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Fossil fuel divestment funds double to $5tn in a year

The Guardian - Tue, 2016-12-13 02:00

UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon welcomes new total revealing concern over coal, oil and gas investments has entered financial mainstream

The value of investment funds committed to selling off fossil fuel assets has jumped to $5.2tn, doubling in just over a year.

The new total, published on Monday, was welcomed by the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, who said: “It’s clear the transition to a clean energy future is inevitable, beneficial and well underway, and that investors have a key role to play.”

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Rapid rise in methane emissions in 10 years surprises scientists

The Guardian - Mon, 2016-12-12 23:29

Methane warms planet 20 times as much as similar CO2 volumes but lack of monitoring means scientists can’t be sure of sources

Emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas methane have surged in the past decade, threatening to thwart global attempts to combat climate change.

Scientists have been surprised by the surge, which began just over 10 years ago in 2007 and then was boosted even further in 2014 and 2015. Concentrations of methane in the atmosphere over those two years alone rose by more than 20 parts per billion, bringing the total to 1,830ppb.

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Energy thinktank cuts coal demand forecast for fifth year in row

The Guardian - Mon, 2016-12-12 21:45

Climate Home: IEA says global coal use is flatlining as China continues to restructure its economy

The volume of coal used across the world fell for the second year running in 2015 and is set to stay below peak levels in 2016, reported the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The influential thinktank – an autonomous Paris-based organisation – has downgraded its medium-term coal market forecast for the fifth year in a row and expects demand to plateau until 2021, but not fall fast enough to align with the international goal of holding global warming below 2C.

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On climate change, angels and demons are battling over Trump’s soul | Dana Nuccitelli

The Guardian - Mon, 2016-12-12 21:00

Trump is filling his administration with fossil fuel industry puppets; only Ivanka has a chance to preserve the climate

There are signs that a war may be brewing over President-elect Donald Trump’s climate legacy, and the bad guys are winning.

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Wind power key to curbing greenhouse emissions, study finds

The Guardian - Mon, 2016-12-12 20:35

Edinburgh University researchers say windfarm energy prevented 36m tonnes of harmful coal and gas emissions in six years

Wind power plays a key role in curbing greenhouse emissions from other energy sources such as coal and gas, a new study has shown.

Energy from windfarms in the UK prevented almost 36m tonnes of harmful carbon emissions in six years, equivalent to taking 2.3m cars off the road, the analysis found.

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Ice loss spreads up Antarctic glaciers

BBC - Mon, 2016-12-12 19:05
The scale and pace of change now taking place in West Antarctica is captured in a new, long-term satellite record that tracks the thinning of the region's huge glaciers.
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Squid set to top chippy menus as seawater warms up

The Guardian - Mon, 2016-12-12 17:00

Great British cod supper is under threat as cold-water fish are replaced by warm-water species, says researcher

It is the meal most associated with the UK, along with slurping tea and moaning about the weather. But the great British fish supper could be on the way out, replaced by more continental variations such as squid and chips, as seas continue to warm, the British Ecological Society will be told this week.

Britons may have to adopt a more continental diet when it comes to fish, as climate change sees cold-water fish such as cod gradually replaced by squid and other warm-water species, according to research led by Dr John Pinnegar of Cefas, the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science.

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A time for dinky birds and winter-kings

The Guardian - Mon, 2016-12-12 15:30

Airedale, West Yorkshire All of these birds – none weighing more than an ounce, and the smallest of them barely tipping the scales against a 10p piece – have a crisp, spruce look

At this time of year, it can sometimes seem as though the bare trees have been decked out with toy birds. The broad-spreading alder across the river is tinged purple-pink (the fuchsia-coloured catkins persist deep into the winter) and the branches are busy with tinkling finches: green siskins, bright motley goldfinches, chaffinches in pink and soft greys.

I pause on the riverbank as a detachment of long-tailed tits, perhaps a dozen or so, makes its shuttling way through the willows. For a few moments I’m surrounded by them, a cloud of them; beneath the familiar hubbub of zinging tsees and tsirrups, I can hear their soft chut, chut contact-calls. Dinkiest of all are the two tiny goldcrests that pick over a low-hanging ash branch while working through a programme of deft variations on the theme “upside-down”.

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AEMO wants to spend billions more on networks, gas

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 14:13
AEMO report sets out pressing challenges facing Australian electricity networks in future, looks to past for solutions.
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Know your NEM: Energy prices continue to rise as policy stagnates

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 14:02
Australia remains one of world's most expensive places to develop renewables, when it should be one of the cheapest.
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AEMO’s defence of “we didn’t know” underscores case for change

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 14:01
AEMO's latest report reinforces Alan Finkel's assessment that Australia's grid is not fit for 21st century, and needs rapid change. Its chairman compares fossil fuel plants to petrol cars, and struggles to accept the pace of technology change. You won't find a fuel cap on an electric car.
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Tesla reaches 200th destination EV charging point in Australia

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 13:40
Tesla’s Destination Charging network has reached its 200th site, with the latest located in South Australia’s McLaren Vale, a region internationally renowned for its wine.
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Cleantech stocks outperform ASX again in November

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 13:27
Australian CleanTech Index outperforms broader market again in November, marking 12 months of leading the ASX200 by more than 25%.
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Methane surge needs 'urgent attention'

BBC - Mon, 2016-12-12 12:39
Scientists say they are concerned at the rapid rate at which methane is gathering in the atmosphere.
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Squid may become favourite UK meal as seas become warmer.

BBC - Mon, 2016-12-12 12:37
Squid may end up on the British plate in place of old favourites such as cod as UK waters warm up.
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20MW Emu Downs solar project signs 12-year PPA

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 12:34
WA's first co-located solar PV power plant has cleared its final hurdle to realisation and will begin construction next month.
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Accelerating the shift to a vibrant Australian biofuels industry

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 12:34
Australia’s first advanced green fuels laboratory has opened its doors in regional Queensland, thanks to support from the ARENA.
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Qld battery boosting technology clears manufacturing hurdle

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2016-12-12 12:15
Queensland-based Nano-Nouvelle successfully trials mass production of its lithium-ion battery boosting nanotechnology.
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Methane from food production might be the next wildcard in climate change

The Conversation - Mon, 2016-12-12 12:15
Rice paddies are one of the major sources of methane in agriculture. Amir Jina/Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND

Methane concentrations in the atmosphere are growing faster than any time in the past 20 years. The increase is largely driven by the growth in food production, according to the Global Methane Budget released today. Methane is contributing less to global warming than carbon dioxide (CO₂), but it is a very powerful greenhouse gas.

Since 2014, methane concentrations in the atmosphere have begun to track the most carbon-intensive pathways developed for the 21st century by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The growth of methane emissions from human activities comes at a time when CO₂ emissions from burning fossil fuels have stalled over the past three years.

If these trends continue, methane growth could become a dangerous climate wildcard, overwhelming efforts to reduce CO₂ in the short term.

Methane concentration pathways from IPCC and observations from the NOAA measuring network (Saunois et al 2016, Environmental Research Letters). The projected global warming range by the year 2100, relative to 1850-1900, is shown for each pathway.

In two papers published today (see here and here), we bring together the most comprehensive ensemble of data and models to build a complete picture of methane and where it is going – the global methane budget. This includes all major natural and human sources of methane, and the places where it ends up in methane “sinks” such as the atmosphere and the land.

This work is a companion effort to the global CO₂ budget published annually, both by international scientists under the Global Carbon Project.

Where does all the methane go?

Methane is emitted from multiple sources, mostly from land, and accumulates in the atmosphere. In our greenhouse gas budgets, we look at two important numbers.

First, we look at emissions (which activities are producing greenhouse gases).

Second, we look at where this gas ends up. The important quantity here is the accumulation (concentration) of methane in the atmosphere, which leads to global warming. The accumulation results from the difference between total emissions and the destruction of methane in the atmosphere and uptake by soil bacteria.

CO₂ emissions take centre stage in most discussions to limit climate change. The focus is well justified, given that CO₂ is responsible for more than 80% of global warming due to greenhouse gases. The concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere (now around 400 parts per million) has risen by 44% since the Industrial Revolution (around the year 1750).

While CO₂ in the atmosphere has increased steadily, methane concentrations grew relatively slowly throughout the 2000s, but since 2007 have grown ten times faster. Methane increased faster still in 2014 and 2015.

Remarkably, this growth is occurring on top of methane concentrations that are already 150% higher than at the start of the Industrial Revolution (now around 1,834 parts per billion).

The global methane budget is important for other reasons too: it is less well understood than the CO₂ budget and is influenced to a much greater extent by a wide variety of human activities. About 60% of all methane emissions come from human actions.

These include living sources – such as livestock, rice paddies and landfills – and fossil fuel sources, such as emissions during the extraction and use of coal, oil and natural gas.

We know less about natural sources of methane, such as those from wetlands, permafrost, termites and geological seeps.

Biomass and biofuel burning originates from both human and natural fires.

Global methane budget 2003-2012 based on Saunois et al. 2016, Earth System Science Data. See the Global Carbon Atlas at http://www.globalcarbonatlas.org.

Given the rapid increase in methane concentrations in the atmosphere, what factors are responsible for its increase?

Uncovering the causes

Scientists are still uncovering the reasons for the rise. Possibilities include: increased emissions from agriculture, particularly from rice and cattle production; emissions from tropical and northern wetlands; and greater losses during the extraction and use of fossil fuels, such as from fracking in the United States. Changes in how much methane is destroyed in the atmosphere might also be a contributor.

Our approach shows an emerging and consistent picture, with a suggested dominant source along with other contributing secondary sources.

First, carbon isotopes suggest a stronger contribution from living sources than from fossil fuels. These isotopes reflect the weights of carbon atoms in methane from different sources. Methane from fossil fuel use also increased, but evidently not by as much as from living sources.

Second, our analysis suggests that the tropics were a dominant contributor to the atmospheric growth. This is consistent with the vast agricultural development and wetland areas found there (and consistent with increased emissions from living sources).

This also excludes a dominant role for fossil fuels, which we would expect to be concentrated in temperate regions such as the US and China. Those emissions have increased, but not by as much as from tropical and living sources.

Third, state-of-the-art global wetland models show little evidence for any significant increase in wetland emissions over the study period.

The overall chain of evidence suggests that agriculture, including livestock, is likely to be a dominant cause of the rapid increase in methane concentrations. This is consistent with increased emissions reported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation and does not exclude the role of other sources.

Remarkably, there is still a gap between what we know about methane emissions and methane concentrations in the atmosphere. If we add all the methane emissions estimated with data inventories and models, we get a number bigger than the one consistent with the growth in methane concentrations. This highlights the need for better accounting and reporting of methane emissions.

We also don’t know enough about emissions from wetlands, thawing permafrost and the destruction of methane in the atmosphere.

The way forward

At a time when global CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels and industry have stalled for three consecutive years, the upward methane trend we highlight in our new papers is unwelcome news. Food production will continue to grow strongly to meet the demands of a growing global population and to feed a growing global middle class keen on diets richer in meat.

However, unlike CO₂, which remains in the atmosphere for centuries, a molecule of methane lasts only about 10 years.

This, combined with methane’s super global warming potency, means we have a massive opportunity. If we cut methane emissions now, this will have a rapid impact on methane concentrations in the atmosphere, and therefore on global warming.

There are large global and domestic efforts to support more climate-friendly food production with many successes, ample opportunities for improvement, and potential game-changers.

However, current efforts are insufficient if we are to follow pathways consistent with keeping global warming to below 2℃. Reducing methane emissions needs to become a prevalent feature in the global pursuit of the sustainable future outlined in the Paris Agreement.

The Conversation

Pep Canadell receives funding from the National Environmental Science Program - Earth Sciences and Climate Change Hub.

Ben Poulter receives funding from the United States National Science Foundation, the United State Geological Society, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Marielle Saunois a reçu des financements de la Commission Européenne.

Paul Krummel is employed by CSIRO and receives funding from MIT, NASA, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Department of the Environment and Energy, and Refrigerant Reclaim Australia.

Philippe Bousquet a reçu des financements de la Commission Européenne

Rob Jackson receives funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation and Departments of Energy and Agriculture. He is a member of Stanford's Natural Gas Initiative, an industry affiliates program, working to reduce methane emissions.

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To boldly go

BBC - Mon, 2016-12-12 12:07
The BBC meets three Indian female scientists who prove that rocket science is not a male preserve.
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