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Vestas rolls out wind turbine towers made from low-emission steel

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2024-01-23 08:26

Vestas says it will now offer a wind turbine tower made from low-emission steel, “significantly” reducing the lifetime carbon dioxide emissions during production.

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Solar farms and native grasses create pollinator havens and boost biodiversity, study funds

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2024-01-23 08:22

Solar farms can play a significant role in restoring insect habitats that could mitigate ongoing conflicts over farming land use change.

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We need creative ideas, and mobile storage, in case “big transmission” is delayed

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2024-01-23 08:15

Creative ideas are needed if big transmission is delayed or not built. That includes demand management, efficiency, and mobile batteries, including those mounted on trucks and trains.

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RGGI Market: RGAs regain record prices amid market bullishness

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 08:14
RGGI allowances (RGAs) bounced back over the week, notching an all-time record settlement and high volumes late in the week, with market participants telling Carbon Pulse that a general sense of bullishness persisted in light of the ongoing Third Program Review and other structural factors of the scheme.
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Virginia lawmakers call for budget amendments to rejoin RGGI

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 07:35
Democratic legislators in Virginia introduced budget language to return the state to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) after its departure from the carbon market beginning this year.
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Carbon ratings agency finds over-crediting in several ACR, Verra projects

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 07:13
A US-based carbon ratings agency has said that several ACR and Verra-certified projects have been over-credited, with one of the two ACR improved forest management (IFM) initiatives registered under the California regulator ARB protocol scoring the lowest possible rating due to severe boundary manipulation.
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Oregon’s Climate Protection Program scrapped, will undergo new rulemaking

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 07:10
The US state’s market-based GHG reduction programme is no longer in effect and will pursue new rulemaking following a December opinion decision by the Oregon Court of Appeals, government officials confirmed Monday.
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Oil and gas bill breaks UK’s promise to phase out fossil fuels, Alok Sharma says

The Guardian - Tue, 2024-01-23 05:26

Former Cop26 president criticises the government’s push to ‘max out’ the North Sea

Alok Sharma has said the government’s oil and gas bill going through the Commons will not cut household energy costs or create jobs and instead will break the UK’s promise to phase out fossil fuels.

During a debate on the offshore petroleum licensing bill, which would place the North Sea Transition Authority under a duty to run annual applications for new offshore oil and gas licences, the former Cop26 president criticised the government’s push to “max out” the North Sea. MPs vote on the bill’s second reading on Monday night.

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'It’s not game over – it’s game on': why 2024 is an inflection point for the climate crisis

The Conversation - Tue, 2024-01-23 05:04
Without urgent action, Earth is heading for climate catastrophe. Yet there are reasons for hope in 2024 – including a possible peak in global greenhouse gas emissions. Wesley Morgan, Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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When floodwater reaches the sea, it can leave a 50 metre thick layer of brown water – and cause real problems

The Conversation - Tue, 2024-01-23 05:04
Floodwaters pulsing into the sea normally clear within six days. But the 2022 floods in eastern Australia were different. Neil Malan, Research associate, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Sydney Moninya Roughan, Professor in Oceanography, UNSW Sydney Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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The Guardian view on SUVs: the trend towards vast cars needs to be reversed | Editorial

The Guardian - Tue, 2024-01-23 04:44

As they get bigger, the environmental harm caused by motor vehicles also grows. Setting some limits is the way forward

Bigger cars take up more room, and in cities where space is at a premium this is recognised as a problem. Polling last year showed 40% of people in the UK had a negative view of 4x4-type vehicles, while just 21% had a positive one. Negative views are even more pronounced in London, while the Midlands – historic heart of the UK motor industry – has a more positive attitude to big vehicles than anywhere else. Since 2001, new cars in the UK and Europe have grown 1cm wider every two years. Last year the average width passed 180cm, too big to fit comfortably in some parking spaces. Campaigners warn that unless regulators step in, cars could keep growing to match trucks and buses.

Taking space away from other road users is not the only problem with these supersized vehicles. Because they are bigger, heavier and higher off the ground, SUVs pose greater risks than other cars to anyone unlucky enough to collide with them. One study found that children are eight times more likely to die after being struck by one.

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INTERVIEW: Carbon standard expects upcoming approval for Article 6 credit issuance from Singapore  

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 04:04
A Colombia-based carbon standard expects to soon be granted approval from Singapore to issue Article 6-aligned credits that would help emitters in the country to meet their obligations under the national carbon tax.
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Green steel sector hindered by EU ETS prices -report

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 03:46
Some aspects of the EU ETS are responsible for the scarce success of steel production that uses low-carbon technologies, according to a report published on Monday.
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PREVIEW: Bern conference seeks to boost cooperation on global biodiversity targets

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 03:45
New recommendations on how to enhance cooperation between biodiversity-related conventions are expected at the Bern III Conference, which will take place over Jan. 23-25, in a bid to boost the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).
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VCM Report: High number of carbon credits retired, but large number old and near-worthless

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 03:35
Retirement of carbon credits continued at a healthy pace last week to underline ongoing demand, although a large chunk of the units were pre-2016 vintage, and some were from before 2010.
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World’s first large-scale green steel project receives €4.75 bln in new funding

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 03:25
H2 Green Steel has raised €4.75 billion in new funding to build the world’s first large-scale green steel project in the northern Swedish town of Boden, the company announced on Monday.
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Carbon removal companies call for technology neutrality as certification framework enters final talks

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 02:57
A group of carbon removal stakeholders is calling on EU institutions to ensure technology neutrality in the EU’s carbon removal bill, as it approaches the final crunch time of the EU legislative process, ahead of Tuesday's talks between the European Parliament, European Commission, and Council of EU states.
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COMMENT: Out with the bad, in with the good carbon market

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 02:19
The voluntary carbon market faced strong headwinds in 2023 – a reckoning due to carbon credit quality problems. The silver lining that could arrive in 2024: A market correction that can support a new VCM 2.0, rebuilding a market that is good for the planet and for people, writes Donna Lee of Calyx Global.
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EU co-legislators leave net zero industry act unfinished

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2024-01-23 01:26
Legislators in the European Commission, European Parliament, and the Council of member states will need more time to discuss a bill designed to strengthen net zero technologies in EU manufacturing, a spokesperson said after they concluded a halfway meeting on Monday.
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