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Britain has last chance to save endangered birds and animals
RSPB boss warns of a devastating loss of wildlife if three new parliamentary bills do not rein in UK farming practices
Ministers may have only 12 months to rescue Britain’s degraded environment and to save its endangered birds and animals. That is the stark conclusion of Michael Clarke, chief executive of the RSPB, who has warned that parliamentary bills – to be published over the next year – will have to make crucial changes to the way our farms and fisheries are run if the wildlife and landscape of the nation are to be rescued from their dangerously depleted condition.
“We are on a cusp, and if we fail to act decisively we will pay the price in coming years,” Clarke told the Observer last week.
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'Clearly wrong': Labor says new documents show Coalition's reef grant failure
Government’s claims that it did extensive due diligence for funding to foundation don’t add up, says opposition
The Labor party says the government’s claims that it conducted extensive due diligence for a $443.8 m grant to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation are “clearly wrong”, following revelations the department of environment and energy warned there were “significant” risks the grant would delay on-the ground projects.
Documents obtained by Guardian Australia under freedom of information laws showed no mention by the environment and energy department of the record grant until 12 April, three days after a meeting between the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, the environment and energy minister, Josh Frydenberg, and the foundation’s chairman, John Schubert.
Continue reading...Best of Life Matters: Inside the Bureau of Meteorology, sleeplessness and bad decision making, space weather, fly fishing and living in nature
Magical and misunderstood sea snakes
Social licence lacking for coal seam gas in northern NSW
What's the truth about spiders in our homes?
UK public backs tough action on plastic waste in record numbers
Size of consultation response could lead to ‘latte levy’ and other fiscal measures in budget
An unprecedented number of people have backed tough action against plastic waste in a government consultation that could pave the way for a series of fiscal measures in the autumn budget.
The government will say response is evidence that there is broad public support for reducing single-use plastic waste through measure such as a “latte levy” on coffee cups, similar to the plastic bag charge, and tax incentives for recycling.
Continue reading...CP Daily: Friday August 17, 2018
California LCFS Roundup: Prices scale new average highs in July while the ARB publishes latest rulemaking
A Big Country 18 August 2018
Great Barrier Reef grant risked delaying action, government was warned
Exclusive: Giving $444m dollars to small foundation could delay on-ground work, documents reveal
The government was warned that there was a “significant” risk that on-the-ground projects for the Great Barrier Reef could be delayed because of a $443.8m grant to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, documents reveal.
The documents, obtained by the Guardian under freedom of information laws, also show the environment department and the office of the environment minister, Josh Frydenberg, discussing a $5m “reef islands” grant, but do not contain any mention of the much larger grant until after the 9 April meeting where it was offered.
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EU Market: EUAs climb back above €18 to stay close to ten-year high
Blow for EPA as court blocks bid to slacken safety rules for chemical plants
‘Capricious’ EPA forbidden from delaying the enforcement of chemical safety rule drawn up by Obama administration
A federal court has blocked an attempt by the Trump administration to delay safety regulations for chemical plants – the latest in a string of recent legal setbacks for the administration in its attempts to reverse environmental standards.
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The week in wildlife – in pictures
An anaesthetised polar bear, a surprising pine marten and a potty-mouthed parrot are among this week’s images
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World is finally waking up to climate change, says 'hothouse Earth' author
Report predicting spiralling global temperatures has been downloaded 270,000 times in just a few days
The scorching temperatures and forest fires of this summer’s heatwave have finally stirred the world to face the onrushing threat of global warming, claims the climate scientist behind the recent “hothouse Earth” report.
Following an unprecedented 270,000 downloads of his study, Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, said he had not seen such a surge of interest since 2007, the year the Nobel prize was awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Continue reading...Older than dinosaurs: last South African coelacanths threatened by oil exploration
Just 30 of the prehistoric fish known to exist, raising fears oil wells will push it to extinction
Bright blue, older than dinosaurs and weighing as much as an average-sized man, coelacanths are the most endangered fish in South Africa and among the rarest in the world.
Barely 30 of these critically-endangered fish are known to exist off the east coast of South Africa, raising concern that a new oil exploration venture in the area could jeopardise their future.
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