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If you’re cold and miserable this winter in your freezing Australian home, try this fun game | Deirdre Fidge

The Guardian - Sun, 2024-06-30 06:00

Cold or Wet? You think, squishing a sock betwixt red, swollen fingers. Cold or Wet? You wonder as you slide into icy sheets

Complaining is a universal language that creates social bonds quicker than chatting about positive topics. In these economic times it is a cheap way to treat yourself. When was the last time you had a little whinge? I indulged mere moments ago. Some call it negativity, I call it self-care, and there’s no better time than winter to complain because it is so cold.

My daily winter outfit in our sunburnt country is leggings, thermals, hoodie, flannelette shirt, beanie and slippers, and I’m considering buying gloves and a balaclava due to chilblains. Along with draping myself in blankets this has been a staple winter outfit for years in Melbourne and Sydney houses prone to mould, crumbling foundations and draftiness that could be attributed to poor insulation or ghosts. I like to imagine ghosts because they’re less spooky than landlords.

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More than 100 dolphins stranded in shallow water around Cape Cod

The Guardian - Sun, 2024-06-30 03:47

Volunteers work to herd Atlantic white-sided dolphins found Friday in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, into deeper water

More than 100 dolphins have become stranded in the shallow waters around Cape Cod on Friday in what an animal welfare group is calling “the largest single mass stranding event” in the organization’s 25-year history.

A group of Atlantic white-sided dolphins were found Friday in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, about 100 miles south-east of Boston, in an area called the Gut – or Great Island at the Herring River – which experts have said is the site of frequent strandings, due in part to its hook-like shape and extreme tidal fluctuations.

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Tory deputy chair dismissed sewage crisis as ‘political football’

The Guardian - Sat, 2024-06-29 19:00

Angela Richardson accuses campaigners against polluted water of putting Conservative MPs in danger

The Conservative party deputy chair Angela Richardson called the sewage crisis a “political football” and claimed opposition parties and activists had put Tory MPs in physical danger by campaigning on the issue.

Richardson, who is standing for re-election in Guildford, where the River Wey was recently found to have 10 times the safe limit of E coli, also suggested the only reason people were talking about the problem was “because the Conservatives let everyone know it was happening”.

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Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 accelerates net zero efforts with carbon removal credit purchases

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 16:07
The Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One team has announced new investments in carbon removal initiatives as part of its ambition to become one of the world’s most sustainable sports teams.
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Canada clean fuels supply triples from rising imports, weighing on credit prices

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 11:33
Compliance credit average prices in Canada’s Clean Fuels Regulation (CFR) declined year-on-year as supply tripled from low-carbon-intensity fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel, as imports flooded the nascent market according to the environment ministry’s first preliminary credit market report.
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Canada modifies carbon intensity values of several feedstocks for Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 11:04
Canada has updated the carbon intensity values of various feedstocks used in the federal Fuel Life Cycle Assessment Model, including national and international grid electricity processes, fossil fuels, and crops.
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Speculators book profits as RGAs peak, add V25 CCA length

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 08:12
Financial entities continued to trim RGGI allowance (RGA) positions as prices hit new all-time highs, while favouring long-dated California Carbon Allowances (CCA) for the fifth consecutive week despite traders reducing net CCA length across the board, according to weekly data from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
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New study advocates balanced government incentives, penalties for carbon offsetting in tourism

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 07:37
The world’s governments should balance incentives with penalties to foster more effective carbon offsetting in the tourism industry, a new study recommends.
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Verra inactivates more voluntary carbon project methodologies

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 06:58
Voluntary carbon standard Verra on Friday inactivated more project methodologies, adding to the list of protocols being removed from service due to low use or revisions.
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California-based research group estimates over 200k ARB offsets lost in recent wildfires

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 06:24
A California-based non-profit research group estimated that recent wildfires in New Mexico have eliminated almost 202,000 offsets eligible under regulator ARB's compliance scheme, according to a Wednesday blog post.
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US EPA power plant standards to reduce emissions by up to 240 Mt by 2035 -research group

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 04:25
A controversial suite of US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards on existing coal and new natural gas plants will reduce CO2 power emissions by 155-241 million tonnes by 2035 but fail to see carbon capture and storage (CCS) deployed at a wide scale, according to a note published Thursday by a New York-based research group.
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SCOTUS overturns Chevron doctrine, hindering future environmental rulemaking

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 02:32
The US Supreme Court on Friday overturned the so-called Chevron doctrine, a 40-year-old precedent which held that judges should defer to the expertise of federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are unclear.
Categories: Around The Web

BRIEFING: EU climate policy focus turning to trade and foreign relations, officials say

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 02:17
The EU’s climate agenda in the past five years has been focused chiefly on domestic action, but the next phase of policymaking will see a growing emphasis on international relations and trade, EU and national officials said on Thursday.
Categories: Around The Web

Quake it off: Which Swift song moved Wembley most?

BBC - Sat, 2024-06-29 02:01
Wembley invited seismologists to set up monitors around the stadium for her first three London dates.
Categories: Around The Web

Denmark offers subsidies to kick-start CCS development

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-06-29 01:16
Denmark has kick-started the bidding process for winning a government subsidy to build carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities in the country.
Categories: Around The Web

Nature-based avoidance credits ‘red flag’ for potential investors -report

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2024-06-28 22:53
Avoidance offsets, both legacy technology-based and nature-based avoidance credits with co-benefits, are the highest risk areas in the current voluntary carbon market, according to a report published this week.
Categories: Around The Web

Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2024-06-28 22:34
European carbon prices continued their week-long slide on Friday morning to set yet another two-month low as the market headed for a weekly loss amid declining liquidity and a narrowing price range, while power and coal markets also looked set to record a second weekly drop and natural gas was little changed from last Friday.
Categories: Around The Web

Wildlife smugglers 'freer to offend' after police cuts

BBC - Fri, 2024-06-28 22:20
A top police wildlife crime unit tackling global smuggling is to be effectively axed, the BBC learns.
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