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Albania responds to EU CBAM raising carbon tax on coal from 2024

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-11-14 03:35
The Albanian government is preparing to adjust to the EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) by increasing its tax on coal, as part of a 2024 budget draft that the finance ministry recently presented to the country's parliament.
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Satellite launched to precisely monitor installation-level CO2 emissions from space

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-11-14 03:13
The world’s first orbital sensor capable of identifying CO2 emissions from individual industrial sites was launched from the US into space this weekend.
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Restored natural forests could contribute more than 30% of planet’s carbon drawdown potential, says study

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-11-14 02:00
The ecological restoration of natural forests should be prioritised over plantations in climate action due to their staggering carbon storage potential as confirmed in updated estimates, according to a global study involving hundreds of researchers that was published on Monday.
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Let forests grow old to store huge volume of carbon – study

The Guardian - Tue, 2023-11-14 02:00

Report says cutting emissions should still be key priority as it cautions against mass monoculture tree-planting

Forest conservation and restoration could make a major contribution to tackling the climate crisis as long as greenhouse gas emissions are slashed, according to a study.

By allowing existing trees to grow old in healthy ecosystems and restoring degraded areas, scientists say 226 gigatonnes of carbon could be sequestered, equivalent to nearly 50 years of US emissions for 2022. But they caution that mass monoculture tree-planting and offsetting will not help forests realise their potential.

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UK government advisor stresses nature commitments as ministers reshuffle

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-11-14 00:36
A key political advisor to the UK government has stressed she is committed to fulfilling the country’s nature-related targets, including biodiversity credit action, the same day as a reshuffle of the country’s top ministers saw the environment secretary resign.
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Change in EU ETS compliance deadline may shift market seasonality, say participants

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-11-14 00:21
A new registry regulation implementing a five-month shift in the annual EU ETS compliance schedule may lead to a change in the market’s seasonality, moving the periods when prices tend to rise amid increasing compliance demand, according to European carbon market analysts and traders.
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EU says it will announce considerable contribution for climate damage fund

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2023-11-14 00:11
The EU’s climate chief announced on Monday that the bloc will contribute a “substantial” amount to a new fund for climate mitigation and adaptation as well as allocate further funding for renewables and energy efficiency on Monday.
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Iceland volcano: what will the impact be?

BBC - Tue, 2023-11-14 00:09
An eruption is thought imminent but its impact depends on where magma breaches the surface.
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Campaigners warn against Thames Water’s £250m effluent ‘recycling’ scheme

The Guardian - Tue, 2023-11-14 00:00

Scheme would involve abstracting water from the River Thames at Teddington and replacing it with treated sewage

Thames Water is facing a public backlash over a multimillion-pound water “recycling” scheme promoted as a solution to tackling climate crisis-induced droughts.

The technology involves using effluent from sewage treatment works, putting it through a further layer of treatment and releasing the treated water into a river, in order to replace the same amount of water that is abstracted off for drinking water.

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Legal challenge launched against UK government for focus on bioenergy removals

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 23:43
A key component of the British government’s climate plan is unlawful due to its reliance on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) removals, which will undermine the country's ability to achieve net zero by 2050, according to a legal case filed in a UK court.
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Carbon credits at risk of link to Uyghur forced labour bought by BP and Spotify

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-11-13 23:06

Credits sourced from carbon project that was centred on biomass power plant in Xinjiang, investigation finds

BP and Spotify were among companies who bought carbon credits at risk of being implicated in potential Uyghur forced labour, an investigation has found.

The credits were sourced from the Bachu carbon project, which was developed by South Pole, the world’s largest carbon consultancy. The project focussed on a biomass power plant in Xinjiang, China, which said it would lower global carbon emissions by using waste cotton stalks from nearby fields to generate electricity.

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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 22:35
European carbon prices slumped on Monday morning, giving up most of the gains posted at the end of last week as mild and windy weather and weaker energy prices combined to hearten the bears.
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World Bank wants Vietnam to auction off rice carbon credits before COP

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 20:23
The World Bank is working with Vietnam to progress an auction of excess carbon credits from the planned Mekong Delta Climate Change Adaptation plan and for the nation to plant 1 million hectares of low carbon rice.
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South Korea plans public-private climate fund to secure overseas carbon credits

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 20:06
South Korea is planning to set up a special climate fund with government and private investments, as the country is seeking to secure more credits from overseas carbon reduction projects to realise its climate goals, local media reported Monday.
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UK to launch carbon border measure to align with EU -FT

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 18:57
The UK is planning to launch its own carbon border adjustment mechanism that would mirror the full 2026 launch date of the EU’s programme, the FT reported on Monday, citing anonymous officials.
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Carbon stocks at least 70% higher in mixed forests than in monocultures -research

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 18:43
Aboveground carbon stocks in mixed planted forests could be a lot higher than in monocultures, new research has found, suggesting mixed forests could be far more effective as carbon sinks.
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South Korean, Australian firms to work on offshore, transborder CCS

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 18:36
South Korea’s SK E&S has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Australia’s Santos over carbon capture and storage collaboration, the latter said Monday.
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Queensland polystyrene spill: volunteers clean up as government response lags – video

The Guardian - Mon, 2023-11-13 18:03

Sunshine Coast locals have spent days on their hands and knees picking polystyrene balls off the beach. More than a week has passed since the balls were discovered, yet it is still unclear which government agency is responsible for leading the cleanup and investigating the cause.

Reports from volunteers indicate the balls spread over at least 5km of coastline and riverbank

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China introduces capacity payments to power stations to boost thermal plant profitability

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2023-11-13 17:33
China has introduced a capacity payment mechanism to improve the profitability of domestic thermal plants, a move the government claimed will support the country's low-carbon transition, though concerns have emerged as to whether the new policy will incentivise generators to build more coal.
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