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India energy minister flags massive 100GW solar tender

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 15:38
India's energy minister flags massive solar tender of 100GW - by far the biggest in the world. Wake up Australia.
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Australian car fleet could be 90% EVs by 2050

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 15:36
Report forecasts moderate policy intervention could see EV sales at 615,000 a year by 2030, put EVs at 90% of cars on roads by 2050.
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Blades now turning at Acciona’s Mt Gellibrand wind farm

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 15:35
The first turbine has now been switched on and the blades have started turning, generating the first megawatts of renewable energy at ACCIONA’s Mt Gellibrand wind farm in Victoria.
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Join the dots: Industry must push for higher NEG targets

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 15:33
NEG's low-ball target for electricity means burden falls on other sectors, and makes no economic or engineering sense.
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UK gardeners urged to build ponds as sightings of frogs and toads dry up

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-06-21 15:28

Sightings of toads have fallen by nearly a third and frogs by 17% since 2014, RSPB survey finds

People with gardens are being urged to create simple ponds or areas of long grass because sightings of frogs and toads in gardens are drying up.

Reports of toads in gardens have fallen by nearly a third since 2014, while sightings of frogs have dropped by 17% over the same period, according to the Big Garden Birdwatch, the RSPB’s wildlife survey.

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Millions of British children breathing toxic air, Unicef warns

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-06-21 15:01

More than 4.5m affected, says UN group, while tests suggest children’s shorter height increases exposure on busy roads

More than 4.5 million children in the UK are growing up in areas with toxic levels of air pollution, the UN children’s organisation Unicef has warned.

Tests suggesting that children walking along busy roads are exposed to a third more air pollution than adults, as their shorter height places them close to passing car exhausts, were also released on Thursday.

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EV leader Norway looks to the skies

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 14:42
Norway, the world leader in electric vehicle adoption, is now looking to make Norwegian skies as green as their roads.
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Country diary: the glorious fauna of a north Pennine meadow

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-06-21 14:30

Mickleton, Teesdale: Flowering grasses are an ethereal presence, graceful and constantly moving

At the eastern end of the viaduct that carries the Tees railway path across the River Lune there is a hay meadow that starts to flaunt its charms in spring, with a display of starry white meadow saxifrage.

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Simec Zen signs contracts with Wirsol for two new solar farms

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 14:05
Simec Zen Energy signs contracts for two new solar farms to provide cheap electricity to industrial users in Victoria and Queensland.
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Tasmania may double size of hydro plant, in first step of big battery plans

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 13:31
ARENA backs feasibility study in Hydro Tasmania's plan to double capacity of 104MW Tarraleah Hydro Scheme – a "start" for bigger "battery of the nation" plans.
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How rapidly can we transition to 100% renewable electricity?

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 13:28
Science tells us that, to avoid devastating climate change, we must rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero. How fast is possible?
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Gupta backs Adelaide push for Formula-E electric Grand Prix

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 13:23
Sanjeev Gupta, the UK-based steel billionaire with plans to create a "solar-based" manufacturing economy in Australia, and build electric cars, is now backing a push to bring the Formula-E electric street racing series to South Australia.
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Lowy Institute Poll shows Australians' support for climate action at its highest level in a decade

The Conversation - Thu, 2018-06-21 13:03
The latest annual survey from the Lowy Institute shows that 59% of Australians support strong climate action, and 84% want the government to embrace renewable energy even if it's more expensive. Matt McDonald, Associate Professor of International Relations, The University of Queensland Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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WIRSOL Energy signs two new power off-take agreements with SIMEC ZEN Energy

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 12:26
WIRSOL Energy has reached a landmark agreement with SIMEC ZEN Energy, the Australian energy arm of Sanjeev Gupta’s GFG Alliance, by contracting the majority of energy production from two large Australian Solar Farms.
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Deeply dippy

BBC - Thu, 2018-06-21 10:43
Dippy the diplodocus is proving a huge draw on its UK-wide tour. Why are some people so fascinated with dinosaurs?
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SolarEdge unveiling electric vehicle charging station at Intersolar Europe

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-06-21 09:14
Following the recent debut of its EV-charging single-phase inverter, SolarEdge will now also provide a standalone EV charger that offers greater system design flexibility.
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CP Daily: Wednesday June 20, 2018

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-21 06:56
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web

RINs gain on rumours of reallocated US biofuel volumes

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-21 06:19
Prices for US biofuels credits under the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) rose on Wednesday afternoon after several outlets reported that the EPA may reallocate waived compliance obligations in the agency’s upcoming 2019 rulemaking package.
Categories: Around The Web

New river council will give traditional owners in the Kimberley a unified voice

The Conversation - Thu, 2018-06-21 06:06
The new Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council aims to overcome a management problem faced by many traditional owners: the fact that major rivers flow through lands home to many different groups and languages. Sue Jackson, Professor, ARC Future Fellow, Griffith University Sarah Laborde, Postdoctoral Researcher, Griffith University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

EU Market: EUA prices jump late as June options expire

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2018-06-21 04:01
EU carbon prices jumped late on Wednesday to end up 1.8%, in a move likely related to today’s options expiries.
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