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EU Market: EUAs ascend €13 mark after stronger auction
How to revive drowsy bees
China puts the brakes on solar power expansion
NZ Market: NZUs slide in quiet trade but remain near all-time highs
Japan-Thailand JCM programme sees first offset issuance
Hard Brexit would mean more and cheaper British fish – but there's a catch
Exclusive: Taking back control of UK waters would lower the price of British-caught fish, new analysis shows – but most of the fish we eat is imported
A hard Brexit that banned EU fishermen from UK waters would lead to many more fish being landed by British boats and a corresponding drop in prices, according to new economic analysis.
But there’s a catch. Two-thirds of the fish UK consumers eat are imported from overseas, and the costs of those would rise, due to the trade barriers resulting from a hard Brexit. Moreover, the fall in the price of UK fish would lead to a drop in earnings for UK fishermen. Overall, the analysis shows closing the UK’s sea borders would be a “lose-lose situation” for both UK and EU consumers and fishing industries.
Continue reading...Warmshowers: why free hospitality for bike tourists is a priceless experience | Joshua Cunningham
The global network of 85,000 members runs on goodwill and a ‘pay it forward’ philosophy, allowing riders to navigate the lonely and sometimes testing side of cycle touring and connect with kindred spirits
Imagine you’re nearing the end of another long day in the saddle, partway through your latest cycling tour. Your panniers feel heavy and your tyres sticky as you drag your bike over the final climb of the day. You pull your map out and wrestle with the foreign characters on the paper, trying to match them with those on the road sign ahead.
Continue reading...The Victoria mansion leading the exodus off the grid
Country diary: the buzz of springtime
Ferry Meadows, Peterborough: The sun is shining and tiny furrow bees join other species feeding on pollen and nectar
Spring arrives on many small wings. During the winter insects could be accused of having resorted to being life in the undergrowth, but the freezing easterlies have passed and the gentle warmth of the sun releases the bees and flies from their deep slumbers to again become life in the air.
Related: Ferry Meadows, Peterborough: Floodplains that should remain just that
Continue reading...£10m a year needed to ensure England's soil is fit for farming, report warns
Soil erosion and water pollution caused by poor farming practices mean land could become too poor to sustain food crops by the end of the century
England must invest £10m a year to ensure its soil is productive enough to continue to grow food by the end of the century, a new report warns.
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