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AGL bought Liddell for nothing, but would cost Turnbull a small fortune, and his credibility

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-09-07 14:20
Liddell was bought for nothing and for good reason - "it's clapped out". Turnbull's intervention raises probity issues and could have as devastating an impact on new technology as canning of the carbon price and the attempt to kill the RET.
Categories: Around The Web

Threatened species: pollies welcome blighted animals to Canberra

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 14:00

Australia’s politicians marked the country’s annual Threatened Species Day by welcoming a range of animals to Canberra – some of whom were more happy to be there than others. The day marks the death of the last Tasmanian thylacine in 1936

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Barnaby Joyce’s bizarre call to arms against “green peril”

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-09-07 13:45
Joyce says Australia under attack from “green peril”, that will only become apparent to all when the power goes out, leaving people stuck in a lift, busting for a pee. Oh, and he doesn't think India will want Australia's thermal coal. Say, what?
Categories: Around The Web

L.A. is painting its streets white to keep the city cool

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-09-07 13:38
While politicians waffle on climate change, Los Angeles is tackling the problem head on with a radical plan to lower the temperature of the city.
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Energy Efficiency market – commercial lighting takes centre stage

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-09-07 13:36
Whatever the recent VEEC market volatility may imply, it seems clear that the intent exists within government to bring about change, the question now remains what will the end result be?
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What does Hurricane Harvey mean for your super?

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-09-07 13:33
Though the awareness of climate risk disclosure has become more prevalent, such disclosures by Australian companies are still the exception rather than the norm.
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Ten electorates contain 600 threatened species – but will MPs fight to save them?

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 10:54

Federal funding for biodiversity conservation has dropped by 37% since 2013 and all MPs need to take greater action

Australia is rapidly losing its world-famous biodiversity. More than 90 species have gone extinct since European colonisation (including three in just the past decade) and more than 1,700 species are now formally recognised as being in danger of extinction.

Despite the pride many Australians feel in our unique natural heritage (and the billions of dollars made from nature-based tourism), the amount of federal funding for biodiversity conservation has dropped by 37% since 2013.

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Does the UK need a human 'body farm'?

BBC - Thu, 2017-09-07 10:51
Would British forensic science benefit from having its own outdoor laboratory to study human decomposition?
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Research grants 'boost jobs and growth'

BBC - Thu, 2017-09-07 10:15
A national study shows that R&D grants to firms significantly boosts growth and creates jobs.
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Chablis wine crop hit by changes to French climate

BBC - Thu, 2017-09-07 09:59
A wine producer in the Burgundy region of France blames climate change for this year's low yield.
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Just ten MPs represent more than 600 threatened species in their electorates

The Conversation - Thu, 2017-09-07 06:14
The critically endangered Leadbeater's Possum lives within a single federal electorate. Their local MP has a responsibility to be their voice. Zoos Victoria

Australia is rapidly losing its world-famous biodiversity. More than 90 species have gone extinct since European colonisation (including three in just the past decade), and more than 1,700 species are now formally recognised as being in danger of extinction.

Despite the pride many Australians feel in our unique natural heritage (and the billions of dollars made from nature-based tourism) the amount of federal funding for biodiversity conservation has dropped by 37% since 2013.

Read more: The environment needs billions of dollars more: here’s how to raise the money

If a local industry or public institution experienced such a drastic funding cut, the people affected would petition their local representatives and the issue would be raised in parliament as a matter of local or national importance.

Threatened species cannot of course lobby government. But all threatened species on the land have at least one elected official who should take responsibility for them.

Threatened species as local constituents

A member of parliament’s primary job, besides being a party member and parliamentarian, is to speak up for local interests. Data from the Species of National Environmental Significance shows that every federal electorate contains at least one threatened species, so every single federally elected politician has a role to play in abating species extinction.

We’ve used that data to create an interactive map that shows the number of threatened species in each federal electorate, along with details of the local MP and their party. It’s obvious from a glance that a handful electorates contain most of Australia’s threatened species. (You can click on an electorate to view information on the local member, and to download its threatened species lists.)

This is because species are not uniformly spread across the landscape, and also because electorate size varies hugely according to population density. The biggest electorate is the Division of Durack, which at 1.6 million square kilometres is half the size of Germany, while the smallest (the Division of Grayndler in inner Sydney) is 0.002% Durack’s size.

Because extremely large seats are in remote and rural areas, they are dominated by Liberal and National politicians. Melissa Price, the Liberal member for Durack, represents 359 threatened species, or about 20% of Australia’s total.

The box below highlights the 10 seats with the most threatened species. Between them, the members for these 10 electorates represent 609 – or 36% – of all threatened species in Australia. These MPs need to be empowered to protect the natural heritage of their electorates.

Green Fire Science, CC BY-ND

While this issue affects every MP, some 79 electorates contain a species that resides mainly – or even only – inside that electoral boundary. Several electorates have more than 50 species that rely on habitat found in one electorate, including the divisions of Durack (Liberal), O’Connor (Liberal), Lingiari (Labor), and Lyons (Labor).

The figure below shows electorates that contain more than 80% of a species’ range. The size of the bubble scales directly to the size of the electorate. It’s clear that some electorates are important sites of biodiversity.

Author provided

For example, Warren Entsch, the Liberal National member for Leichardt, has the endangered Golden shouldered parrot living entirely within his electoral boundaries. The federal division of Canberra, represented by Labour MP Gai Brodtmann, contains the entire habitat of the spectacular Brindabella Midge-orchid. These are just two of 79 members who can make such a claim.

Local members should not just be aware of this but active in saving these species.

While many of the factors that imperil threatened species come from far outside an electorate’s borders, local threatened species need local voices. As arguably the strongest local voice, all federal MPs can fight for more money and more action for threatened species, especially those within their electoral boundaries. And given the inequity in terms of threatened species per electorate, some will need to fight for much greater resourcing than others.

Extinction is forever, and every time we lose a species our world becomes a poorer place. Ultimately, only local action on the ground can prevent the irreversible loss of our precious threatened species.

The Conversation

James Watson receives funding from the Australian Research Council, the National Environmental Science Programme and the Science for Nature and People Partnership. He is the Director of the Science and Research Initiative at the Wildlife Conservation Society.

April Reside receives funding from NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub. She sits on the Black-throated Finch Recovery Team and Birdlife Australia's Research and Conservation Committee.

Hugh Possingham receives research funding from The Australian Research Council, the National Environmental Science Program and other small granting agencies. He is employed by The Nature Conservancy.

Martine Maron receives funding from the Australian Research Council, the National Environmental Science Programme, the Science for Nature and People Partnership, and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. She is a Director of BirdLife Australia and a Governor of WWF Australia.

Michelle Ward receives funding from an Australian Postgraduate Award. She is a volunteer for Wildcare Australia and a Commission Member for the IUCN WCPA.

Richard Fuller receives funding from the Australian Research Council and the National Environmental Science Programme.

Stephen Kearney receives funding from an Australian Postgraduate Award.

Brooke Williams and Scott Consaul Atkinson do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond the academic appointment above.

Categories: Around The Web

Climate change could wipe out a third of parasite species, study finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 04:08

Parasites such as lice and fleas are crucial to ecosystems, scientists say, and extinctions could lead to unpredictable invasions

Climate change could wipe out a third of all parasite species on Earth, according to the most comprehensive analysis to date.

Tapeworms, roundworms, ticks, lice and fleas are feared for the diseases they cause or carry, but scientists warn that they also play a vital role in ecosystems. Major extinctions among parasites could lead to unpredictable invasions of surviving parasites into new areas, affecting wildlife and humans and making a “significant contribution” to the sixth mass extinction already under way on Earth.

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Greater gliders: fears of 'catastrophic' consequences from logging in Victoria

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 04:00

Gliders listed as threatened by both state and federal governments, but they are not protected by legislation

Logging has begun in trees inhabited by the threatened greater gliders in a forest also inhabited by Victoria’s faunal emblem, the threatened Leadbeater’s possum.

Protections for the remaining Leadbeater’s possum population – believed to be fewer than 2,500 breeding individuals left in the wild – mean logging will be halted within 200m of known colonies. But no such protection exists for the greater gliders, which have been listed as threatened by both state and federal governments.

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Six farmers shot dead over land rights battle in Peru

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 03:04

The victims were targeted by a criminal gang who wanted to use their lands to grow lucrative palm oil, according to local indigenous leaders

Six farmers have been shot dead by a criminal gang who wanted to seize their farms to muscle in on the lucrative palm oil trade, according to indigenous Amazon leaders in Peru.

Local leaders in the central Amazon region of Ucayali say the victims were targeted last Friday because they had refused to give up their land.

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Huge Tunisian solar park hopes to provide Saharan power to Europe

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 03:03

Developer TuNur has applied to build a 4.5GW plant in the Sahara and pipe enough electricity via submarine cables to power two million European homes

An enormous solar park in the Sahara could soon be exporting electricity to Europe if Tunisia’s government approves an energy company’s request to build it.

The 4.5GW mega-project planned by TuNur would pipe electricity to Malta, Italy and France using submarine cables in the grandest energy export project since the abandoned Desertec initiative.

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Parents face fines for driving children to school in push to curb pollution

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 02:35

Many UK councils are planning to restrict parking and idling near school gates, with fines of up to £130 in some cases

Parents across the country face tough restrictions – and even fines – over driving their children to the school gates, in a push by councils on road safety and pollution.

As the new academic year begins, a survey of councils shows many are enforcing laws preventing parking immediately outside the school gates, using CCTV cameras and mobile monitoring vehicles to crack down on parents flouting the rules.

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Mars counters Trump's climate stance with $1bn sustainability plan

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-09-06 23:48

Confectionery firm also launches M&Ms renewable energy campaign as part of a growing corporate backlash against the US’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate deal

The corporate backlash is growing against Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, with Mars launching a $1bn sustainability plan and an M&M’s campaign centred on renewable energy.

It is the latest climate move by the family owned firm, which emerged as a vocal critic of the US president’s decision to pull out of the 2015 climate pact, saying it was “disappointed” with the withdrawal and stressing that corporations could not go it alone when it came to tackling climate change.

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Two-pilot glider team sets altitude record

BBC - Wed, 2017-09-06 23:37
The unique Perlan 2 glider reaches over 54,000ft in the skies above Argentina.
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Key site for endangered nightingales saved from development

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-09-06 23:02

Planning application for 5,000 houses in Kent is withdrawn following a long campaign but wildlife site remains at risk from future developments

One of the best sites in England for endangered nightingales will not be covered in 5,000 new houses after a long campaign by environmental charities.

The planning application to build on the former Ministry of Defence site of Lodge Hill, Kent, has been withdrawn ahead of a public inquiry into the controversial development.

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Ministers want 'ambitious' post-Brexit research deal

BBC - Wed, 2017-09-06 22:52
Options for collaboration between research communities post-Brexit will be set out in a government paper.
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