categories: Around The Web

EnergyAustralia signs PPA for 150MW Neoen solar farm in NSW

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 13:23
EnergyAustralia has agreed to buy 100MW of output from planned Neoen solar farm in NSW – its 5th renewables PPA in seven months.
Categories: Around The Web

Rising seas spark tobacco-style lawsuits in California

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 13:08
The suits point to indisputable climate science and decades of industry efforts to mar that science. Experts likened the legal complaints to those brought against the tobacco industry in decades past, which succeeded by alleging the use of anti-science tactics to mask the dangers of their products.
Categories: Around The Web

2017 is so unexpectedly warm it is freaking out climate scientists

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 13:07
“Extremely remarkable” 2017 heads toward record for hottest year without an El Niño episode.
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SolarReserve Receives Environmental approval for 390 megawatt solar thermal facility with storage in Chile

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 13:05
Likana Solar Energy Project in the Antofagasta region will provide reliable, non-intermittent electricity from solar energy 24-hours a day.
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Google creates “Dandelion” to promote geothermal energy

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 13:05
Google's new company Dandelion will attempt to do for residential heating and cooling what SolarCity has done for rooftop solar.
Categories: Around The Web

Rooftop solar shock for consumers, installers as rebate price falls by one-third

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 12:59
Price of rooftop solar to jump 10%, and catch many installers unawares, due to sudden fall in price of rebate certificates after record amounts of new solar in past 6 months.
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Former Wallaby player and European energy veteran joins Wirsol Energy Pty Ltd

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 12:36
WIRSOL Energy, part of the WIRCON Group, has appointed Bill Calcraft as non-executive director of its Australian operations, to focus on expanding WIRSOL Energy’s relationships in Australia, bringing a wealth of experience in the European energy sector to WIRSOL Energy’s thriving business.
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Rock find 'rewrites' Australian human history

BBC - Thu, 2017-07-20 12:27
Scientists unearth evidence that Aboriginal people may have entered Australia over 65,000 years ago.
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GreenSync awarded CEC innovation award

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 12:04
GreenSync has won the 2017 Clean Energy Council Innovation Award in conjunction with AusNet Services and Power Tech for their work on the Mini Grid project in Mooroolbark, Victoria.
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Indigenous rock shelter pushes Australia's human history back to 65,000 years

ABC Science - Thu, 2017-07-20 12:00
DEEP CONNECTION: New excavations of a rock shelter near Kakadu National Park indicate humans reached Australia at least 65,000 years ago - up to 18,000 years earlier than archaeologists previously thought.
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Photon Energy mandates Pottinger as financial advisors for Australian project pipeline

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 11:56
Global solar power solutions provider Photon Energy NV has mandated financial and strategic advisory firm Pottinger Co Pty Limited, to advise on a capital raising for a solar PV project pipeline with a total generation capacity of over 1 GW in Australia.
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Transgrid: 100% renewables is feasible and affordable

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 10:31
Network operator Transgrid says 100 per cent renewable energy is both feasible and affordable, and says only incremental increases in renewable energy will not achieve potential falls in the cost of electricity.
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Why dogs are friendly - it's written in their genes

BBC - Thu, 2017-07-20 10:06
Being friendly is in dogs' nature and could be key to how they were domesticated from wolves.
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Lawyer Steven Skala named new chair of Clean Energy Finance Corp

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 09:39
Lawyer and ABC director Steven Skala named chair of $10 billion CEFC, three women appointed to board.
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Australia becomes 35th member of International Solar Alliance

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-07-20 09:26
Launched in Paris during the COP21 summit, the International Solar Alliance, spearheaded by India and France, has this week welcomed Australia to the fold.
Categories: Around The Web

The four-year treasure hunt for the hoodwinker sunfish

The Conversation - Thu, 2017-07-20 09:15
A beached hoodwinker sunfish, the new species described by researchers from Murdoch University. Murdoch University

Sunfish are famous for looking odd. They are the largest bony fish in the world, can grow to over 3 metres in length and weigh up to 2 tonnes, and look a little bit like a suitcase with wings.

But when I began my PhD doing population studies on sunfish off Bali in Indonesia, I didn’t expect to discover an entirely new species. What began as something of a side project turned into a four-year treasure hunt, flying thousands of kilometres to track down evidence with the help of dozens of people.

As part of my PhD research, I analysed more than 150 samples of sunfish DNA. Genetic sequencing turned up four distinct species: Masturus lanceolatus, Mola mola, Mola ramsayi and a fourth that didn’t fit with any known species.

A new species had been hiding in plain sight for centuries, which is why we ended up calling it Mola tecta: the hoodwinker sunfish. But back then, in 2013, we didn’t even know what they looked like; all we had were skin samples containing the mysterious DNA.

The hoodwinker sunfish grows to at least 2.4 metres long, with a distinctive ‘backfold’ of smooth skin separating the back fin into two. Illustration by Michelle Freeborn, Wellington Museum Te Papa Tongarewa. Going on the hunt

The next step was trying to figure out what these fish might look like. Superficially, all sunfish look the same (that is, slightly strange). Their bodies are flat and rigid, except for their fins; they don’t have a tail; and as they grow bigger they usually develop odd bumps on their head, chin and nose.

So I started looking at pictures of sunfish, especially on social media, searching for something different. I also spent a long time establishing a network of people across Australia and New Zealand who could alert me whenever a sunfish was found.

I finally got a break in 2014. Observers from New Zealand and Australian fisheries were sending me pictures of sunfish they found out at sea, usually just a fin in the water. But on one occasion they hauled a tiny fish on board to free it from a fishing line, and got a brilliant photo of the whole thing along with a genetic sample.

This fish had a little structure on its back fin that I’d never seen on a sunfish before. Just as I was wondering if this was a characteristic of the species, I hit the jackpot when four fish were stranded in one go on the same beach in New Zealand.

I flew down to Christchurch, landed at night and drove out on to the beach. I saw my first hoodwinker sunfish in the headlights of the car – it was incredibly exciting. This changed everything, because now we knew what we were looking for.

A hoodwinker sunfish off the coast of Chile. César Villarroel, ExploraSub What is the hoodwinker?

Unravelling this mystery has been a huge puzzle. Sunfish are huge, largely solitary and fairly elusive, so you can’t just go out and sample a heap of them to study. You have to fly thousands of kilometres when there’s a stranding and hope it’s the right puzzle piece you’re looking for.

However, by looking at stranded specimens, photos and museum collections, and by verifying specimens genetically, we have been able to describe this species very accurately.

We found enough fish to describe this species on a size spectrum of 50cm to nearly 2.5m. Unlike the other species, they don’t develop lumps and bumps as they grow; instead their body dimensions stay pretty much the same between juveniles and adults. Their back fin is separated into an upper and lower part, with a small flexible piece of skin, which we have termed the “back-fold”, connecting the halves.

We don’t know exactly what their range is, but it seems to be the colder parts of the Southern Hemisphere. We’ve found them all around New Zealand (mostly around the South Island), off Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales (Australia), South Africa and southern Chile.

Sunfish aren’t particularly rare, but it’s tricky to study them as they simply live in parts of the ocean most humans don’t go. They dive hundreds of metres to feed, and then rise to the surface to bask in the sun on their sides (hence their name).

This habit of diving and rising throughout the day means they can be caught by a range of fishing gear, including tuna longlines or in drift gillnets and midwater trawls. Fishers have been turning them up for centuries. When we looked back through the literature to see if this species had been described before, we found sunfish in books that included mermen and unicorns, and one of the first written mentions comes from Pliny the Elder.

This Chilean video identifies the fish as the common sunfish (Mola mola), but they have the separated back fin of the hoodwinker sunfish (Mola tecta). A sunny community

Of course, this discovery didn’t happen in isolation. A group of researchers from Japan first identified the possibility of a new species from a single skin sample about 10 years ago. We were able to work with two sunfish experts from the University of Tokyo and the University of Hiroshima to describe the hoodwinker, and to compare it in detail with the other two Mola species.

We also collaborated with geneticists from the Gemmell Lab at the University of Otago and expert taxonomists from the Wellington Museum Te Papa Tongarewa, who prepared and now house the “holotype”, which is the name-bearing specimen and official representative of Mola tecta.

Fisheries observers from the Australian Fisheries Management Authority and the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries have sent me around 120 samples from sunfish they sampled while on patrols, which was the basis for the initial study.

Finally, we’ve had invaluable support from the public. On one occasion, a gentleman and his young daughter even drove out on a quad bike to a remote beach just to gather samples. (I do believe sunfish bring out the best in people.)

After four years of work – and the help of many people – it’s great to be able to finally share the hoodwinker sunfish with the world!

The Conversation

Marianne Nyegaard has received funding from the following bodies for her PhD research: The Systematics Research Fund (Linnean Society of London and the Systematics Association), Graduate Women (WA) inc, The PADI Foundation, and the Sea World Research and Rescue Foundation.

Categories: Around The Web

65,000 year date for earliest human occupation of Australia

ABC Environment - Thu, 2017-07-20 08:07
Researchers describe the Madjedbebe rock shelter in Arnhem Land as one of the most significant cultural and archaeological sites in the world — but it's unprotected in a mining lease.
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