Feed aggregator
Australian low-emissions wood pellet producer secures 30-year lease for NZ facility
Energy Insiders Podcast: Is there a smarter way to transmit power?
The post Energy Insiders Podcast: Is there a smarter way to transmit power? appeared first on RenewEconomy.
The Southern Ocean has the cleanest air on Earth. We have just discovered why
“Very predictable:” Study shows global wind energy production is stable
The post “Very predictable:” Study shows global wind energy production is stable appeared first on RenewEconomy.
World’s biggest offshore wind project wins environmental approval
The post World’s biggest offshore wind project wins environmental approval appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Australia has the best solar resources in the world: We should learn how to make our own panels
The post Australia has the best solar resources in the world: We should learn how to make our own panels appeared first on RenewEconomy.
AU Market: Integrity concerns, compliance shift sees ACCU spot prices converge
Why is Australia’s east coast copping all this rain right now? An atmospheric scientist explains
Nuclear energy is an ugly duckling in every possible respect: Too late, too costly, too toxic
The post Nuclear energy is an ugly duckling in every possible respect: Too late, too costly, too toxic appeared first on RenewEconomy.
California environental justice proponents pushback against CCS amid calls for cap-and-trade, LCFS improvements
Panelists agree on need for more US federal regulation of VCM, but split on extent
Green group sues US DOE for funding California’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant extension
Danish energy giant extends reach into Australia solar and battery market
The post Danish energy giant extends reach into Australia solar and battery market appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Integrity Council approves three voluntary carbon programmes for CCP eligibility
WCI Markets: CCA market awaits ARB as WCAs continue to rally on small volumes
UNFCCC calls for Brazil to improve accuracy of REDD+ reporting
“Every watt counts:” Labor hones in on household demand in new energy performance strategy
The post “Every watt counts:” Labor hones in on household demand in new energy performance strategy appeared first on RenewEconomy.