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Review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011
The review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011 has started. The Department is actively seeking input from industry, governments and the general public to ensure the Act is effective and delivering the best outcomes for business and the environment.
Categories: Around The Web
Review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011
The review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011 has started. The Department is actively seeking input from industry, governments and the general public to ensure the Act is effective and delivering the best outcomes for business and the environment.
Categories: Around The Web
Improving national waste data and reporting
The Department commissioned national consultation with industry, governments, researchers and non-government organisations on improvements we could make in our national data and reporting on waste. This report outlines key proposed changes.
Categories: Around The Web
Improving national waste data and reporting
The Department commissioned national consultation with industry, governments, researchers and non-government organisations on improvements we could make in our national data and reporting on waste. This report outlines key proposed changes.
Categories: Around The Web
Improving national waste data and reporting
The Department commissioned national consultation with industry, governments, researchers and non-government organisations on improvements we could make in our national data and reporting on waste. This report outlines key proposed changes.
Categories: Around The Web
Improving national waste data and reporting
The Department commissioned national consultation with industry, governments, researchers and non-government organisations on improvements we could make in our national data and reporting on waste. This report outlines key proposed changes.
Categories: Around The Web
Energy Security Board releases initial design paper on the National Energy Guarantee
The independent Energy Security Board has released an initial design paper on the National Energy Guarantee. The Australian Government has released an update on the design elements it is responsible for.
Categories: Around The Web
States wave through NEG that is even worse than thought
States quickly agree on approval for more work to be done on National Energy Guarantee. But concerns remain about the emissions target, and new analysis that suggests the electricity sector is being asked to address just 5 per cent of required reductions.
Categories: Around The Web
Rental efficiency standards a winner with voters
Polling shows 80% of voters support efficiency standards for rental homes, which should encourage the Victorian government to finally deliver this critical reform as part of its review of rental laws.
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NEG modelling assumes electricity to deliver just 5% of emission cuts
Given the electricity sector accounts for around one-third of national emissions, it must be asked why the government is only seeking to achieve 5% of the required abatement from the NEM.
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Rental solar scheme targets 15,000 Queensland investment homes
Queensland property groups join forces to install solar and smart technology on 15,000 investment properties across the state, offering bill crunching PV to landlords and renters.
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Graph of the Day: Why EV uptake could match solar PV
New IEA report reveals a striking resemblance between the path electric vehicle penetration is currently on, and the path solar PV has been charting.
Categories: Around The Web
CP Daily: Thursday April 19, 2018
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web
Pears Report: It’s time to get really smart about e-bikes
We need more focus on e-bikes and low speed EVs. My dream is a fold-up e-scooter with an integrated bag so it can become a wheelie bag on public transport.
Categories: Around The Web
Oxford Dodo was shot in head, scans find
The world-famous specimen is the world's best-preserved example of the extinct bird.
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California stakeholders disagree on post-2020 price tiers, supply measures
Stakeholder comments on potential updates and revisions to California’s cap-and-trade programme after 2020 have revealed a rift over the levels at which the state should set its various price tiers and how it should address overallocation in the scheme.
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Closing gender gap in physics 'will take generations'
The gender gap in science subjects like physics is likely to persist for hundreds of years, study suggests.
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National Trust needs to be 'radical'
The new director-general of the National Trust says the charity needs to reach out to people in urban areas.
Categories: Around The Web
NA Markets: RGGI advances on limited buying as WCI prices stagnate
North American carbon markets were relatively low-key this week, with east coast prices moving up 3% on a brief surge of buying interest, while WCI prices stagnated amid a lack of interest in outright futures.
Categories: Around The Web
Talking trash about the plastic-free life
Once upon a time, Erin Rhoads had no idea about what it meant to be eco-friendly. After watching one life-changing movie, she now lives a zero waste, plastic-free life.
Categories: Around The Web